Covid 19 🐐- It's Back Baby!

I have genuinely never seen so much stupid coalesce in so few sentences.

Would you ever stick to arranging faction fights with lads from the next village and leave Covid analysis to the experts.


I need not say ‘Delude yourself away’ because your ego will take care of that imperative. Always does.

You are a brain dead obnoxious personality alibi merchant with a few pick ‘n’ mix right wing bullshit ‘beliefs’. And you proved all of those truths, and more, in 2020.

Now fuck off back to your own little world. Posting up that Guardian article is not a visa.

Good man, it’s very important to have ambitions. I’d say you have a right sup in already today.

Ah yeah, I have a bottle of Green Spot drank already. [Hint: repeating the same inadequate nonsense is not wit. Quite the opposite.] But I would, even if I had, still be a fair bit more coherent than you at your very best.

Then again, I suppose being so egotistical is an awful big help for the likes of you. If you were not so egotistical, being so stupid sure would be an awful drag.

I have met a lot of ladeens like you. One eyebrow, same amount of brain cells. I suppose ye are to be pitied.

The credentials of the Royal Society :rofl:

You mean people like Neil Ferguson, fellow of the Royal Society? The strongest advocate for strict lockdowns in the UK, while driving acorss London for clandestine trysts with his mistress.

Lockdowns for thee but not for me.

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Neil Ferguson’s penis as best rationale for non lockdown…

I think we can all see who is the real flute.

How many deaths did lickdown cause?

Is @Watchyourtoes Cllr Elisa O’Donovan?


You tell me. You think you are the expert.

I think we should stop having these exchanges. For instance, you said here to me recently that Covid infection rates just go up and down as they like, in quasi seasonal fashion, and no human intervention of any kind can affect those rates in the slightest. You actually made that claim with a straight e face. Said claim is so plainly and so outlandishly nonsensical as to make pointless discussing Covid with you.

What you actually have, alas, is a bad dose of spoiled religion.

How did you get on with the covid quiz? I’m assuming you avoided it in order to maintain the delusion.
Ive no doubt lockdowns enabled some to avoid covid, for a while at least. But the evidence showing the rise and fall of unfections in different countries shows that the pattern was the same regardless of measures taken.
But i accept tour point that individual experiences will differ. I’m more interested in the overall effectiveness.

Do you think any scientist in your royal society could point to a graph and pinpoint where an intervention took place? Of course not,…but you know this

Look, you talked nonsense at the start and got Covid completely wrong. You were one of the main sneerers at the idea of ‘variants’ and you kept battering on about ‘herd immunity’ as a fix long after it became clear said concept was a chimera where Covid is concerned. For whatever reason, you are unable to admit you were wrong. Hence you keep going round and round in a TFK hamster wheel on the subject. If nothing else, I am bored. You are perfectly capable of being interesting and coherent on many other subjects but not on this one. As said before, many times: if you had the knowledge you claim to hold about Covid, you could have become an extremely wealthy man. You do not. And you did not.

Your position – ‘Nearly everyone else is wrong and I know better, because… Well, because’ – is simply not tenable. You can indulge the various strands of bullshit you indulge because you live in a society that locked down and where 95%+ of people took a Covid vaccine, thereby freeing up that society again. You are like a man on a trampoline decrying bounciness.

From what I can glean, you have some sort of ‘sticking it to ‘The Man’ anti authority schtick’ going on. Yet you somehow see no contradiction in lauding Putin. You also lauded goons and thugs ‘demonstrating’ in the streets of London simpIy because they were there. As I said to you at the time, a lug is a lug is a lug, whatever the context. I find such stuff tedious in the extreme.

How many deaths did misinformation about vaccines cause? How many died because they followed medical advice from the likes of Josh Rogan and took horse dewormer?

It’s called an epidemic curve, and yes you can mitigate it but only with strict adherence (think China, doors nailed shut). Half assed lockdowns where people are free to go to the supermarket with a rag around their face had limited or no effect when you are dealing with an airborne virus.

Nobody sensible is suggesting that the vulnerable didn’t need to isolate or that care homes and hospitals needed urgent measures. But the virus was not a serious threat to children and reasonably healthy adults, so trying to lock everyone up for extended periods was incredibly stupid and counterproductive. There is also the fact it didn’t work, over 2 million died in Europe, so much for lockdowns. And no, millions more would not have died because essentially everyone had been exposed by end of 2020 and the vast majority were mildly sick or asymtomatic.

Humans are social creatures, in western societies they will not adhere to stay at home orders for long, maybe a few weeks. Neil Fersuson wasn’t the only one who needed a ride.

Anyone who thinks the 26 county state in Ireland did not need, with extreme urgency, to lockdown on December 23, 2020 is simply in the grip of a mania – a mania derived, most often, from right wing ideology.

No amount of guff will change that reality – the same reality as reinfection making ‘herd immunity’ a nonsense idea.

The sensible commonsensical pragmatic non absolutist people were broadly correct. And the rigid dogmatic idelogical loons were entirely wrong.

Which is not to say corruption and malpractice were absent. They were present. And the relevant people should be held to legal flames.

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I rrally think you need to step back from the simplistic notion that if you never go near anyone you won’t get the virus. I understand how beguiling it is,on a personal level. But sensible fellas like ourselves need to take a broader view- even if it wounds our pride a little?

So - what?

Lock the vulnerable up in air tight rooms with no social interaction while the rest of the population jollied it up?

Anyone with an ounce of decency or human compassion wouldn’t even dream of such a situation.

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The reason Ireland had to lockdown with extreme urgency on December 23, 2020 is because your brain dead leaders in early December encouaged having a meaningful Christmas, a green light for everyone including a lot of vulnerable people to rush to the pubs.

Nobody is saying sensible restrictions were not needed, no crowded events, avoid busy venues, stay at home if you are vulnerable, ventilation and air circulation, wear a N95 mask if you are around the vulnerable.

In short, the measures that Sweden took.

Eeehhhh that happened regardless.

Air tight rooms? Are you a moron? Even Luke O’Neill recommneded leaving them by an open window.

Your leaders murdered half the nursing home population and you’re talking about compassion? Cop the fuck on.

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