Davy Fitz- a thread for the non-believers

…before celebrating?

My sources have said he is staying. Multiple sources. I’ll be giving them digs the next time I see them if they are wrong.

He is doing a good job and Wexford are in a better place with him. For a moderate expense, the finances have improved immeasurably with him at the helm too. Cant put a price on feel good factor in a bandwagon county.


Wexford only lost once in championship. I think most neutrals would agree that they were probably the second best team in championship but were unfortunate to end up on tough side of draw. They’ll go very close next year if Davy stays

next year will be tough to be honest. Galway wont let it slip like they did this year, they are better than that. Limerick wont let another opportunity like they had too go a begging. And with Tipp improving with their U20’s, they too have potential to get better and finally go back to back. I dont think Kilkenny will improve much, nor Dublin. But arguably 4 teams who would have Wexfords number if they met each other. Wexford need more depth and a ruthlessness to finish teams. Most of their wins are marginal in tight games. Davy leaving I do think would see a regression to the team however.

Are there any promising local managers?

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As per usual my sources come up trumps.


JJ Doyle was over the camogie side that won the 3 in a row and has been in the Davy camp with the seniors since he took over. He’d probably be the favourite within the county. There are a couple of others too, but none really with the profile or experience to be fore front to appointments.

It must be tricky enough to come from the backroom team to being the main man. Must be a lot harder to put your own stamp on things and freshen things up.

Kiely did it.

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There’s definitely upsides to it too.

But not directly. He was a selector a few years previous, then established himself with the 21s and then took the senior gig.

Big difference from going directly from a selector to the manager


there was a fair few hanging around from when he was a selector though. Granted he brought through a good shot of the 21’s he had who would have only seen him as the main man.

So, you were talking shit etc…

Age Profile is a lot to do with it. Wexford have a particularly good one and you would think there is a bit of improvement still in them. A Leinster Final probably was target at start of the year. Now that is achieved players minds will obviously be on an All Ireland now. However it just takes the wrong appointment to undo all the good work and lead to unravelling of a team. If and when Davy does decide to leave they will have to learn the lessons from Waterford and Clare but their county board seem to have some level of competence. I think for Wexford it will be about buttressing the team with some good replacements and finding a goal scorer.

I suppose I was in a roundabout sort of a way… isn’t that what this place is for.


Wexford have had a poor return from their Class of 96 in terms of them going into management

Would they take John Meyler back?

Was Mick Church not a selector under Eamon O’Shea aswell?

I know some people like a clean break, a completely fresh outlook, and it does depend on the circumstances but if a team is going fairly well, I think a step up from selector to manager is a good idea.

There is so much more involved in managing a senior intercounty side than there is in managing a club side, an underage county side or a Fitzgibbon side; being a selector on an intercounty side really is great experience for potential future managers.

I said it here before Liam Cahill would be the right man for Wexford. Liam Sheedy will stay for a while and Cahill firmly has his sights set on a senior outfit. Usually for a first cut at a senior job it can be a right of pass to improve a lower tier team but he would hit the ground running.