Covid 19 🐐- It's Back Baby!

It’s hard to believe people are still discussing covid.


We were discussing excess deaths and the current cdc recommendation that babies be given multiple mrna injections. Is that permitted?

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“Forget all the mental shit we did and just get over it. And keep your 2yr old up date on vaccines”

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You may as well be one of those chaps who goes to those medieval re-enactment battles.

Stop pretending

We were not discussing Covid. We were ‘discussing’ logic. And I was destroying, yet again, an infatuation with charlatans such as John Campbell.

You might be content with insulting people’s grief. I am not.

Now fuck off.

What part of the logic I raised do you not grasp?

Deal with the logic. Or shut up.

Or walk into one of your neighbours that lost a loved one in the last 24 months and tell them what you are spouting here.

Oh no. A coward is a coward, home or abroad.

I would seek out the Grief Institute online, or talk to a trained therapist. Arguing about outdated topics on TFK isn’t going to get you through the five stages of grief.

If you refuse then you’re basically dancing on somebody or other’s grave…or whatever the latest faux outrageous moralising equivalence is

When did John Campbell put up his latest video? Years ago? Keep up with the referents and you might have a hope of being relevant.

No one is actually discussing Covid. Afoot? The unfurling of a mindset. Covid was only a balloon in the circus.

“moralising equivalence”

Ah yeah. You want to claim everyone is a hypocrite, so as to justify your cowardice.

I repeat: you would not dare to say to anyone’s face in County Derry who lost a loved one in unexpected circumstances over the last 24 months what you spout in John Campbell-licensed inanities here. Not for a second.

I have you nailed. And you fuckin’ know it.

The title was excess deaths in 2023. Just saying…

Maybe I’ll start a thread on TB, or new developments in iron lung technology.

It sounds like the only circus happening, is going on in your head.

Why would that statement be?

Anyhow, going by that last sentence, you have the same way with logic as you do with breath pause commas. Namely, a crick.

Run off for yourself now. You are gone out of your depth.

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“Those ole people would still be alive if you’d only gotten your child, who was not yet born when they did, vaccinated”

Or something

“ole people”

I had thought you are just one of these lads who are unusually thick and dim. I see now you are actually an unusual enough beast, a slow moving cur.

But clarifying to find out, in the end, you can smirk about “ole people” dying so that your social life can go about its merry way uninterrupted.

The likes of you is lucky that the likes of me is not as ‘right wing’ as the likes of you, because the likes of you, in a true right wing world, would not be tolerated in the gene pool.