Covid 19 🐐- It's Back Baby!

I have won all these arguments so many times here that I now find them terribly tedious. Still and all, rationality and intelligence remain useful assets.

If Gemma O’Doherty and John Waters were sitting beside me on a bus, I would get off that bus. You might think that is okay to weaponize people’s grief in Athenry or Ballyhale or anywhere else. I do not.

You should be ashamed of yourself. But I know you do not feel any shame. You are simply too lost in the folds of childish recreational paranoia to have respect for anyone’s grief.

You have not got the slightest jot. But there is nothing I can do for you in that regard.

That seems a bizarre and cowardly thing to accuse me of…just because you cant amswer a simple question? And I’m the one who should be ashamed.
But you say you’re the king of the castle so I’ll happily indulge you.

that wankers entire repertoire


Listen, it is perfectly obvious who the coward is. I am not the person piggybacking on people’s grief about the loss of a loved one, bullshitting about vaccines and ‘excess deaths’. You are that person. And you should be ashamed of yourself.

You appear not to be a fool by narure but you are certainly a fool by temperament on this sort of issue. You spent thousands of hours supposedly mugging up on topics I could understand in an instant – and still ended up perniciously ignorant.

I just hope the same grief never comes to your door.

You have not got a jot. But you have, unbelievably enough, a far bigger reason to be ashamed of yourself.

Someone in the jersey of his “choosy whore”.

In search of a brain dead owner.

Tick toc… – Found!

This is another bizarre accusation…is there a specific incident you’re referring to?

So windmilling and name calling aside (the mark of the true intellectual, apparently), should 19 year olds have taken the injection?

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“Directed Energy weapon event” to blame for the scenes we saw in Hawaii :smiley:

That decision was one for 18yos and 19yos to decide for themself, not for me to decide.

For 17yos and younger, the decision was a parental one.


Even if you do, you should still be ashamed of yourself.

If only it were that simple. You’ve transgressed from pretending that it was safe and effective for teenagers, to suggesting that the government, tony etc didn’t recommend it for that age group, that there was no pressure, no restrictions, no disadvantage etc etc

And shove your “shame” last ditch effort up your hole

seriously fella - it’s for the best

Chris Whittys main point is that he didn’t.

Who isn’t?

Both my folks now have Covid / they are mid to late 80s so it’s not ideal. I was due to go away to Amsterdam this weekend but pulled the plug to be on safe side or around if needed.

Hopefully that’s the only plug I’ll need to pull was a joke I made to the aul lad who took it in good spirits ( I think)


best wishes to your folks.


From the CDC. Absolute madness

Absolutely crazy.


Used to be the kids who were brought kicking and screaming to get a simple oul jab. That’s the way it’s gone now.

I see iceland have banned the simple oul moderna jab
I wonder whats killing all these people?