Covid 19 šŸ- It's Back Baby!

Keep circling uneasily the paedophilia stuff like the craven cur you are. Keep going. I got quite a lot of private messages about that moment. People do not want to get involved in someone elseā€™s stuff but quite a lot of people here see you exactly for what you are. No amount of little right wing doggies coming to your ā€˜assistanceā€™ changes that reality.

Moby Grape is nearly finished. I might chance Oar next.

I post a cartoon, The little fishy posts a cartoon.

Some lads achieve so much, given that bad upbringing in the borderland between imbecility and stupidity. You would have to be, in a certain sense, in awe.

Bragging Fish

Is that literally the best you can come up - Timmy one of the most harmless chaps I ever read has you in a complete rage.

Would you say youā€™re a local writer for local people?


MFC After Shave

Again, canā€™t let things lie. All because you got a bit back after one of your latest weird comments about females. Why would you go around talking about impregnating peopleā€™s daughters?

I can let that lie though, you donā€™t seem to be able to.

What you do not seem to realize is that I like, quite sensibly, to shut up an irritant without delay. It was said to me here the other day ā€“ by which particular gom I cannot recall ā€“ that I boasted a few years ago about sleeping with 1000 women. I did not. I simply made the comment to spare myself the tedium of listening to that toerag Chocolate Mousey battering on in predictable fashion. The comment worked exactly as I wanted. And the fact the comment really grigged the predicable people in the predictable ways amused me. Lads give away so much about themselves.

I am a polite person by nature. But I make no apologies for taking a robust line with sundry gobdaws here trying it on with me. If I said to some gom something along the line of ā€˜the only way I could make your line more intelligent is by impregnating your daughterā€™, so be it. That statement, while pungent and robust, is not devoid of sense.

Now, we can draw a line under this whole craic here ā€“ start to finish, 2019 to 2023 ā€“ and be civil, whatever that tepidity means. But I do not want to have any dealings with you whatsoever.

No you arenā€™t, youā€™re an absolute fucking pig.

Own your own accusations. A coward and a hypocrite

Manchester City Boo

First left.

Did he ever apologise for that?

Dogs Gossiping

What do you think now? He said it was clumsy, the cunt knew exactly what he was saying

We are where we are. I gave you an on topic response and as usual you have to go off on one and ruin a discussion. We get it- itā€™s all about you. Youā€™ll never change.

November 2021: A choosy whore is the GAA

I think you are behaving in a notably weird fashion. I will leave you to it.

So far as I am concerned, that line is drawn.

I never asked him too. Someone else pointed it out and he lost his marbles with me. He canā€™t handle people giving it back to him on any level. Heā€™s a polite fella so long as you listen to him pontificate from the barstool and laugh at his ā€œyour maā€ level jokes.

My response to you on this topic.

You might reflect one why you decide to go down the path you do on so many threads. I donā€™t expect you too but if I see you posting something of interest Iā€™ll continue to try to have a normal conversation.

Some people might like to have a read back over the relevant thread. What you are dealing with? A none too bright soccer head who thinks calling a voluntary sports organization ā€“ namely, the largest free child care entity in Ireland ā€“ ā€œa choosy whoreā€.

Himself and his little doggie ā€˜friendsā€™ are obviously and naturally keen to deflect.

You think that justifies what you said to me?

I stand over everything i said in that post

Everyone knows what you said after you thundering cunt