Covid 19 🐐- It's Back Baby!

Repeat: go fuck yourself, you despicable lowlife. The inanities of alickadoo-ism and Kevin Myers… You are the dregs of a parasite class in Ireland. You probably have a reasonably smart sibling somewhere in the mix. But you likely got the brains and the personality of some godforsaken aunt that had to be kept in the back of some provincial shop in the 1950s.

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:rofl: I know who you are :rofl:

Do you not drink on Mondays? You seem even more psychotic than normal.

Just the double edit to get there.

Ho ho ho.

Dim Twiggins’ specialist subject on Mastermind: ‘My eyesight. My eyesight!’

Now fuck off. I know you are fascinated by me – but fuck along. Along with that other gom, you are the most despicable and risible fuckwit here. If I was as rightwing as dolts like you, I would have ye all sterilized, for society’s longer term greater good.

Just as well I am a pleasant well balanced individual.

Unlike you, I am from very good stock. None of mine needed to go to America.

There we have it, Irish who went to America are somehow less than those who stayed in Ireland.

The mask always slips.


Whatever our differences with @Malarkey i think we can all appreciate this sort of insult


Sypillus can do strange things to the mind.

Ok. I’m putting it down to George soros, micro plastics and double glazing.

Now whats causing all these excess deaths!?

Seems as though he thinks emigrants are lower beings alright. Telling.

I’m sure he has one of his stock insults to come back with to get a couple of chaps excited.

Wokeness is a terrible mixer with whiskey

Angry, nasty man. You came up with an analogy you thought was genius. You were so proud you used it twice. It was a shit analogy. Thats nobody’s fault but your own.
Above you’ve clearly decided that you like the word fetish today and are determined to use it, but for no good reason. I clearly didnt fetishize anything.
As for alternatives, of course there were. No lockdown, shorter lockdown, focus on boosting immunity and health in the knowledge that most people would get the virus, not fucking over the elderly and children, not deciding to fuck people untested into nursing homes, having the balls to take advice on board from scientists and modify it rather than hide behind it even use all the covid tests that were available… these were all options…
Anyway, have a great evening bashing the keypad thinking you’re a mixture of Joyce and cuchulainn.


Look, I could not give a flying one about what you think. You are just, at very best, an irritation.

Emote and guff away. The reality is that you fetishized using the word ‘different’ as if that word could bear all your oh so precious trembling insight into alternatives to lockdown. No one forced you to use the word. But of course you did use it, being analytically illiterate.

As for alternatives, of course there were. No lockdown, shorter lockdown, focus on boosting immunity and health in the knowledge that most people would get the virus, not fucking over the elderly and children, not deciding to fuck people untested into nursing homes, having the balls to take advice on board from scientists and modify it rather than hide behind it even use all the covid tests that were available

Flushed banality upon flushed banality. But hey, well done. You did at least hit your personal mark, un homme moyen mediocre.

Anyway, have a great evening bashing the keypad thinking you’re a mixture of Joyce and cuchulainn.

But hey, thanks. That comment amused me. And I will enjoy spending the evening not traipsing in a canine circle, sniffing the matey hole in front of me, all the little poodle contrarians together. I like to have my own thoughts, in open air.

‘Thoughts’ can be the Sesame Street word for another day’s lesson.

Dog picture or picture of some woman (bizarre one that) incoming

Brain injury local area co-ordinator, Elisa O’Donovan said the purpose-built rehabilitation centre in the heart of Limerick city will help Headway to expand.

He’s not even aware of who he is replying to :grinning:

Quite the Monday alright, we can only aspire.