Diet & Nutrition

You would think so mate but it is a bit of a wasteland. You can get fish dishes in places but veg and potatoes are generally drowned in butter and I refuse to pay €16 for a bit of cod and a side salad everyday. Outside of that is all Spars or fat filled M & S pasta salads.

There’s a new place after opening up in the Crescent in Monkstown in the Avoca food market.James Whelan’s I think. You can get dinners in there for €7/€8. Beef,Chicken, 3 veg etc.

I would argue that full fat butter is not in the hit list of bad fats, ideally if your trying to shed a few pounds then avoid too much of it but its definitely not anywhere near as bad as any of those low fat spreads or mayo.

This forum must surely have the fittest, strongest, most self conscious and best looking collection of people any forum has ever had… We are a credit to modern men in the way we take care of ourselves and the modern fat, pint guzzling, kebab eating female of the species could learn a lot from us. It’s not easy being a man, but we make it look effortless…

Anyone ever heard or tried that Raspberry Ketane product? Supposed to be a wonder for burning off belly fat.

Go up to Lazy Days Cafe in Blackrock. It’s up the road to the left of the Frescati. Keep walking till you see the canopys. Tell them Bobby sent you. Everything is handmade by my wonderful Polish friend…the one that got away, I think. You’ll get good hearty food with a generous helping of salad on the side. If you’ve been training hard, you can treat yourself to a chocolate-mars-rice krispie square for dessert.


No to chocolate-mars-rice krispie squares!! There’s about 10-20 mars bars, amongst other ingrediants, used in making them things (the bigger square before they are cut up).

I’m trying to build an army here and you’re coming in here spouting poison. Please look down at your own gut the next time you get the urge to post up something like that.

What low fat spreads are bad for you. Please let me justify real butter again.

i have eaten the following food so far today

6-45am: double espresso (Cosi blend) made with my Nespresso machine before driving to work listening to the BBC WS
9-15am ; Cup of Barry’s Gold Label tea ( i have a stash in my ofice) and a sandwich heated in the toaster containing bulgarian cheese, pesto and tomatoe
12pm - 400ml of grapefruit juice, and a big yogurt with honey, chopped fruit and granola mixed together

at 2pm ill make more teand accompany my coworkers outside in the 31 degree heat to the smoking area, i am merely an observor

ill have a bar of chocolate later , then we have training at 7-30pm but as far as i know its only shooting and set pieces as we have a game at 11am in the morning

i better start drinking water soon and will continue for the rest of the evening,
later at 9-30pm we’ll probably order in a pizza

James Whelan’s is an absolutely first class butchers whiplash but they don’t do cooked meals do they? I regularly go in there on Fridays to get meat for the weekends and have never seen them selling cooked meals. I got a shoulder of pork in there a few weeks that I slow cooked for 6 hours-one of the nicest meals I’ve ever cooked but I got ridiculed by Fagan for liking pork.:rolleyes:

Full fat butter better than Low Low or one of those? Go on…

Thraw I am trying to lose 3/4 of a stone that I have put on recently-hearty meals and mars bars are not on the menu but I will drop in their one of the days to perv on your lady friend.

Fao Horsebox,Bandage and Runt…

In terms of maximising the effects of your training session, don’t have sex or masturbate before you hit the gym!

After you ejaculate, your prolactin levels rise which can depress your mood and cause your testosterone levels to fall. This is not good for working out as you are less likely to actually train hard . Further more, you also get a release of the hormone oxytocin which can reduce your central drive, and make you more likely to want to lie back and sleep, than train. Oxytocin will make you want to bond more to your partner than squat your maximum!

Being extremely “horny” all the time means you probably have lots of freely circulating testosterone, and are probably a guy that is able to make good gains from going to the gym, but much like CV/HIIT and weight training… keep them at separate ends of the day for the best results!

Also remember that you fire out zinc when you ejaculate, so keep your zinc levels topped up with supplements and /or foods.

You got ridiculed for liking pulled pork. Tell the truth

They did for a While Horsebox.Maybe it wasn’t paying them or it was too much hassle so they cut it. I haven’t been in there in a while so don’t know. Top class butchers alright. Caters for every palate.

Even if you bought one of those premade Lasagnes, sheperds pies or fish pies you could have it when you go home in the evening and bring leftovers into lunch with you.

[quote=“ChocolateMice, post: 750451, member: 168”]Fao Horsebox,Bandage and Runt…

In terms of maximising the effects of your training session, don’t have sex or masturbate before you hit the gym!

After you ejaculate, your prolactin levels rise which can depress your mood and cause your testosterone levels to fall. This is not good for working out as you are less likely to actually train hard . Further more, you also get a release of the hormone oxytocin which can reduce your central drive, and make you more likely to want to lie back and sleep, than train. Oxytocin will make you want to bond more to your partner than squat your maximum!

Being extremely “horny” all the time means you probably have lots of freely circulating testosterone, and are probably a guy that is able to make good gains from going to the gym, but much like CV/HIIT and weight training… keep them at separate ends of the day for the best results!

Also remember that you fire out zinc when you ejaculate, so keep your zinc levels topped up with supplements and /or foods.[/quote]

how many times a week would you reccommend releasing zinc CM either with a partner or in Horsebox’s case using visual stimuli to ensure you are at your optimum physical state?

[quote=“ChocolateMice, post: 750444, member: 168”]No to chocolate-mars-rice krispie squares!! There’s about 10-20 mars bars, amongst other ingrediants, used in making them things (the bigger square before they are cut up).

I’m trying to build an army here and you’re coming in here spouting poison. Please look down at your own gut the next time you get the urge to post up something like that.[/quote]

Oh I know, I made a tray of them myself one day when I was in the shop after-hours. The amount of butter, mars and chocolate in them is insane. They’re incredibly addictive. I’d only advocate them as a once a month treat.

starving at the moment

I have a great sense of clarity & focus in this state

[quote=“ChocolateMice, post: 750451, member: 168”]Fao Horsebox,Bandage and Runt…

In terms of maximising the effects of your training session, don’t have sex or masturbate before you hit the gym!

After you ejaculate, your prolactin levels rise which can depress your mood and cause your testosterone levels to fall. This is not good for working out as you are less likely to actually train hard . Further more, you also get a release of the hormone oxytocin which can reduce your central drive, and make you more likely to want to lie back and sleep, than train. Oxytocin will make you want to bond more to your partner than squat your maximum!

Being extremely “horny” all the time means you probably have lots of freely circulating testosterone, and are probably a guy that is able to make good gains from going to the gym, but much like CV/HIIT and weight training… keep them at separate ends of the day for the best results!

Also remember that you fire out zinc when you ejaculate, so keep your zinc levels topped up with supplements and /or foods.[/quote]

I think Im on safe ground when I say that Horsebox tends to barbeque alone if you get my drift