Covid 19 🐐- It's Back Baby!

You have an extremely loose way with description. I do not derail threads “constantly”. The latest tranche started here when I posted a highly relevant Guardian article in this thread. Take a look.

What actually happens is that a crew of around six people, including you, follow me around the place, yapping at my heels, yapping the same yap all the time. I find it the whole process extremely tedious. But the reality is that none of ye have the ability to lay a glove on me. Desisting from following me around would be a far more logical option.

I cannot recall ever saying anything too negative about rugby, if only because I quite enjoy rugby, have been to a fair few rugby matches, used drink in the rugby pub in Kilkenny (before its owner died in 2020) and prefer rugby to soccer. But people constantly invent a fantasy around what I supposedly said…

As for my “musings” – which I never discuss here or post here, best of recollection – and use of the term ‘stickfighting’… That intellect level is these flutes:


You do realize you are now hijacking this thread?

This fella is still raving :joy:

techno viking GIF


‘Factual’ does not necessarily mean ‘indisputable’. That spin is a piece of rhetoric on your part, a wriggle away from the fact that you were notably incorrect in certain statements on Swedish Covid policy. You said, for instance, no schools in Sweden closed. That statement was factually incorrect – and will always be factually incorrect – since Swedish secondary schools did close.

You might be a little embarrassed to make such a howler, since ‘Sweden’ is such a shibboleth for you, but there it is, a fact.

Smart people are smart people. Doing a STEM degree will not make a stupid person smart. Ditto for a stupid person doing a Liberal Arts degree. I have no hang ups on this front.

I am perfectly well aware, in layman’s terms, of the implications of classic work by Georg Cantor, Erwin Schrödinger, Werner Heisenberg and many others around questions of certainty and decidability. But philosophers still have a part to play. Ludwig Wittgenstein, On Certainty: “If e.g. someone says “I don’t know if there’s a hand here” he might be told “Look closer”.”

You might have looked a bit closer at Sweden in 2020.

Why do you have so many posters who you just serve up picture replies and abuse to?

You do it because you live the attention. You’d block a lot of posters otherwise and just engage in conversation.

You are more than capable of engaging in a proper conversation but are unable to do so with a lot of people due to a mixture of ego and stubbornness.

Multiple more paragraphs.

Again I made a point about lockdowns here, you gonna discuss (or ignore it, it’s possible to do so without abusing people) it or just ruin another thread?

It is you who is now hijacking this thread… I am really not that interesting. I find any amount of stuff on here bizarre but just happen to enjoy the knowledgeable hurling people. And I dislike radio.

And, yes, I am stubborn. And I am certainly far too stubborn to be driven away by yapping.

So as to get this thread back on thematic track, I just made a post on the subject of Covid in reply to an earlier post. I can do no more.

Now, I wish you well with whatever you are doing of a Saturday evening. You are either going to draw that line or not. I have no interest in continuing this vein of discussion.

Again multiple paragraphs in response after you told us you’d leave it.

Again this was my post.

You had a few choices. You could reply to it, ignore it or indeed always had me on ignore. As with a lot of other posters, you choose to engage with either lame banter or abuse- as you want the attention. You are quickly getting to the point of several other posters here who went off the deep end. In fairness to one of them who I blocked (I don’t do it in normal course), he has come back and is fairly normal again. You? I doubt we’ll ever see it. Hopefully though.

Have you ever heard of a Gaussian distribution? You’re peering out to the right hand side of it from a distance

He’s more of a bell end than a bell curve

The life long rule that never disappoints - people who are stupid, don’t realise they’re stupid


Ignoring The Obvious

I rarely do this, but I’m actually starting to feel sorry for you, Jesus H. Corbett

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@EstebanSexface serving @Enrique his vittles.

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Look, what part of the English in ‘I am not interested in you or your opinions’ do you find opaque?

You need to give it a rest – if only to fend off hypocrisy.

I thought you’d put up some resistance, I take no joy from drowning kittens. Have a nice evening @Malarkey , hopefully there’s some local people to listen to your local stories