Diet & Nutrition

[SIZE=3]3[SIZE=4] Vital Tips For Anti-Aging:[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]1) Reduce the long duration cardiovascular exercise and replace this with a weight training regime.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=4]2) Look to eliminate foods that increase inflammation in the body. Gluten, sugar and trans-fats are the main culprits to address.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=4][FONT=Times New Roman]3) Increase foods that decrease inflammation and free radical activity in the body. Water, fish oil, bright berries and cruciferous based vegetables.[/FONT][/SIZE]

[SIZE=4][FONT=Times New Roman]Last Tip For Luck: Increase your high quality animal based proteins. Your body needs to re-model optimally. Protein is your friend."[/FONT][/SIZE]

I find my biggest issue with fitness/health/weight is that I am an absolute hoor for a good night on the beer and despite having a decent diet I absolutely pig out when hungover and would spend the day grazing.

Would probably have at least one hard on the beer most weekends. I suppose I could do with scaling back on it but the craic is too mighty but despite being at a decent standard of fitness and would probably train/exercise 4 nights a week and a match on weekends I see that the weight is slowly starting to accumulate. Might try cutting out the white bread and pasta which I eat a lot of.

[quote=“chewy louie, post: 749921, member: 1137”]I find my biggest issue with fitness/health/weight is that I am an absolute hoor for a good night on the beer and despite having a decent diet I absolutely pig out when hungover and would spend the day grazing.

Would probably have at least one hard on the beer most weekends. I suppose I could do with scaling back on it but the craic is too mighty but despite being at a decent standard of fitness and would probably train/exercise 4 nights a week and a match on weekends I see that the weight is slowly starting to accumulate. Might try cutting out the white bread and pasta which I eat a lot of.[/quote]
Get yourself into a trapped, soul destroying long term relationship with a girl and that would cut out the heavy boozing at the weekends. Definitely cut out the pasta and the white bread-try wholemeal pasta and no more than 50g of it.

[quote=“chewy louie, post: 749921, member: 1137”]I find my biggest issue with fitness/health/weight is that I am an absolute hoor for a good night on the beer and despite having a decent diet I absolutely pig out when hungover and would spend the day grazing.

Would probably have at least one hard on the beer most weekends. I suppose I could do with scaling back on it but the craic is too mighty but despite being at a decent standard of fitness and would probably train/exercise 4 nights a week and a match on weekends I see that the weight is slowly starting to accumulate. Might try cutting out the white bread and pasta which I eat a lot of.[/quote]

The pressures on us modern men are untold!! We have the media on one side expecting us to be muscular and strong, and women on the other side wanting the same but for us to be sensitive,caring and understanding. While all we want is a few handy pints and the ride- They have it fair easy them women folk.

A stable relationship is only for horses

I would normally eat wholmeat pasta alright.

We are told to stop objectifying women yet we are getting our arses pinched and leered at every Saturday night by hordes of drunk lassies. We are told that women are equal and to treat them so yet expected to pick up the bill at every restaurant and fill the coal bucket EVERY time. If you listened to all of it your head would not stop spinning mate.

Aside from cleaning shit from their knob, Clarkey,Mbb and the pink brigade certainly have it easier alright.

If you’re training a bit then calories shouldn’t be a massive issue and what you need to be focusing on for your diet is macro-nutrient intake. As in, the amount of calories shouldn’t matter too much as long as they are good calories. For example there is fat in avocado but it is fantastic for you.

A good rule of thumb is one third lean protein, on third veg, and one third carbs for pretty much every meal. Potatoes are being given a bad rep on here but they are a fantastic and nutritious food especially if you don’t add rakes of butter or oil to them and a great source of fibre also especially if you leave the jackets on. On glycaemic index what you need to take into account more is the glycaemic index of the meal rather than the individual parts (potato is high GI, potato and chicken breast is good). Obviously cut out unnecessary fats and a great tip already given above is cutting out crappy fatty sauces like Mayo and replacing them with tastier nutritious sauces with practically no calories or fat like salsa.

Of course lads wanting o lose weight will also need to cut calories.

[quote=“chewy louie, post: 749927, member: 1137”]A stable relationship is only for horses

I would normally eat wholmeat pasta alright.[/quote]
Sometimes I think you are right chewy-your fast living, alcohol fuelled, prostitute using lifestyle has a certain appeal to it at times.

I wasn’t aware of their sexuality(why would I be I suppose) but each to their own-not having to second guess the complexity of the female mind has certain advantages I would imagine.

[quote=“Horsebox, post: 749936, member: 1537”]We are told to stop objectifying women yet we are getting our arses pinched and leered at every Saturday night by hordes of drunk lassies. We are told that women are equal and to treat them so yet expected to pick up the bill at every restaurant and fill the coal bucket EVERY time. If
you listened to all of it your head would not stop spinning mate.[/quote]
You get the bill every time? Is she earning the same as you mate? If so then it should be taking turns to pay if ye are in a relationship.

Ah no she’d be good that way-wouldn’t be a princess at all. I was speaking more in a general sense but there’s no hope of her ever filling the coal bucket.

Ah that’s good so. But yes, the coal bucket is entirely your territory. That’s good too, we need the odd thing like that to keep us feeling manly.

Lean meat is proving to be a waste of money according to recent studies. Eating the fat of meaT is not bad for you at all ( in relative doses). CM gives very good simple advice above about slowing aging process.

Whiplash - the training as stated by others seems spasticated. If you were running 400’s I would say 4-5 with 5-7 minute breaks at the peak of fitness (I.e) 2-3 months conditioning built up to it) would be the max. And on a night like that I would do very little else as everything else suffers on big running nights like that. To be doing it anyway regularly is mental and that volume is dumb. How are they getting time for football at a quality level? Sounds like someone copying what they think Donegal was doing without the support structures and killing guys. Ye will get injuries, pretty much no doubt about it. Ye will probably go well at the start of the year and then fade. Young guy may get thru ok, but that’s going ti kill anyone with any kind if high training age. At a professional club here in Oz they at the hardest level did 5 1KM runs, pretty pointless and silly IMO, but it’s about the same as doing 10 400’s. The fact that ye are an amateur Gaelic team (less running and time on field than AFL) makes it even more stupid. They over train in a big way here, but what ye are doing is one of the worst I have heard, if I’m reading you right.

Your coach is a bluffer or getting awful advice.

Fresh pasta, usually in thecold storage section near yogurts and such things often has a low GI and is very good for you. I h e taken to it very well. The other option is spelt pasta. Both digest faster and better. Spelt has no yeast.

Do you ever make your own pasta Kev? Very easy to do.


Spelt wheat is an ancient original form of the wheat grain that didn’t wasnt cross bred in the 60s and 70s. Hense the body can break it down a lot easier.

I like that fresh pasta alright. Most Supervalu’s seem to stock it.
I never see spelt pasta though? Is it much more expensive?

[quote=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 750095, member: 686”]+1

Spelt wheat is an ancient original form of the wheat grain that didn’t wasnt cross bred in the 60s and 70s. Hense the body can break it down a lot easier.[/quote]
Had some spelt brown bread in an open sandwich at the weekend in mammy’s house-quite tasty and I may start to include that in my weekend meals schedule.

[quote=“The Runt, post: 750102, member: 181”]I like that fresh pasta alright. Most Supervalu’s seem to stock it.
I never see spelt pasta though? Is it much more expensive?[/quote]

Generally not much mote if at all. Safest place to find it in health shops, so then it will be a bit more.

Ya fitzy, have made it, much better really, much like fresh pasta, same thing. Also make my own pizzas, that is very rewarding.