Covid 19 🐐- It's Back Baby!

That’s not very decent or compassionate now is it.

Like most in society who bleat about Covid you have a fundamental lack of understanding of the subject. Covid is an airborne disease, if you understoood that you would understand how utterly stupid your utterances and those of the majority of other morons are.

Try and think for a change, how might you protect those who are vulnerable from an airborne disease? Think measles, how would you protect a child who is immune compromised if there is an outbreak of measles. Would you stop all children going to school?

You constantly put words in my mouth that I did not say. See, I do not have an absolutist mindset, like you. I do not believe any ‘black and white’ nonsense, which is the ultimate simplicity.

You benefited, and continue to benefit, from Covid measures. Man on a trampoline decrying bounciness.

A maximum of eight people, as of November 2020 in Sweden, were allowed attend a public event.

Sports and cultural events, schools never closed nor restaurants and bars, although numbers were limited. Again, nothing wrong with sensible restrictions, especially in the early stages of a wave.

Beats a level 5 lockdown, the 5km limit, closing schools, 9 Euro meals, etc.


It is very dishonest to pick up a study which relies on China scientists for this.

Clearly social distancing works and the harder you go the quicker you get it down.

That doesn’t mean it suits everyone or is the approach to take for a virus that has spread across multiple borders and is endemic.

For those saying “lockdowns” worked, where? China style? Australia?

I’d probably advocate shutting the borders hard on the place that has the next novel virus that shows the ability to spread, but I also recognise that we have delayed info and that this is a dangerous long term approach.

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One area that Sweden had a strange divergence from countries with even hard lockdowns was on sporting events. They were always against them.

At a micro level it works. No question.

It just isn’t a way for someone to run a society long term.

Without that vaccine (whether you think it worked or not) we were absolutely fucked as Ireland talked itself into harder lockdowns with diminishing returns.

You need to get your facts square. Swedish secondary schools were closed. Primary schools were never closed there. I repeat: a group of eight people was the maximum allowed in public as of November 2020. For most events, such as a gig or a play, that maximum obviously constituted a de facto shutdown.

You are not describing Sweden. You are describing ‘Sweden’, a place created by magical right wing thinking.

Stop addressing me. I will put the matter politely, this time.

What was twice UEFA Cup winners IFK Gothenburg’s total attendance for the 2020 Swedish League season?

Could it be argued variants are bollocks and it’s essentially Covid itself losing its punch over a 4-5 year period?

I can’t be arsed looking back for it but I posted way back that it was going to take 4 plus years to disappear as per past pandemic’s.

Although some sneer at the suggestion, it hasn’t yet gone away.

You’re right, Sweden had the same lockdown measures as everyone else.

No, it could not be argued as it’s bollox. All organisms including humans undergo genetic variation over time. It’s the reason you have six fingers on each hand.


I think you need to reflect on why you are unable to have a normal discussion with people. Your first ever “interaction” with me was a broadsided attack.

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Variants were originally denied by hardcore C19 lockdowners but became the flavour of the month from Dec-20 once the vaccine came on board.

:joy::joy: you cunt


I did not make that assertion. I simply gave you some corrective facts. Unlike some people, I do not comment on something unless I know what I am saying is factually correct at least.

The one thing TFK has taught me, above all else? How childish nearly all right wing people are.

As is perfectly obvious to anyone but the warped, I have perfectly normal discussions – mainly about hurling – with many people on here, both in public and in private. The reality is that I detest you – with eminently good reason. Your ego cannot seem to accept this reality. I guess you are not used to people like me.

Now, politely once more, stop addressing me. I can live, quite happily, without knowing the source of your fascination with me.

If you look back to when the first major variant appeared pre-Christmas 2020 it was @Tierneevin1979 who was poo-pooing it.

But short lived poster @Padraig_O_Gammon was in little doubt that the variant was indeed real and a serious problem. He was sadly proved correct.