Cunts that will be rolled out for Up For The Match

Liam Fennelly. Possibly Alan Kerins.

The youtube posting fist fighting galway travellers.


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Ollie Kilkenny would be an obvious choice on that basis

Johnny Carroll and his magic trumpet or Mike Denvir to provide the Galway musical entertainment. Actually think Johnny is from Roscommon but he will be forever linked with the 1988 win.

And wasnt there a fella by the name of Galway who played for Kilkenny around that time

The Conquerors. And some cunt from Macnas.

RTE sports department frantically checking to see if anyone on their roster from Galway or Kilkenny is married to someone from the other county.

Evanne Ni Chuillin will get a role of some sort. Joe Cooney might get the gig too.

Nah Evanne is banned from up for the match after her almost pornagraphic appearance on the show a few years ago. Might as well have left the skirt at home that night.

I saw Evanne at the final 5 years ago and she looked way better than I expected. The camera doesn’t do her justice at all.


She was sat behind me at a match a few years ago. Definitely looked more impressive in the flesh.

Used to be game as a pebble too by all accounts

Michael Moriarty
Joe Cooney
Joe McDonagh
Nicky Brennan
Fan Larkin
Eddie Keher
Barry Henriques
Detective Garda Eddie Brennan
King Henry & Queen Deirdre
President Aoghán
Anthony Daly
John McIntyre
Michael Duignan

Any man who calls Joe Cooney a cunt deserves a timbering.


Ger Henderson and just about everyone in Kilkenny did after opening up his hand in the 87 final. Funny how an incident like that gets forgotten about but Liam Dunne/Gary Kirby gets an airing all the time.

Thats because Joe Cooney’s not a cunt.


Joe Connolly will surely be on.

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Cooney was hardly a cunt for pulling on a ball. Henderson thought he had the young pup in his back pocket and put his hand up unprotected. He acted the fucking hardshaw instead of going off for treatment, and was more interested in starting into Cooney. When Cooney didn’t back from him one inch, that, my friend, is the point every Galway fan in the stand knew we were not going to roll over.


I agree with you. Anyone from Kilkenny I’ve ever heard opine on the incident has a different view of the world.

No DJ on the list?

Joe Cooney called over with ladders and paint to paint the exterior of a neighbours house after her husband passed away so the house would be tip top for the wake.