Dealing with loud neighbours?

Bang on… Your man seems grand and happy with his few cans of bud and is in bed early.

Keep an eye on him all the same.

Snig of the week. Bravo! :clap:t2:

Depends on tbe neighbours, we’d a heroin dealer/ cum brasser across the street, caused fucking ructions, all types turning up, at all hours, all the nation’s in this country atm, had travellers batin each other in there etc etc, her and the rest of the gimos got fucked out, as is the looper behind me

I think he might be slightly exaggerating with the qualified electrician part. I’m nearly sure being able to read would be a pre requisite of becoming a sparks. You’d hope so anyway…imagine him landing into a gaff and asking you to read the fuse board for him! I’d say he wired a plug once …

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Let’s not beat around the bush here. This new neighbour is a head case. Tom Brady needs to take measures to protect his family from this ticking time bomb downstairs.

Fail to prepare and all that.

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Christy’s friend and protege gave a free concert tonight from his driveway in Porto. I’d say a hundred or so people gathered to listen. He has an excellent voice but isnt the greatest lad for picking his tunes. I left when he started into Amarillo.

Ok - so we also got new neighbours to the other side of us about 8 weeks back also … quiet enough couple, around 30 ish… They have their own proper barbell, dumbells and a small squat rack. They are out the front going hell for leather every day. Squats, lunges, deads, burpees, skipping etc. etc … I can hear him deadlifting away there now…every day going hard at it — they’d sicken your shit.

Yes, i’m jealous and feeling old.


You need to move out the country, pal. Get away from the proles.


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Just to put you at ease once a charity is involved in housing homeless or whatever their story is they are fully garda vetted

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Is there any neighbour you’re not filling your togs about pal?.. You make it sound like your hemmed in there.

I had a tenant via Threshold once. Had to get rid of them after they threatened to kill the neighbours on a regular basis.

He’ll be rattling soon from all the xanax he’s taking

I’m on great terms with all my neighbours kid…

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Are you living in a half way house?I thought Mrs Brady was well off.


I measure wealth completely different to most people.
