Diet & Nutrition

CM - hunger is fast becoming my favourite state

its sanctifying

btw with the 18/6 lifestyle,can you take green tea or black tea for breakfast?

[quote=“FingalRaven, post: 750149, member: 80”]CM - hunger is fast becoming my favourite state

its sanctifying

btw with the 18/6 lifestyle,can you take green tea or black tea for breakfast?[/quote]

Me too mate… i’d suffer hunger pangs about 15 hrs in then around the 16/17 hr mark I am full of life as my body releases a wave of HGH.

And yes, you can drink caffine or herbal tea with no sugar— A little dash of milk is also acceptable.

thanks CM

What way does the 18/6 split work and how many meals would you have during the 6 hour period

You can vary it… I usually do 16/8 with one 20/4 thrown in.

Ideally you should trian in fasted state taking some BCAA’s so muscle doesn’t break down but for most people this is not viable so you should break fast with a small meal (or have a second small meal if you dont train till later in day)and then train afterwards biggest meal of the day should come after workout… doesn’t always work like that tho. i’d have 2 small and one large meal after training in the 8 hrs. My usual time line is no food between 6pm and 10am or 7pm/11am. But you can do it any way you want- I know some lads that do two 24hr fasts a week, saving themselves 4,000 cals and they generally eat what they want for the rest of the week (tho they wouldn’t be hounding down burgers or the like) If you really wanna read more on it go to

[quote=“ChocolateMice, post: 750178, member: 168”]You can vary it… I usually do 16/8 with one 20/4 thrown in.

Ideally you should trian in fasted state taking some BCAA’s so muscle doesn’t break down but for most people this is not viable so you should break fast with a small meal (or have a second small meal if you dont train till later in day)and then train afterwards biggest meal of the day should come after workout… doesn’t always work like that tho. i’d have 2 small and one large meal after training in the 8 hrs. My usual time line is no food between 6pm and 10am or 7pm/11am. But you can do it any way you want- I know some lads that do two 24hr fasts a week, saving themselves 4,000 cals and they generally eat what they want for the rest of the week (tho they wouldn’t be hounding down burgers or the like) If you really wanna read more on it go to Loss[/quote]

A contractor at work does something similar to the 2 24 hour fasts, has nothing but soup and water for two days a week. Lost a couple of stone over the course of a 6 or 8 weeks

It’s tough going, and probably better suited to those looking to drastically lose weight or those in body building who want to see significant definition. By all accounts tho, fasting is good for the body and your general health and in sync with how we should be eating.

Is black coffee harmful, CM? Better that than tea with milk? Obviously better than a cappuccino anyway.

caffeine should be avoided as its a vile drug & in my esteemed opinion more harmful than LSD .E & WHizz

knock it on the head mate

I use NLP techniques to ensure my energy levels and concentration levels are strong throughout the day

in terms of weight loss its a decent drink as its calorie free

Black coffee, or coffee with a dash of milk is fine in moderation… Coffee does increase cortisol which helps store fat tho… Coffee and active lifestyle, ok. Coffee and sat at computer all day, bad.

Caffine does help improve athletic performance .

Sure cappuccino is just a bit of frothy milk, nothing wrong there. Coffee is great stuff though. Two cups a day thins the blood which helps the heart and it’s full of soluble fibre which is also good for you. And it’s delicious.

[quote=“FingalRaven, post: 750189, member: 80”]caffeine should be avoided as its a vile drug & in my esteemed opinion more harmful than LSD .E & WHizz

knock it on the head mate


+1 mate.

My energy levels have soared to new heights since I kicked it. Focusing on daily tasks has become alot easier (TFK aside) and I am wide awake and alert each morning from once my feet hit the floor… prior to this I was a mumbling stuttering mess till I has my first cup.

I have started to have one black coffee per day at lunchtime. Surely this can’t be damaging, CM?

Note: waistline remains at 36".

[quote=“Bandage, post: 750217, member: 9”]I have started to have one black coffee per day at lunchtime. Surely this can’t be damaging, CM?

Note: waistline remains at 36".[/quote]

That’s pefectly alright, pal.

You still haven’t shared your height or build… 36 would be a worry if you are under 6ft, but waist lines and this BMI lark are not always a sure fire way of determining fat/obesity levels…

If you really wanna drop down, it’s time to step it up to the next level mate- Some proper weight sessions in gym and some sprinting or get your self a punch bag and try simulate 5x 2 minute rounds and build it up to 10 x 2 etc… If you feel it’s hard to get motivated to do so on your own, some of these boot camps can be good, but you really have to shop around as there are a load of cowboys in that game… A good boxing club will offer proper boxercise circuit training that I would recommend too. Few mates of mine did one in the world renowned Corpus Christi boxing club in moyross and said it was the best workout they ever had.

What i’m trying to say, mate, is that it’s time to go hard or to fuck off… You are beyond beginner now so if you are going to go to the bother of training, do it right, and see the proper benefits… You are no longer a youngster, you have to start thinking about your health and elongating your life.
A top exec like you surely makes enough that he could hire a personal strength and conditioning coach such as Kevin… This may be a good option too, pal.

You have the cleaner Bandage mate, its time to acquire a PT.

A leaner/fitter exec will always gain more respect in the boardroom. They’ll take one look at your chiseled jawline and respect will flow.

Why the fascination with elongating your life? You’d be better off creating the conditions that would ensure that you checked out at 75 and had a dignified end to your life than being a miserable senile mess of 90.

I fully agree with this Fagan but how would one go about doing so? 75 sounds about right to me but I don’t want to just top myself when I hit that age.

Should we expect to see an end to your posting in the next year or so then, Fagan?

The actions he takes now will see a better quality of life in the autumn of said life.

[quote=“ChocolateMice, post: 750226, member: 168”]Should we expect to see an end to your posting in the next year or so then, Fagan?

The actions he takes now will see a better quality of life in the autumn of said life.[/quote]

Wouldn’t it be an awful irony to have a perfect body at 80 but to be suffering from Alzheimer’s. In a way it would be easier for your carers if your body was clapped out if you were in that state.

Bandage - I can train you thru Skype.

200 for Test and 6 week program.
50 AUS a session there after