Diet & Nutrition

Yes sorry I got ridiculed for liking pulled pork. Pulled pork does come from slow cooking pork though.

I had two there but one has just returned to her native country. She was an absolute dinger. This was back in my glory days.

They do a good range of food in there for the health conscious man. Leave the mars-rice krispie and round off your meal with a green tea and you’ll be laughing.

+1 mate.

[quote=“Thrawneen, post: 750463, member: 129”]I had two there but one has just returned to her native country. She was an absolute dinger. This was back in my glory days.

They do a good range of food in there for the health conscious man. Leave the mars-rice krispie and round off your meal with a green tea and you’ll be laughing.[/quote]
I’ll check it out thraw and report back.

Funny you should ask that pal, as there is plenty of evidence to suggest that sex first thing in the morning releases a surge of testostorone… so you can fire away as much as you want if it’s a number of hours before or after training- maybe a 4hr window either side… However, usuing visual stimuli does not have the same effect, obviously psychology plays a huge part here, and knocking one out on your own is sad, and creates a loser mentality- Hence (if indeed horsebox is only getting action from Lucy Palm) he has put on 3/4 of a stone and is lacking motivation! Whereas studs, such as yourself, Tase, Mac and I, with regualr sex, are ozzing with machismo… It’s just about finding the balance to optimize your efforts between the sheets and in the gym.

Just said I’d post a quick update on the Paleo diet that I have been on for the last month albeit with a few cheat days thrown in.I have lost a stone in weight. I played a senior football championship match at midfield and it was my best effort in years. I was a lot more energetic,mobile and able to get around the field. Even something I hadn’t done in years was present myself for return passes. Often I would win possession and lay it off or pick a pass. I would be too fucked to create an overlap. I have being able to do this with ease lately.

However to counter that I got a bad virus and conjunctivitis which lasted around a week and required anti biotics. I’m not sure if the 2 were inter linked and my immune system was low but according to my GP a lot of people had presented themselves to his surgery with similar complaints, so it had being doing the rounds. Now that I’m over that set back hopefully I can continue where I left off and maintain what I’m doing.

There have been other benefits too. Before I could wake up a couple of times during the night and have an interrupted nights sleep but not anymore. Skin and hair and overall complexion looks better and healthier.

I have been strict enough with allowances for myself.I might have potatoes once a week on a sunday if we were having a roast at home. If I was going out with the girlfriend - the same. I haven’t eaten any bread or pasta and Butter,milk etc has been very intermittent.

[quote=“Whiplash, post: 759895, member: 638”]Just said I’d post a quick update on the Paleo diet that I have been on for the last month albeit with a few cheat days thrown in.I have lost a stone in weight. I played a senior football championship match at midfield and it was my best effort in years. I was a lot more energetic,mobile and able to get around the field. Even something I hadn’t done in years was present myself for return passes. Often I would win possession and lay it off or pick a pass. I would be too fucked to create an overlap. I have being able to do this with ease lately.

However to counter that I got a bad virus and conjunctivitis which lasted around a week and required anti biotics. I’m not sure if the 2 were inter linked and my immune system was low but according to my GP a lot of people had presented themselves to his surgery with similar complaints, so it had being doing the rounds. Now that I’m over that set back hopefully I can continue where I left off and maintain what I’m doing.

There have been other benefits too. Before I could wake up a couple of times during the night and have an interrupted nights sleep but not anymore. Skin and hair and overall complexion looks better and healthier.

I have been strict enough with allowances for myself.I might have potatoes once a week on a sunday if we were having a roast at home. If I was going out with the girlfriend - the same. I haven’t eaten any bread or pasta and Butter,milk etc has been very intermittent.[/quote]

you go out with your girlfriend to eat potatoes?

:smiley: That’s a farily big leap there TASE but I can see how you arrived at that conclusion.

[quote=“Whiplash, post: 759895, member: 638”]Just said I’d post a quick update on the Paleo diet that I have been on for the last month albeit with a few cheat days thrown in.I have lost a stone in weight. I played a senior football championship match at midfield and it was my best effort in years. I was a lot more energetic,mobile and able to get around the field. Even something I hadn’t done in years was present myself for return passes. Often I would win possession and lay it off or pick a pass. I would be too fucked to create an overlap. I have being able to do this with ease lately.

However to counter that I got a bad virus and conjunctivitis which lasted around a week and required anti biotics. I’m not sure if the 2 were inter linked and my immune system was low but according to my GP a lot of people had presented themselves to his surgery with similar complaints, so it had being doing the rounds. Now that I’m over that set back hopefully I can continue where I left off and maintain what I’m doing.

There have been other benefits too. Before I could wake up a couple of times during the night and have an interrupted nights sleep but not anymore. Skin and hair and overall complexion looks better and healthier.

I have been strict enough with allowances for myself.I might have potatoes once a week on a sunday if we were having a roast at home. If I was going out with the girlfriend - the same. I haven’t eaten any bread or pasta and Butter,milk etc has been very intermittent.[/quote]

Great to hear, whiplash… Of course what works for you may not work for the next person but it has been well established that we should have a relatively low wheat/gluten and diary diet.

Can you stick up your average meal there just to see what you are eating…

I’d be interested in seeing a couple of days menus for this fad.


You are a disgusting piece of work- Ye get in a semi decent trainer at your club who takes ye through a few handy sessions and all of a sudden you a re Kev!

[quote=“ChocolateMice, post: 759905, member: 168”]Great to hear, whiplash… Of course what works for you may not work for the next person but it has been well established that we should have a relatively low wheat/gluten and diary diet.

Can you stick up your average meal there just to see what you are eating…[/quote]

Thanks CM.

Breakfast mainly consists of Fruit ; Orange, Banana or else porridge with honey and this digestive food supplement.

Lunch: chicken salad, Spanish omlette, meat and veg plate, soup or leftovers from night before.Maybe chorizo,bacon and chicken salad.

Dinner: I made meatballs with napolinata sauce (The italian contributors will be familiar with it) and Spagetti made from Butternut squash which is just baked in an oven and raked with a fork.
Chicken and ham honey roasted vegetables, Couscous
Sweet potatoe wedges with Paprika,mushrooms,onions and Steak

I’m ok in the kitchen so I can usually come up with something without too much hassle.

I drink a good bit of green tea as well.

Did cavemen eat a lot of Chorizo and disgestive food supplements?

You’ll be suggesting he should dress like a caveman next and build a mud hut :rolleyes:

I hope Ballysteen get danced on this year.

[quote=“Whiplash, post: 759909, member: 638”]Thanks CM.

Breakfast mainly consists of Fruit ; Orange, Banana or else porridge with honey and this digestive food supplement.

Lunch: chicken salad, Spanish omlette, meat and veg plate, soup or leftovers from night before.Maybe chorizo,bacon and chicken salad.

Dinner: I made meatballs with napolinata sauce (The italian contributors will be familiar with it) and Spagetti made from Butternut squash which is just baked in an oven and raked with a fork.
Chicken and ham honey roasted vegetables, Couscous
Sweet potatoe wedges with Paprika,mushrooms,onions and Steak

I’m ok in the kitchen so I can usually come up with something without too much hassle.

I drink a good bit of green tea as well.[/quote]
Can you tell me why sweet potatoes are in but normal potatoes aren’t in this diet? I don’t get it.

I’m not sure why anyone would want to replicate the diet of a caveman. They had a life expectancy of 20 years.

Paleo diet is a load of nonsense.

It seems like certain posters such as The Runt want to snipe and have pot shots at those of us who are in great shape and committed to our healthy lifestyles.

[quote=“ChocolateMice, post: 759913, member: 168”]You’ll be suggesting he should dress like a caveman next and build a mud hut :rolleyes:

I hope Ballysteen get danced on this year.[/quote]

We’re undefeated so far this year.
We’re faster, fitter, stronger and better looking than any other year.