Covid 19 šŸ- It's Back Baby!

Great to see lads taking a non-binary approach where it really matters

Some rework of the same observation he jotted down in his notebook years ago coming right up.

Some excellent debating going on here

Calm down Fr. Jack. Stay away from the whiskey.



Seems a sensible report. Find out what worked, what didnā€™t and use findings to help prepare for the next pandemic. One glaring ommission is there is no mention of jailing people for implementing public health measuress during a pandemic that prevented lads from heading down to the local for a few pints.


Or making provision to ensure they ā€˜die roaringā€™

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Lads who recommended face masks claim face masks work shocker

For every study that claims lockdowns work, thereā€™s a study that claims they donā€™t work. Any study that ignores the harms of lockdowns as this one does is dishonest, as the fundamental question now is did the benefits outweight the harms.

There have been tens of thousands of studies on lockdown measures and their impact, the most comprehemsive meta analysis was done by Johns Hopkins researchers who concluded that the actual lockdown measures undertaken reduces mortality in the US and Europe by 0.2%. There were roughly 3 million Covid deaths in Europe and US (2.1 million in Europe, 1,1 million in US0), so lockdown measures saved an incremental 6,000 lives, 4,000 in Europe, 2,000 in US.

So the question you have to ask yourself is, was it worth it? Children denied education and social interaction, the impact of isolation on mental health, domestic violence, job losses and the destruction of small businessses, soaring crime (murders surged by 30% in the US during Covid), etc.

Hereā€™s the conclusions of the John Hopkins study: ā€œWhile lockdowns have had little to no public health effects, they imposed enormous economic and social costs where they have been adopted. In consequence, lockdown policies are ill founded and should be rejeted as pandemic policy instrumentā€.


Iā€™d say you canā€™t wait. I can sense the giddy anticipation.

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His transistor radio, flashlight and spare batteries are in their place behind the sofa as we speak

No, not a random group of ā€œ[l]adsā€. The Royal Society made that claim and implicit recommendation.

But by all means give us your superior credentials to The Royal Society. Give us the ways in which you know more and know better than their experts. Do you have a doctorate in Nursing from the University of Bolton, for instance?

Here are, meanwhile, two key sentences from their report: ā€œThere is sufficient evidence to conclude that early, stringent implementation of packages of complementary NPIs was unequivocally effective in limiting Sars-CoV-2 infections. That does not mean every NPI was effective in every setting, or at all times, but learning the lessons from the wealth of research generated in this pandemic will be key to equipping ourselves for the next one.ā€

Translation: common sense and non absolutist mindset.

Exactly what I, and a few others here, recommended from March 2020 onwards.

Go fuck yourself.

And I got more chanterelles on Wednesday.

I only wish the government was paying me to pick them.

Grand so long as they didnā€™t actually die from covid though

Says the ladeen who decried in 2020 the very idea of variants and who bellowed ā€˜Done with Covid!ā€™ in summer 2020.

There is no eejit like an acutely egotistical eejit.

The fact remains that ladeens like you have absolutely no solution to offer, even retrospectively, than the kango wing nut one: ā€˜Everyone should have been let get Covid!ā€™

You are the same ladeen who invested, back in 2020, a great deal of time and stupidity in the supposed quick fix solution of ā€˜herd immunityā€™. As I pointed out at the time, you cannot have herd immunity when you have ease of reinfection. Doh.

Thank the gods I never did a Science degree. Doing one, on present evidence, is clearly a solvent for intelligence and common sense.

You didnā€™t even understand the basic concept of a vaccine you pleb.