Covid 19 🐐- It's Back Baby!

The host of Bullseye is now your go to guy for medical info? An improvement I suppose.

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So far they seem to be pulling through ok. The doc prescribed steroids and antibiotics straight away. My mother was fully boosted up to date. The aul lad was not.

At their age they’ve just been lucky I think. Fingers crossed.


You’ll be pulling no plugs in Amsterdam :slightly_frowning_face:

Oh right. Nice one.


To repeat: John Campbell is a grifting charlatan. But why would he not be, when there are plenty of fools around to send him money.

He rather conveniently forgets to mention that these supposed excess deaths come in at a lower level in countries that have the highest vaccination rates. Which or whether, he clearly did not make it into class the day someone at the University of Bolton explained what ‘safe and effective’ means in the context of vaccines. The last few minutes of that video are pitiful.

Grifting and/or utter stupidity, in other words.

The egotism of people who have got Covid completely wrong for nearly four years remains something to behold. Take or do not take a vaccine. Fair enough. Be happy, even if the vaccine free are people on trampolines decrying bounciness. I can understand the motivations of the grifters. But the motivations of the egotists are even more risible, which is going some.

Where do you get this from?
The sad reality for you is that he cites government data…and despite your blathering critiques of his various phds and associated universities, you haven’t managed a coherent rebuttal of any of it…
Unfortunately your blunt binary grasp of science extends to the narrow notion that everyone staying indoors all the time is the response to a pandemic. Not only that but you’re remarkably pompous about your single dull thunk.
Wow. How very impressive.

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“blathering critiques”

“blunt binary grasp”


A sprint to Land of Bluster, as usual, once the icy rhetoric starts cracking under your feet.

Do you want to tell us what part of this logic you cannot – or simply will not – grasp?

Said logic: if supposed excess deaths were in a causal relationship to Covid vaccines, the excess deaths level would be highest where vaccine take up level is highest.

To repeat: John Campbell is a grifting charlatan. If false logic were dancing, he would be Michael Flatley.

I think you should also reflect, far more importantly, on how you and these charlatans are insulting the grief of people who lost loved ones over the last 24 months. I find this craic repugnant.

This is what you’re hiding behind? Such cynical hypocrisy. A petard disguised a high horse.

Ignore the irrefutable point about logic if you so wish. Your infatuation with John Campbell remains your own affair, end of day – and one not without an amusing side. The one who must be really upset is not me but Ivor Cummins.

Telling people they would not have lost a loved one had that loved one not taken a Covid vaccine – an assertion made simply out of egotism, lack of empathy and an infatuation with Gemma O’Doherty – is despicable carry on.

You should be deeply ashamed of yourself. I would like to see you look those people in the eye and say same. You would not dare.

Taking John Campbell seriously, lolz, fucking megalolz.

Barney the Dinosaur would be a more reliable source.

Where did you manage to contort yourself into believing your own lies?
And i appreciate your sermonising and moralising. Its amusing to see you annoint yourself in such a fashion- I’m definitely not laughing at you, honest, Father.

What “lies”?

If nothing else, I am not in thrall to John Campbell’s falsehoods – if only because I understand logic and am rational and believe in reasoned coherent analysis.

I have long since found your attraction to such self evident charlatanism preplexing. But so it goes.

You really need to take a serious look at that attraction. People are entitled to the dignity of their grief, the near side of grifting charlatanism.

Very decent of you to step in …because that’s what you’re at here, Father

Btw. is to the pharmaceutical industry what the institute for the study of war is to the arms industry. Stop being such an silly and obedient little boy…did you support their ‘non-profit’ fact-checking efforts?


You have a terrible childish attitude to any sort of authority – except authoritarianism.

Any time you want to refute that logic about excess death levels and Covid vaccine take up levels, I will be all ears. Nothing to do with any particular website. Logic is logic is logic.

That moment, of course, will never happen.

You want me to refute some uncited logic you got from a 'fact checker? You didn’tthink it strange that this alleged worldwide network of scientists didn’t cite a single damn government statistic? Ffs. If you want to make a statement then back it up with something credible…then I’ll have something to attempt to refute.

No offence, but at least @mikehunt was concise with his stupid, Father.
Fact checkers…jaysus, a refuge for hack journalists and the wilfully stupid.

@Malarkey , I reckon you should get your latest booster asap. I know a fella around your age 40-70 that regretted not getting his 5th jab and he got hit with the latest variant badly recently.

I told him he was acting the bollix not getting protected. He thought that he was bullet proof after catching covid twice but this new variant floored him , the poor fucker.


Quit machine gunning the temples of our forefathers…or something emotional…

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Glenshane, Malarkey and Chesty back and forth on the Covid thread

old timey baseball conan obrien GIF by Team Coco