Daily Debate - Joe Canning v Seamus Callanan

The only man to win MOTM in a European Championships Final, a Champions League Final and a World Cup Final

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They are not even similar in style or position

Iniesta vs. Zidane is perhaps a better comparison

What is the point of having a debate about two players yet to finish their careers, one with possibly his best days ahead of him?

Which one has his best days ahead of him?


Go on, have a guess

That’s what you want to debate. It’s boring if they are the exact same. Kroos for me. He’s been far more successful trophy wise with Real.

Callanan is getting better each and every year so it has to be him … Joe flat lined long ago.

Go way…

Which was more entertaining? The 4-4-2 with set positions, get it wide, get it forward fast?

Or the variations of 4-3-3 we see now with fluid positions, building possession?

You are a wonderful poster when you take posting seriously.

I’m having trouble working it out. Both are 31 and having been hurling inter county for 10 or 12years?

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Some times you have to engage seriously or you’ll never be taken seriously around here.

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Fitzy has been at the Shiraz again i’d say.

That’s not even close to being true. Iniesta has won 4 Champions Leagues, same as Kroos with Bayern/Real. Iniesta has won way more La Ligas and a Euros. It’s an individual comparison anyway

Maybe a good one tomorrow who’s better Ronaldo or Messi

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Kroos doing it in two leagues instantly puts him ahead. Too many Barcelona players take the easy option and say in there comfort zone.

Like Giggs, Scholes and the rest of the “Class of 92”?


Kroos and the rest of that Madrid team were carried by Ronaldo. You see when he left that they fell in a shite