I wonder how lads find this shit?
It’s on twitter
doesn’t that pop up stuff you look for or you’re interested in? I don’t use it myself
A controversial or frankly ridiculous tweet like that will be retweeted or commented on by tens of thousands of people and can pop up on your feed quite easily,
Twitter is very good to use as a newspaper, I highly recommend
thank fuck i’m not on it
Sure you still got to see it anyway
I’m not educated in calculating the effectiveness of vaccines. I’ll leave that to the experts. I didn’t see a stat on the effectiveness of horse dewormer in that mischievous clip though. Funny that.
They dont, its their whole existence living in 2020 or 2021. Thank fuck thats behind us
This will surely wind up the fella who claimed to invent the mRNA vaccine on Joe Rogan’s podcast.
Mrs Js mam spent the weekend in beaumont with covid. Fittest woman i know. Late 70s still climbing hills and doing the gym. Shes got a bad dose of it.
Hope she gets better pal
It’s apparently affecting children, but it’s China, so who knows. Herself was worrying about it last night.
Relax lads.
There’s a bit of pneumonia knocking around
Whats causing it is the issue.
We go again
People should start wearing the muzzles again as a precaution.
A few haven’t stopped
Someone should fucking muzzle you, you fucking fearmongering fucker.