Cunt Of The Year 2016

Shane Peppard.

Just passed the prick earlier, painted head to toe in blue in the cold and rain, and two young fellas the same. Fucking weird cunt.

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He’s not a cunt. He’s a plank

He’s a weird cunt, now fuck off.

Fuck off yourself

Good to see the standard of debate as high as ever.

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Who’s he?

That blue hulk Dublin fan cunt


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The Dublin Social Media guy.

Is “hulk” code for fat

Eugene McGee

What’s he done now?

Rowing back on his black card, while not rowing back on his black card.

In fairness to McGee, however shit the black card idea is, and it is shit, the execution of the plan by the referees has been woeful and scuppered whatever chance it might have had of being a success.

Getting them to enforce the rules that were there already would have been sufficient. The black card was a disaster waiting to happen. He championed a shit rule, and continues to do so. Its a shit rule. He produced a shit report. He can go fuck himself.


You cannot make a silk purse from a sow’s ear

It’s a shit rule no doubt.

But once it was introduced they at least had to try to implement consistently, they didn’t. If it had been enforced rigidly on the league for first few months might have worked out differently

Sooner it’s gone now the better

There’s no applying a rule rigidly if the rule is left wide open to interpretation and if everyone is against it from the off. Referees were on a hiding to nothing.

There is too many nuances and punishments not fitting to crime to treat each incident the same. I don’t think a corner forward blocking a corner backs run should be given the same punishment as a corner back hauling down a forward through on goals. It’s was always going to end up a mess.

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