Covid 19 šŸ- It's Back Baby!

Fair enough. I am sorry for becoming so irate earlier. I realize you are doing a very difficult and important job.

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It was shameful what you did to those 2 dublin ladys who came back from Dubai after gettimg their tits done. I assume you will plead i was just following orders

I see the JN.1 variant of interest is now the dominant strain in the Midwest of Ireland, it is twice as transmissible as the previous one

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Sam McConkey was back on the radio yesterday

Just reading a scare piece in the Clare Champion, they need to keep people on their toes

So long as we can maintain a Champions League spot in the Excess Deaths table we are laughing. The Dubs shooting eachother probably a bigger risk to that at the moment.

Revealed: The counties where Covid and flu hit worst over Christmas

Eilish Oā€™Regan

Covid and flu dampened the festivities for thousands of people during Christmas week, leaving some feeling very ill and hitting a number of counties worse than others.

While testing for viruses and data collection slows over Christmas, leading to a limited picture of the full extent of respiratory illness surge, a snapshot of figures indicates the highest rates of Covid were seen in Donegal, Offaly, Cavan, Sligo, Leitrim and Westmeath.

Other counties that appeared to be affected by higher rates of Covid were Laois, Limerick, Kerry, Mayo and Cork as the JN.1 variant spread more rapidly.

The Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HSPC) confirmed yesterday that the variant, which is more contagious, has pushed its way to a stronger position here, accounting for four in 10 samples of the virus analysed in the weeks leading up to Christmas. And it is likely to have an even stronger hold now.

Of the 235 sample cases of the variant found here, during that time more than a third were associated with outbreaks in hospitals and other healthcare settings.

Several symptoms reported by people who caught the JN.1 Covid variant included a runny nose, cough, headache, fatigue but also difficulty sleeping.


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Meanwhile, it is estimated that around 10,000 people will have been struck with flu between mid-December to the third week of January after the virus took a firm grip over Christmas as people socialised and travelled, bringing the infection with them.

Limited data shows that flu rates over Christmas week were highest in Donegal, Mayo and Cork followed by Leitrim, Sligo, Westmeath, Kerry and Offaly.

Flu is set to peak this week or next but it will remain a risk well into this month and February, leading to hundreds of hospitalisations and outbreaks in hospitals and other facilities such as nursing homes.

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), which mainly affects small children, is falling but 345 cases and 113 hospitalisations were still reported last week.

The counties worst affected by RSV outbreaks were Donegal, Westmeath, Sligo, Mayo, Leitrim, Cavan and Kerry.


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Major efforts are continuing to keep overcrowding in hospitals under control, with last yearā€™s severe gridlock so far averted. A total of 277 patients were in emergency departments yesterday, with a further 99 on trolleys in wards.

Hospitals are having to use more surge beds ā€“ areas of the hospital normally used for planned procedures ā€“ to accommodate patients from emergency departments, and 423 of these were in use yesterday.

Outbreaks of flu and Covid in several hospitals have led to visiting restrictions and Roscommon Hospital, which no longer has an emergency department, but was hit by the spread of Covid, became the latest yesterday to enforce restrictions.

Earlier this week visiting restrictions were imposed in Portiuncula Hospital in Galway and in St Lukeā€™s Hospital in Kilkenny due to outbreaks.

A Roscommon Hospital Ā­spokesperson said visits to St Comanā€™s and St Teresaā€™s wards would be facilitated on compassionate grounds in exceptional cases.

Shur grand, no ones dying lads. Move on.

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Sheā€™s been under the bed a long time that one. She must be full of dust.

Iā€™d say half the country was sick this Christmas. Iā€™m dying myself the last few days.

+1. The vaccine was amazing in effectively ending the pandemic as a concern.


Outside a few fellas on here, a few weirdos on twitter, and a few lads who are trying to make a few bob out of it, I doubt thereā€™s anyone whoā€™s been concerned about it for years.

Lads vaccinated themselves and their kids against ā€˜a concernā€™

And some easily led simpletons scoffed at people taking the vaccine & took horse dewormer medicine & sheep tranquillisers instead because they were recommended by a lad on Twitter with a cert in anti-money laundering. Crazy times when you look back.


Was that not just a ballhop? Lads didnt take a horse dewormer did they?

Outside myself and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy are there any other members who never got the Covid?

Hard to fathom itā€™s four years since this started to rumble into existence and provide a template for Marxist Medics to take away our freedoms based on the actions of Communist China.


Covid was rampant loads of people got sick, a good few died, loads of experts were warning we should be careful wear masks etc but society stayed open and carried on as normal.
It would make you ponder a bit seeing as the vaccine has long worn off 90 plus percent of people and the only ones who have taken it recently are the very vulnerable.

You took an untested medical treatment that has since proven to be largely ineffective and unnecessary for the majority of the population. It has also been shown to have a terrible safety profile and is the most likely cause for the high numbers of excess deaths being experienced throughout the developed world. Not only that but youā€™ve basically just admitted that all it did was end the concern, because it certainly didnā€™t end covid.
Next time you take a placebo, maybe take one that isnā€™t potentially fatal, mate?

Do you have some algorithm set up to respond when the word ā€œvaccineā€ is mentioned or something? I fucking love conspiracy theorist headbangers like you, pal. Best wishes for 2024.


I never got it to the best of my knowledge and if I did have it I just shrugged it off. Never did a test.