Cunts that will be rolled out for Up For The Match

[QUOTE=“dodgy-keeper, post: 1002129, member: 1552”]He is from hurling stock, yes - he even played for Dublin. Ergo, not unreasonable to suggest you support the county you are fucking from and even played underage for.

More glamour following the Tipp hurlers though…

He’ll be at the football final cheering on the Dubs.[/QUOTE]
I heard him on the radio before the dublin tipp game and he was quite categorical in saying he would be supporting dublin.

[QUOTE=“dodgy-keeper, post: 1002129, member: 1552”]He is from hurling stock, yes - he even played for Dublin. Ergo, not unreasonable to suggest you support the county you are fucking from and even played underage for.

More glamour following the Tipp hurlers though…

He’ll be at the football final cheering on the Dubs.[/QUOTE]

His auld lad and uncles played senior for Tipp, his family are steeped in Tipp hurling. It is far from unreasonable that he might feel some sort of connection towards them and support them

Anthony Nash went to Limerick games as a child, his uncles played senior for Limerick, his family are steeped in Limerick hurling.

So he supports both Tipp and Dublin then?

What does that have to do with Niall Quinn?

Yes. This is very common among people who’s parents come from a different county. Have you never encountered it before or something?


IIRC there were Limerick fellas trying to claim him last year.

That gombeen that used to run Mountjoy.

I think most people would support their own county first and foremost. After their interest in the championship had ended they’d support the county of their parents (passively, without getting too worked up about it) rather than ardently and fervently supporting them as Quinn does with Tipp.

So I assume you have an issue with @Thrawneen supporting the Limerick hurlers as well?

No, he’s sound. Quinn is a cunt.

I’m sure Niall has some beautiful memories of heading off to to Tipperary matches with his father and family. Regardless of all else, you cant blame him for holding that shower of inbred cunts close to his heart.

[QUOTE=“dodgy-keeper, post: 1002097, member: 1552”]JP.
Paul O’Connell ( :mad: )
Tom Ryan
Andy Lee
Terry Wogan.[/QUOTE]

PJ or one of his lackies, most likely Hartigan, will be there to regale us all with the same fucking story of how PJ climbed in the window of the dressing room after the win in '73.
There will also be the token rogbee cunt, most likely to be the eye-gouger Quinlan and probably ‘The Bull’.
Tom Ryan will have cows to milk so won’t be there.
Politically Motivated Understudy will be there d’jou know what I’m sayin?
From a Limerick point of view, maybe even The Voice will be asked for his extensive knowledge of Limerick hurling.

In other words, very few people with an decent knowledge of Limerick GAA will be asked to turn up.

Spot on, pal. Cunts like Niall Quinn and @Thrawneen would sicken you with their carry on.

Kells band Ham Sandwich.

This Guy

His family are from Borris and they are steeped in Tipp GAA

[QUOTE=“Lazarus, post: 1002237, member: 286”]This Guy

His family are from Borris and they are steeped in Tipp GAA[/QUOTE]

His family are from the Silvermines

He knows a lot more about Hurling than Mother Teresa too, I’ll guarantee you that