Diet & Nutrition

Long story short I am in the process of becoming a dentist. Must try the green tea, my diet is alright until about 7 or 8 o clock, then I consume what equates to a horse.

Is most green tea not caffeine free?

No. It has caffeine in it and any good will but not enough to have you wired late at night.

You really do believe anything. You’re a marketer’s dream.

Yes, I’ve drank 2 cups of green tea in my life. Marketers love that kind of success

I’d wonder about CM’s advice on this thread too…

CM knows his shit.

More caffeine than regular black tea in it. Wouldn’t be drinking it too late. Stains the teeth worse the regular tea too.


Mine need a cleaning badly.


I’m probably the most genuine poster on this forum and i’m always on the money in here, fucko!

I vouch for ChocolateMice.

Cheers, mate…

The horsey set are seething because I beat them at their own game.

I can also vouch for CM. 100% reliability nearly all of the time.

[FONT=Calibri]CM, was outwitting the horsey set even easier than you expected?[/FONT]

I just referenced the horses coat a lot and they lapped it up. Mix it up with words like ‘progressive’ ‘stayer’ ‘track record’ and ‘her mother was two time winner’ and they will be eating out of your hands.

After dinner meals or late night meals lads? Where do ye stand? I try my best to stay off food after my dinner which I may usually have at around 5 bells. Some days are better than others but on my bad days a bag of biscuits or in particular during the easter period the Easter eggs that the wife bought for the younger relatives were devoured in no time.


I have taken on a Power Caveman type diet, just to knock off 2-3 % of Bodyfat. I’m going back to football in next 2 weeks and my diet had gone to shit due to time constraints and busy schedule

For first 2 weeks you eat nothing but nuts and fruit all day, graving on them. Then at night, all in one go you have a feast, eat as much of absolutely anything. Pizza, bread, burgers, ice cream etc.

I was dubious enough. As much as cutting down to my fighting weight again it is to eat healthier and the theory behind this is you make your stomach gradually smaller thru the days and eventually all you crave is good food as you start to realize how little you really need or want the shit.

Well 3 weeks in and it’s working, very well. Cravings are extremely limited and I even went 3 weeks in the graving thru the day. Will add in eating eggs and meat this week. Another week and I’ll be down4-5% Bodyfat and in better shape than ever. Also I have got stronger. Now this may have nothing to do with the diet as my training is designe that way, but I’m pretty sure it helped.

Not for everyone, discipline is huge, but good for me so far.

Jesus kev that sounds hardcore. Wanna lose a percent or two body fat but I’ll manage it by reducing bread and carbs I think.