Covid 19 šŸ- It's Back Baby!

Theyā€™re the best kind


We also had scenes of hospitals being overrun and fear was that we were going to have a general population meltdown. The timing of the clear out came pre lockdown when the strategy was to contain before mitigations.

As it happened, people adjusted their behaviour well in advance of lockdowns and the doomsday hospital projections of March 2020 didnā€™t materialise to the degree originally feared.

It was a massive error and it is right that people are held accountable but I donā€™t think it was about not caring about the elderly.

The real failures in care homes came a few months later imo where we did not focus enough protection on them and still pursued population level mitigations.


Well yes, that was the fear. It was being treated as a general population emergency across all categories of society.

Iā€™d agree that we had enough data at the start to suggest that this was not the best approach, but I do think that the people who made the decisions had the best intentions.

Iā€™d agree with this. People made a lot of decisions very quickly in a highly pressurised situation with the best intentions. It was the assertion that we actually protected the most vulnerable that i disageed with. We accidentally caused their deaths. Hundreds of them. Iā€™d agree as well that the nursing homes were pretty much ignored for the first few months and left to fight for themselves.

Agree with this in the early stages. The focus was on protecting the health system for the coming storm and sending people with covid home from hospitals had disastrous consequences. At the time the fear was the scenes in Italy and New York and Spain where the health service became overwhelmed and massive numbers died. The awkward squad always seem to forget that happened. Anyway, because of that we were about sixth in Europe for deaths after the first year, behind only the likes of Spain and Italy that were overwhelmed completely, countries that didnā€™t lockdown, and I think Belgium. We did really badly in that first year and I think that informed the ultra and overly conservative approach that came after.

And yet you reply to me repeatedly: what world of delusion and craving for attention do you live inā€¦ I would not reply to you in a fit. I have zero interest in eternally predictable views that centre on anti GAA bullshit.

with abuse and personal details: well, ā€œabuseā€ I will let go, as a matter of perspective. But the ā€œpersonal detailsā€ remark is a straight out lie. Noting that you do not have a daughter of an age to justify a paedophilia accusation you made against me ā€“ for supposed ā€˜sportā€™, with that other gom ā€“ did not reveal any personal details. The fact you were so flummoxed that I can read you (and that other gom) like a book says everything for your ego and nothing for your nous. Then again, twas so very easy. The badnatured are terrible handy to predict. You should be deeply ashamed of that carry on. But I suppose it gives me cold amusement to lead you around, letting you show exactly what you are, behind the bluster.

Your first reply to me *ever *was when you had documented down details on me and decided to attack: rubbish. My recollection is that you. as a Kevin Myers fan boy, objected to my not sharing that sentiment. And I gave you both barrels on that front.

Now, you can keep making a craven fool of yourself. Or you can assent to my politely expressed wish that you simply stop seeking my attention. Be assured you will gain the reverse courtesy.

Here come the warm pets.

And you really would wonder how sad an individual you would have to get so het up about a supposed sleight on ā€˜the gaming communityā€™.

I know you are stupid. So I will let you in on a little secret. For free! Everything you do is like a script written for a cretin by a moron.

The great literary critic Randall Jarrell put the matter even better, commenting on his students and saying they were typically ā€œan imbecile with an ambition to be an idiotā€.

Old Randall sounds almost as much of a wanker as you

Iā€™ve never seen a fella so full of absolute scutter.


Gas cunts

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Why are you so hostile? Itā€™s been that day from minute zero with you with your unleashing of a bizarre attack on me. I gave you an on topic response yet you have to make every single thing on here about your ego.

Double down lads. Donā€™t give an inch.


What is often forgotten too though is that Lockdown 1.0 was deliberately delayed until the end of March.

The vast vast majority of people (even the far right) didnā€™t have that much of an issue with society being closed down at the outset. Itā€™s when lockdown became a crutch and a sledgehammer on many that it became disenchanted.

Most discussions and papers on lockdowns are dishonestly framed.

Superman & Jackhammer

You are another lad with the same ambition.

Are you not supposed to be some sort of journalist or writer? The cringe you vomit here would make a transition year student blush. Swallowing a thesaurus and having the same rote opinion as evey other journalist around does not equal IQ. Iā€™ll be generous and add you to the other midwits that parrot your shiteā€¦ and letā€™s not compare credentials or achievements, itā€™d send you into a tailspin for days

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I was hostile because I have learned all I need to know about someone when that person is in awe of Kevin Myers.

I am still more hostile because you are the kind of person who reckons making a paedophilia accusation is a bit of a wheeze. Capiche?

Keep humiliating yourself away. I am drinking tea, eating hummus and listening to Moby Grape.

You did the same thing you freak

You go around making bizarre comments about women on here. I think this is all part of your idea of craic but also about feeding the ego.

You appear to not be able to take it back.

You also do not appear to be able to let things go.

Why in the name of god are you still prattling on about Kevin Myers.

Swallowing a thesaurusā€¦ You forgot to mention whiskey. Just as well you are so idiot egotistical, making being turkey stupid and dog predictable that bit easier.

and letā€™s not compare credentials or achievementsā€¦ Smiley face! But sure and all do tell us about your biggy wiggy achievements. You can colour in below.

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