Daily Debate - Joe Canning v Seamus Callanan

I watched that match. He definitely had both his legs

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But but but but but but

They won two in a row in 87/88. Sure it doesn’t matter a jot that it took them another thirty years after that.

Paudie hasn’t played a good game full back since 2009 sure :rollseyes:

Thank you for your understanding. Difficult choices have to be made at this difficult time.

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Callanan is a born winner.- the graft he has put in to improve every year speaks volumes… The year he had last year is the stuff of legends but it gets down played because he’s a quite enough skin. If media Joe had that year it would be a different story…

Canning more natural talent but Callanan has worked harder, done more and achieved more.

Its often the way in the weaker counties these lads get blown out of proportion when they are 17/18 and can never live up to it. That’s Joe’s career in a nutshell, his best game was in his first season

If canning had the supporting cast that Shefflin or Callanan have had…

He’d barely make the team

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You’re a gas man, he must have seriously changed your mind. :joy:




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Not even a year since those posts were made

Only Muldoons can’t change their opinion. Sticking rigidly to an opinion despite new evidence being on offer will never end well.

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You confirmed him as a creep.

Worse than Ewan.

The stories were unfounded. He’s a grand fella


WHat new evidence? He has only played one bit of a championship match since you made these posts.

How about a knockout competition?
Top 16 hurlers since 1990 (selected by @Bandage, @Big_Dan_Campbell and @Fagan_ODowd) into a open draw.
Paired off in a straight knockout votes.

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I want nothing to do with such an initiative.


I’d the pleasure of his company a few times

This isn’t an fear rua

No. Top hurlers per county in the last 30 years from each of the traditional hurling counties that reached the quarter finals last year.