Covid 19 🐐- It's Back Baby!

Surely you’re not still buying into the notion that its a vaccine?
When did you actually buy in? Was it at 100% effective…or 95…or 80…or doesn’t stop transmission…or at you need lots of boosters? And when do you think you’ll catch yourself on?

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Has Sir Winston Windsor had his say yet? :joy:

No Covid here either but in fairness I was social distancing at an elite level long before any bat got ate.


These would seem to be some of the lowest populated counties. Seems odd.

It an experimental gene therapy

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This lateat dose was released after being tested on…eight mice. Seriously.

Are healthy people under 60 still taking the vaccine? Or is it just a tfk ballhop? I don’t know anyone in that category that’s still getting it. My own mother (65) has even cast it off a couple of years now and she’s an under the bed merchant most of the time . My brother had 3 days of serious heart palpitations the last time he got it. Mr’s O’Sullivan is near 80 and gets it for winter season but she has a minor heart issue and is bed bound for a couple of days with afib every single time she gets the vaccine.

My parents are 87 and 89. Both had Covid recently. My mother had the most recent booster but the father didn’t. They were both ok. Doctor had them on steroids and antibiotics straight away which helped I would think.

Having said that a pal’s dad of a similar age recently got Covid and developed pnuemonia while in a nursing home.
He died.

I suppose over a certain age something is going to take you down and Covid does seem in some situations (maybe where people are less active due to dementia or other ailments) to be a real killer of older people. It’d be interesting see the stats on pneumonia being cause of death where people had Covid.

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The most ardent defenders of the injection won’t even weigh in and say if they’re taking it. That says it all really

I’ve a bad dose of something at the moment; it could be Covid but I wouldn’t be arsed to check. Never had such chapped lips after a cold or flu before, mind. Vitamin D and Hot Lemon to bate the band, and a few Solpadenes

I’ve never had it and was regularly tested as I worked throughout the pandemic.

My wife has tested positive on three occasions and each time a PCR or antigen test found no Covid in my system. I did have a nasty bout of flu in November but, again, was Covid negative

Have you had sex with any sub Saharan sex workers recently ?


I wish I had I might have got something out of it


Do people still test themselves for this? Havent seen antigen tests in a while? Are they still widely disseminated or do you have to go to a chemist now?

Covid will be here forever, just not as deadly. It’ll take over the common cold as the cold will have a constant strain from covid.

Be grand lads

Headbangers love the Covid chats, it was like a gateway drug for them, opening up a world of possibilities (and podcasts)

They’re there.
Widely enough. All chemists and most supermarkets would have a basket somewhere. Youd often see them beside the checkout in lidl.

Listening to podcasts in 2024 must be like not going to mass in the 70s. Shockibg dangerous behaviour
that leaves a bunch of oul women tut tutting and clutching their handbags


I love a good podcast :man_shrugging:

Not too gone on the headbanger ones but it takes all sorts

Which are the headbanger ones?