Covid 19 🐐- It's Back Baby!

This new china pneumonia is a cod.

Getting in early. Heels are dug in. Fuck Dr Tony Holohan

The time to start covering the shopping in Dettol is now, folks.

The idea of herd immunity as a way to eliminate Covid rapidly was nonsensical, Whitty said. He said that even after the highly damaging first wave of Covid only about 20% of people had been infected.

Using herd immunity as a policy was also predicated on post-infection immunity being permanent, which it was not for Covid, Whitty said, and also on the doubtful practicality and morality of asking older and clinically vulnerable people to isolate for long periods.

Asked about scientists and others who supported the plan in the so-called Great Barrington declaration, Whitty said: “I think they were just wrong, straightforwardly. I thought it was flawed at multiple levels.”

However, he said, some people in government picked up the idea from modelling and “ran with it in a somewhat confused way”, and some discussed it as an idea “without having thought it through”.

He said: “It was clearly a ridiculous goal of policy, and a dangerous one, and lots of what was said [about it] could have led to considerable confusion, and did.”

Why can’t these filthy cunts control their public health?

Their CMO isn’t on the ball at all, according to my sources.


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I had to flag that post racism mate, sorry.


I’ve asked mods to serve an infraction. It’s unacceptable actually.

Amazing the way reasonably intelligent laypeople could grasp this commonsensical point from the start. Right wing know nothings, recently self graduated from University College, Twitter with BA (Hons) in Covid Studies, playing the right wing freemasonry identification game, meanwhile claimed we could all carry on as normal and do nothing essentially different.

The claim, first, was that ‘herd immunity’ was the way to go. The claim, second, was that there was no such thing as Covid variants. The claim, third, was that we were ‘done with Covid’ in summer 2020. The claim, fourth, was that Covid is ‘just a flu’ and would follow flu’s seasonal patterns. The claim, fifth, was that Covid vaccines, because they do not work with 100% success, are ‘absolutely useless’. The claim, sixth, is that they were somehow right all along, not serially wrong, because of ‘something something Sweden’. The claim, seventh, is hand waving about ‘excess deaths’.

The claim, always, is that there are simple solutions to complex problems.

And SS Stupidity sails on.

You got your order there wrong. Variant fetishisation came after summer 2020.

Memory fog from Long COVID?

Either way, I’m marking you down to a C+.

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I’ll wait to see what ISAG have to say.

They’re genocidal war-mongers. Why would they give a shit?

It is, for most people tbf

Have we increased our ICU capacity in any meaningful way since March 2020?


Someone needs to.point out to Chris that they made elderly and vulnerable people isolate for long periods anyway. They didn’t “ask them” to do anything.

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‘Ah yeah. Problem solved. No other issues at all. I loves a non complex problem, me.’

You have not got the slightest jot. And wilfully so.

If the government forbade the wearing of a mask, you would be sporting one 24/7. You would wear a mask to bed.

Policies and measures cannot be made on foot of irrationality and childishness.

Chris Whitty’s core point, as I understand it: the British government made a hames of dealing with Covid. I agree with him.

So that point about vulnerable people is better laid at their door, surely?

What do you think of the policy to vaccinate teenagers- was that a mature, rational decision?

If whataboutery were dancing, you would be Michael Flatley.

A 19yo is a teenager. 96% of 19yos – probably even more of them – took a Covid vaccine.

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Why? The injection was more of a threat to them than the virus. Maybe you’re one of the craturs hanging on to the notion that it prrvented transmission?

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