Diet & Nutrition

Bumped for Horsebox… I’ve wintered well myself pal. What exactly is your problem?

I’ve a long standing back problem mate which I can normally manage ok but had a bit of yip with it since November-back in training 2 weeks ago but need to ease myself back into it. I kept eating as if I was training the last few months so I’ve developed a bit of a belly which needs to go pronto. Weights is not really an option for me yet so I need some low impact/resistance training and some low fat food options to get myself back into the very fit and handsome bracket.

Go spinning in the altitude gym and watch the pounds fall off.

Spinning, or any bike activity, and swimming would be a nice way to get back into things and fairly low impact. A few light jogs too on a proper track or soft surface…

Food should be common enough sense, pal. Everything in moderation but stay away from sugar and low fat products! I’m a cunt for bread and pasta, but if you cut both of those out of your life you should notice a big difference… Try have each meal dominated by protein -Meat/fish/eggs etc and smaller amount of carbs (Brown rice/potato/veg) and some salad. Sweet potatos are great here, low GI and tasty. Drinking plenty of water is also key-- it will keep you full but we also quite often mix up thirst for hunger… Increased activity and a bit of common sense, without living like a monk, should be enough to see an improvement. Obviously, the more results you want to see, the more you have to increse activity and alter diet.

In the mean time, don’t be afraid to contact Bandage for advice- The man can relive from very recent experience and has shot down from a 48 to a 36 waist line!

Seriously contemplating taking up the Paleo diet (cave man diet). No grains,dairy etc. I’m in my late 20’s now and its a struggle to keep up with the younger lads in training. Picking up niggly injuries as well, that a stronger core and bit of weight loss would help deter.It is meant to have excellent results in other facets of everyday life as well.We’ll see how it goes.

Whats the best website/source for getting info on this diet. I am thinking of doing it for a 2 month trial.

Be careful, I know a lad that started on the paleo diet and two weeks later he broke his leg.

recent research has ntohign but bad things to say about the paleo diet…

Yeah I know a lad that started it and he died in a car crash a month later. It’s certainly not a decision to be taken lightly.

What’s an altitude gym mate?

It’s a gym unique to Limerick. It simulates training at 4,000ft above sea level. Great for improving fitness and weight loss.

[quote=“ChocolateMice, post: 749831, member: 168”]Spinning, or any bike activity, and swimming would be a nice way to get back into things and fairly low impact. A few light jogs too on a proper track or soft surface…

Food should be common enough sense, pal. Everything in moderation but stay away from sugar and low fat products! I’m a cunt for bread and pasta, but if you cut both of those out of your life you should notice a big difference… Try have each meal dominated by protein -Meat/fish/eggs etc and smaller amount of carbs (Brown rice/potato/veg) and some salad. Sweet potatos are great here, low GI and tasty. Drinking plenty of water is also key-- it will keep you full but we also quite often mix up thirst for hunger… Increased activity and a bit of common sense, without living like a monk, should be enough to see an improvement. Obviously, the more results you want to see, the more you have to increse activity and alter diet.

In the mean time, don’t be afraid to contact Bandage for advice- The man can relive from very recent experience and has shot down from a 48 to a 36 waist line![/quote]
Cheers pal-I’ve cut out bread for a good while though I’d have the odd wrap. I’ve started back jogging on the local pitch a few nights a week. I fully intend to start a spinning class once my hectic lifestyle settles down a bit after April. I had sweet potato wedges, steak and homemade salsa last week courtesy of the aforementioned bbc good food recipes-quite tasty.

I’ve quietly marvelled at your mentoring of Bandage’s impressive weight loss and knew you’d put me on the right path.

[quote=“Horsebox, post: 749862, member: 1537”]Cheers pal-I’ve cut out bread for a good while though I’d have the odd wrap. I’ve started back jogging on the local pitch a few nights a week. I fully intend to start a spinning class once my hectic lifestyle settles down a bit after April. I had sweet potato wedges, steak and homemade salsa last week courtesy of the aforementioned bbc good food recipes-quite tasty.

I’ve quietly marvelled at your mentoring of Bandage’s impressive weight loss and knew you’d put me on the right path.[/quote]

My oul lad, never a lardy fella, has lost about 2 stone purely by cutting out his daily two slices of white bread. It truly is the enemy of the svelte gentleman.

So far today I’ve had two scrambled eggs, a bowl of soup (Laragh Stuarts’ Tomato bean and Basil - cost a bomb in Fresh on Wexford street and wasn’t too nice - avoid) and a bag of popcorn. Probably do chicken with aubergines and garlic, onion, basil and tomatoes for the dinner.

I feel slimmer already.

The above link is pretty informative and tells you everything you need to know. There are different extremeties that people caan take things to.Some of the lads have alluded to some of the pitfalls above.I think more than anything it will enforce a discipline into your diet and lifestyle.

For me anyway I consume a lot of the wrong things.I could have potatoes 4/5 days a week and pasta/rice other days.I could drink a litre of milk a day easily and eat too much white bread.I probably indulge too much in Sweets choclate as well.Water intake isn’t particularily great either.

I would eat fast food/takeaways maybe once a fortnight and drink once every 2 weeks as well.I train about 3 times a week.

I don’t plan to adhere to this thing to the letter of the law.There are 1 or 2 days a week you can have a roast/carvery if you want.Some people eat meat to veg in a 2:1 proportion and could have a steak for breakfast.

I am quite healthy relative to anyone but the sole motivation for me in doing this is to increase my performance levels and endurance in an athletic sense.If i want to prolong my playing career for as long as possible there are cenrtain sacrifices that have to be made.

[quote=“Whiplash, post: 749868, member: 638”]

The above link is pretty informative and tells you everything you need to know. There are different extremeties that people caan take things to.Some of the lads have alluded to some of the pitfalls above.I think more than anything it will enforce a discipline into your diet and lifestyle.

For me anyway I consume a lot of the wrong things.I could have potatoes 4/5 days a week and pasta/rice other days.I could drink a litre of milk a day easily and eat too much white bread.I probably indulge too much in Sweets choclate as well.Water intake isn’t particularily great either.

I would eat fast food/takeaways maybe once a fortnight and drink once every 2 weeks as well.I train about 3 times a week.

I don’t plan to adhere to this thing to the letter of the law.There are 1 or 2 days a week you can have a roast/carvery if you want.Some people eat meat to veg in a 2:1 proportion and could have a steak for breakfast.

I am quite healthy relative to anyone but the sole motivation for me in doing this is to increase my performance levels and endurance in an athletic sense.If i want to prolong my playing career for as long as possible there are cenrtain sacrifices that have to be made.[/quote]

Are you any good?

[quote=“Thrawneen, post: 749867, member: 129”]My oul lad, never a lardy fella, has lost about 2 stone purely by cutting out his daily two slices of white bread. It truly is the enemy of the svelte gentleman.

So far today I’ve had two scrambled eggs, a bowl of soup (Laragh Stuarts’ Tomato bean and Basil - cost a bomb in Fresh on Wexford street and wasn’t too nice - avoid) and a bag of popcorn. Probably do chicken with aubergines and garlic, onion, basil and tomatoes for the dinner.

I feel slimmer already.[/quote]

Long term, a diet like this is fine and you will see results- Fruit, veg and protein!! Doubt there will be much change in a week tho, Thraw. Get on the Aloe Vera detox diet…

[quote=“Whiplash, post: 749868, member: 638”]

The above link is pretty informative and tells you everything you need to know. There are different extremeties that people caan take things to.Some of the lads have alluded to some of the pitfalls above.I think more than anything it will enforce a discipline into your diet and lifestyle.

For me anyway I consume a lot of the wrong things.I could have potatoes 4/5 days a week and pasta/rice other days.I could drink a litre of milk a day easily and eat too much white bread.I probably indulge too much in Sweets choclate as well.Water intake isn’t particularily great either.

I would eat fast food/takeaways maybe once a fortnight and drink once every 2 weeks as well.I train about 3 times a week.

I don’t plan to adhere to this thing to the letter of the law.There are 1 or 2 days a week you can have a roast/carvery if you want.Some people eat meat to veg in a 2:1 proportion and could have a steak for breakfast.

I am quite healthy relative to anyone but the sole motivation for me in doing this is to increase my performance levels and endurance in an athletic sense.If i want to prolong my playing career for as long as possible there are cenrtain sacrifices that have to be made.[/quote]

I dont know if you need to go to this extreme tho… More fruit, veg and foods with anti-oxidents are the way to go, … Cut out drink if you are really serious and take up pilates and/or yoga. You will also have to do proper warm downs in the days after a game if you are not doing so. Hydration is also key… be sipping on water all day everyday.

[quote=“Whiplash, post: 749868, member: 638”]

The above link is pretty informative and tells you everything you need to know. There are different extremeties that people caan take things to.Some of the lads have alluded to some of the pitfalls above.I think more than anything it will enforce a discipline into your diet and lifestyle.

For me anyway I consume a lot of the wrong things.I could have potatoes 4/5 days a week and pasta/rice other days.I could drink a litre of milk a day easily and eat too much white bread.I probably indulge too much in Sweets choclate as well.Water intake isn’t particularily great either.

I would eat fast food/takeaways maybe once a fortnight and drink once every 2 weeks as well.I train about 3 times a week.

I don’t plan to adhere to this thing to the letter of the law.There are 1 or 2 days a week you can have a roast/carvery if you want.Some people eat meat to veg in a 2:1 proportion and could have a steak for breakfast.

I am quite healthy relative to anyone but the sole motivation for me in doing this is to increase my performance levels and endurance in an athletic sense.If i want to prolong my playing career for as long as possible there are cenrtain sacrifices that have to be made.[/quote]

stop drinkin so much milk, stop eating anything white, bread, rice pastr and train more will work wonders.

I havent eaten white bread ina bout 6 weeks and have upped my trainign regimen a bit, easily notcie the results…

If the old adage is true Runt and You are only as good as your last game-then I am Shambolic.This whole thing could be a knee jerk reaction but a kick in the arse I need as well.

I play midfield/wingforward in senior Football and midfield in intermediate hurling.

We’ll see how it goes, even a couple of pounds would be good. I’m not in too bad a shape. I think I suffer from bloating more than anything. I’d say I’m probably intolerant to something like wheat or gluten or whatever the fuck, if I bothered to go get tested. I never needed to before as I’d be running so much I could eat and drink what I liked.

I’ll see how skinny I am tomorrow and maybe go for a purely liquid diet on Thursday and Friday for the craic.