Diet & Nutrition

Quite right fagan,everybody should be put down 75,we would save a fortune,what’s that line steve buscemi has in con air about growing old and pissing yourself

[quote=“ChocolateMice, post: 750226, member: 168”]Should we expect to see an end to your posting in the next year or so then, Fagan?

The actions he takes now will see a better quality of life in the autumn of said life.[/quote]
Good Morning buddy.

Quick one for you. What’s your opinion on eating before or after training? I used to go straight to the gym after work and then have dinner afterwards so wouldn’t be eating dinner until 7:30-8:00. However, since returning to training 3 weeks ago, I am trying not to eat anything past 7 pm now so I am going home & eating dinner and then heading to the gym about 8. Problem is last night and a couple of the other nights training, I am starving go to bed. Any thoughts?

[quote=“Horsebox, post: 750388, member: 1537”]Good Morning buddy.

Quick one for you. What’s your opinion on eating before or after training? I used to go straight to the gym after work and then have dinner afterwards so wouldn’t be eating dinner until 7:30-8:00. However, since returning to training 3 weeks ago, I am trying not to eat anything past 7 pm now so I am going home & eating dinner and then heading to the gym about 8. Problem is last night and a couple of the other nights training, I am starving go to bed. Any thoughts?[/quote]

Eat after your work out. If it happens to be late… so be it.

But I’ve heard before that your metabolism increases after training and will start burning away fat if your stomach is empty?

Have a protein shake or some such shite milk fill you up…

I always though protein shakes were a little gay mate. Remember I’m not doing any weights at the moment so should I be drinking protein shakes?

Have your dinner at lunch time if possible, and then something lighter after training.

Yes that’s the ideal way Runt and I used to be able to do that in the last job by nipping home at lunch time. I couldn’t be arsed making dinner in the evening to bring into work the next day but I suppose I will have to.

just a suggestion pal, w0ouldnt know enough about it myself, i dont use them

[quote=“Horsebox, post: 750388, member: 1537”]Good Morning buddy.

Quick one for you. What’s your opinion on eating before or after training? I used to go straight to the gym after work and then have dinner afterwards so wouldn’t be eating dinner until 7:30-8:00. However, since returning to training 3 weeks ago, I am trying not to eat anything past 7 pm now so I am going home & eating dinner and then heading to the gym about 8. Problem is last night and a couple of the other nights training, I am starving go to bed. Any thoughts?[/quote]

have you tried manning up a bit?

Protein shake with some fruit or nuts would be the job or a light fruit salad with natural yogurt… It is essential to get nutrients post work out, particularly protein, but muscle needs carbs too and that’s true for cardio or weights… Why dont you try it in reverse mate and get up early and train in a fasted state… You’ll shed far more pounds as you are burning straight from your fat reserve, whereas training at night, you first have to burn off the calories you’ve consumed that day before you get to that reserve. That way you can have your dinner at 6/7 and live a very happy life!

+1. We have a fucking unreal crowd of narcissists on this forum now.

I am extremely manly TASE-I am just looking for some advice on how to look more beautiful.

I’ve secretly known all along that this is the answer mate but already get up at 7:15 and am too lazy to get up at 6. I think I will go for the fruit and nuts option for now and try the morning training when the mornings get a bit brighter.

It’s a generational thing Fagan-I wouldn’t expect you to understand.

Why don’t you purchase your dinner at lunchtime? It’s hardly rocket science.

If you can suggest to me where I can get a healthy meal in the Blackrock/Monkstown area at lunchtime, I’m all ears mate. I’ve already tackled that issue I’m afraid but thanks for the suggestion.

Well you can do it on weekends mate… Even once a week would make a massive difference!

Surely there’s somewhere you can get a fish dish with a little side salad and veg, pal?

Yes Saturday and Sunday mornings have ALWAYS been for training Paulie-ever since I started playing sport as a cheeky young whippersnapper.