Diet & Nutrition

Good point. :strokechin:

Ok everyone, back to the tayto sandwiches.

More fibre I think. But also, it’s lovely, makes a nice change, firmer texture and a kind of nutty flavour.

I’ve been eating junk for ten days, and no training, to see if it stands up to the intermittent fasting. I’ve put on 3lbs and I feel much of that was down to drinking Saturday night - the next day was the only day I felt bloated or that I had put on a few lbs. whatever about the breakfast part, not eating after 6/7 is something I think all people should try if and when possible.

Doesn’t really suit those of us who do an honest days work

Was going to day the same thing. This fella is living on cloud cuckoo land if he thinks working people can do this.

Like who?

Fish oils supposed to be good for when you’re training, helps with sore muscles. Is this right and what is the best time for taking them?

Myself, Dunph, TTK and HBV

Good one.

A few points I’ve just read on my local Italian Irish chipper take away menu. Anyone care to offer an opinion on any of this

  1. Thick chips absorb less oil than thin ones, are high in fibre so our chunky chips are healthier
  2. An average serving of chips contains more than double the amount of fibre found in an average serving of brown rice or a bowl of porridge
  3. Get 1/3 of your daily vitamin C from our chips
  4. Fish and Chips have only 595 calories in the average portion. An average pizza has 871 while a big mac meal has 888
  5. Fish and Chips are the least processed takeaway food

Facts or fiction?

I think you need to stop contemplating ordering chipper food at 11am

I’ve been reading it while eating my porridge and am worried I’ve not got enough fibre into me.

It also says that a fish and chips would have a mere 19g of fat while sweet & sour pork has nearly 39g and chicken tikka masala with pilau rice has nearly 60g of fat :o

yes- chipper food is the healthiest of all the takeaway food that someone from your background would buy from


CM, answer my query on wraps this instant.

you know- rural ,lower middle class ,university educated but with a poor enough degree


Hi, Bandage. Thank you for taking the time out to write to me and I do apologise for the delay in responding, but to answer your question-

Well it depends on what type and size etc but you would probably be better sticking to bread as wraps have more carbs and fat. But I would go with wraps over a footlong roll or sub.

I hope this helped you and addressed your query.

Kind regards,


Very carefully chosen comparisons there. You wouldn’t eat brown rice or porridge for the fibre, for example. And I don’t think you’d tuck into a bag of chips either if a runny shite was your desired outcome.

[quote=“The All Seeing Eye, post: 699579”]

you know- rural ,lower middle class ,university educated but with a poor enough degree[/quote]
