Covid 19 🐐- It's Back Baby!

Sorry guys, clear misprint in this. Apologies

Would taking blood pressure medication before you sit down to the laptop be considered doping on TFK?

Big Guy Little Guy

If “the likes of you” tried to do anything to “the likes of me” then “the likes of you” would end up in hospital buddy

I did warn you…about your coffee expertise, the other day…

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Try it sometime, you fuckwit. All you are? The lad Stephen Yaxley-Lennon would hire as his bodyguard. He might give you some coke as well.

You do not like it now that you showed here this morning what you actually are, a slow moving cur. I enjoy getting thickos to show what they are. Tis remarkably easy, when dealing with a badnatured fuckwit.


Oh I’m sorry I was just responding to you wanting me culled. Carry on.


Oh I do not want anyone culled. Not even the likes of you. I am goodnatured.

So goodnatured that I do not want to see even “ole people” die before their time.

Would you believe I don’t either. Actually put myself in harms way during covid 19 implementing checks at the border and locking up nurses etc who may have had VARIANTS that were too dangerous to come into the country (but fine for me to have to encounter daily).

Did nothing truly brave like you though.

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You should have said so first. I salute anyone who works on the front line.

Jocularity about elderly people dying before their time is not just a right wing internet freemason’s handshake. There is a real world in which individual elderly or vulnerable people did die or are ill. No one’s parents or grandparents are an actuarial statistic to their children or grandchildren. I think my perspective is middle of the road and unexceptional.

I made no joke about old people dying. As you well know. I was making fun off the stupid vaccine rules/suggestions and how not having your child vaccinated could have been responsible for deaths.

I take serious issue with you and how you have consistently misrepresented my position on this from day 1 and insinuated that I was in any way happy to see old people die for the sake of a social life. If I put any life in danger during the pandemic it was my own.

Yes, you did make a crude and inane joke about “ole people” dying from Covid. All anyone has to do is scroll up.

If you had a serious and credible perspective on Covid vaccines, you would deal, first, with how the world would still be paralysed, socially and economically, without recourse to vaccines. Hence my comment about people on trampolines decrying bounciness.

Second, you would take on board the fact that so called ‘herd immunity’ was never an option for a variety of reasons – not least because Covid is contractable multiple times. The current inquiry in Britain has turned up some sobering realities about all that ‘herd immunity’ nonsense., such as that only 20% of people in Britain got infected with Covid in 2020’s first wave.

Third, you would take on board the reality – by straightforward logical deduction – there is no causal relationship between supposed excess deaths and Covid vaccines if supposed excess deaths are lower where Covid vaccine uptake is higher.

Let me say again, for the umpteenth time on here, I do not believe any child should be required to take a Covid vaccine. That matter is entirely a question for any child’s parent(s). Specifically, children should be able to attend school without being required to take a vaccine, because there is a constitutional right to education. For practical purposes, I believe the number of parents who would decide not to have their child vaccinated is small and far from an insurmountable logistical difficulty as regards schooling.

I wish you well in the difficulties and challenges of your work.

“Ole” was a misprint. I’m out helping my dad load timber and my hands are freezing.

I’ve never suggested anyone shouldn’t get the vaccine so no idea why you’re making that point.

I’ve never mentioned herd immunity so no idea why you’re making that point.

I’ve never once suggested vaccines were killing people or were responsible for excess deaths

You read this on a spurious pharma ‘fact checking’ fraud of a site.
Incidentally…Australia experienced their sudden rise in excess deaths before they were hit with covid, but after they had their vaccine rollout. But I’m sure you can counter that fact by squealing faux concern for my neighbours

Here you are, still talking shite and spreading callous disinformation. And self evident shite, at that. Australia… Your fixation with excess deaths has a Hiroo Onoda quality.

I know the nature of John Campbell’s motivation. He wants your money. Your motivation is somewhat harder to figure. I guess you are too egotistical to admit you have been completely wrong since early 2020.

I understand logic and reason. No need for any other instruments. Which or whether, I am not the only one who will be amused at a worshipper of Ivor Cummins and John Campbell talking about a “fraud of a site”. But sure tell us again how Bill Gates is taking over the world.

I certainly have no need of gullible and credulous cranks on the internet who think everyone should have been let get Covid and given Ivermectin if they got seriously ill. Like most sensible people, I want to live in the real world and go about my business.

You do not respect people’s right to their grief. I do respect that right.

‘Disinformation, misinformation, malinfomation, fact-checkers’ etc…the respectable new vocabulary for the voluntarily stupid to hide behind. Well done.

Bluster. And more bluster.

I have nailed you to the cross of your own making.

Good luck with finding me being stupid enough to pay heed to the likes of John Campbell.

Every day, he is getting richer. Every day, you are getting…?

Shur why would you? It’s not as if his insights extend to whiskey, spud hockey and obscure atonal posey synth

“spud hockey”

You are really in pain now.

To counterbalance favourites of mine such as John Bender and Monoton, here is an Irish gem from 1975: