Diet & Nutrition


I’m just over 3 months into my healthier regime and I’ve learned the following:

Pizza = disaster.
Bread is bad too. Whatever colour. Get rid. Eat wraps instead.
Sugar is white poison. Coke and soft drinks are to be avoided. Drink water.
Lager is a cunt. Make of that what you will. Jockeys drink G&T. I was amused that Dex also drank this when he was on his regime.
Stay away from scones and muffins. Another disaster.
Breaded chicken is dirt. Fat filled dirt.
Cut out all sauces like gravy. Well, even to cut down on the quantities would be good.

I’d be a fan of breakfast. Low sugar alpen or porridge and a boiled egg. The protein in the egg keeps you going and means you’re less inclined to eat crap later in the day.

Eat more fresh food if you can.

Eat fresh fruit for snacks.

The best thing you could do is to keep a food diary for an average week. A bit camp I know but it’s easy to see what’s causing you the problems then. Some things, like bread for example, will have a huge impact on me but maybe not so much on someone else.

But if you’re serious you need to do some exercise and not be all self conscious. Go for a run 3 times a week, it will have a huge effect on you.


Outstanding Bandage. I am on my phone otherwise you would get three well deserved clappy smileys.

I think what you have also learned is that It’s not about looking a certain way but instead feeling good within yourself. It really is a life choice and not a quick fix.

I’m glad to have been able to share in this journey with you pal, albeit via the internet and behind an alias.

Keep going.

Thanks for your support right from the beginning, CM.

As an aside, I was concerned by a post of yours on the ‘ravenous’ thread over the weekend.

Outstanding post Bandage.

All of the above replicates my own experience with weight loss.

Couple of other observations. Avoid salted peanuts like the plague. Disastrous things and way worse than crisps.

I’ve more or less given up on beer and drink red wine now. Not a huge difference in calories but I eat all round me when drinking beer (see peanuts above)

I slipped up, pal- drink related. It happens everyone but the important thing is that you dont let it get you down and get straight back to work. At the end of the day, Bando, you have to ask yourself, whats the point in doing all this hard work and looking amazing if you cant have a blow out every now and then?

CM what would you recomend for post weight lifting snack?

It will be at least an hour after the gym before I’d be in a position to cook something, so what would be the best ready made snack you could have that you could pick up in a supermarket to eat while driving?

I’d keep it small and go for a chocolate/strawberry milk and a banana or something along those lines. I know those drinks are full of sugar but they also have a good dose of protein in there and immediately after weight training the insulin spike from the sugar will help repair and build a little faster.

It also restores energy to the muscles and liver- Just dont be drinking these things all the time.

How about just regular milk and a banana?

What would you eat later on bearing in mind it will be gone 8pm.

2 raw eggs down the hatch runt if its not too revolting for you

That is revolting for me

Pint of regular milk and a chocolate bar would be fine, or a couple of pieces of fruit like an apple which is high in sugar would do. Youre not training to stand in front of a mirror in a thong like myself, so I doubt you’d be worried about the chocolate etc. You could just have a protein shake made with milk and have something like grilled chicken/salmon with salad when you get home. I’d try not to eat within 3 hrs of going to bed if you can, but sometimes it can’t be helped.

I have a weakness for chocolate mini rolls and would eat two or three every night without fail after my last meal and it would be late enough at night. Thoughts on this Dr Mouse?

:lol: *

  • Diabetes and obesity are no laughing matter.

I think you already know the answer to this one, Dunph.

I am still struggling to comprehend that Bandage would make a post like the long one above.


Have you something to add, Farmer? Are you not supportive of the ‘new’ Bandage and his positive life changes?

Don’t get me wrong mate. I’m all in favour of it. Just remarking that it’s a post I never thought I would see Bandage make.

Could anyone recommend a nice healthy, quick and reasonably light meal you could put together late enough at night such as 9.30 or 10pm that would be your main meal of the day? I would often only come in the door at this time and would be hungry and would get chips or a pizza, the other thing i can think of that would be better would be the likes of scrambled eggs on toast. I suppose i could have an omelette but only cooked one once in my life which was years and years ago and wouldn’t be sure what to put in it…