Diet & Nutrition

Ya, of course you will. I’m not great with starchy foods and when in the run its hard to avoid them, eating pies, petrol station food etc. To be honest it sounds harder than it is. You can eat all day really in nuts and fruit ( not dried fruit, full of sugar and not salted nuts) and you start to really look forward to and enjoy the feast. Maybe because of my age and years of training I do adapt to things very quick, which is a negative for training but great for something like this.

It was more about my insides and life style as opposed to losing the fat. I knew it would be a great by product, but it was secondary.

Thing is, and I learned this from one if the kings of S&C Dan John, only attack one thing at a time. If you want to lose fat, spend aonth losing fat thru diet mainly and cut back the training a bit. If you want to get really strong then lift a shit load of heavy weights, but don’t stress yourself on diet. He is absolutely right. Too many people, myself included, have tried to do too many things at once. Very hard to achieve anything, and also very hard to know why you got there if you do, was it diet? More sleep?, training?

Better sleep is next.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 774262, member: 273”]

Thing is, and I learned this from one if the kings of S&C Dan John, only attack one thing at a time. If you want to lose fat, spend aonth losing fat thru diet mainly and cut back the training a bit. If you want to get really strong then lift a shit load of heavy weights, but don’t stress yourself on diet. He is absolutely right. Too many people, myself included, have tried to do too many things at once. Very hard to achieve anything, and also very hard to know why you got there if you do, was it diet? More sleep?, training?
Better sleep is next.[/quote]

Sage advice that.

Also, I’d kill for a proper Aussie curry beef pie right now.

[quote=“Thrawneen, post: 774268, member: 129”]Sage advice that.

Also, I’d kill for a proper Aussie curry beef pie right now.[/quote]

There are good ones out there, but there is so much horrible shite in terms if pies now. The Chinese have taken over alot if the places that were known for good ones (so I’ve been told) and the standard has dropped. Only boutique Cafe’s and the likes have decent pies now, and at 7-8 dollars a pop.

I was a pepper steak man myself

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 774270, member: 273”]There are good ones out there, but there is so much horrible shite in terms if pies now. The Chinese have taken over alot if the places that were known for good ones (so I’ve been told) and the standard has dropped. Only boutique Cafe’s and the likes have decent pies now, and at 7-8 dollars a pop.

I was a pepper steak man myself[/quote]

Scandalous. We used to get 'em for half that. Best places were always the small cafe/diner/local store in some out of the way part of New South Wales or wherever. Nothing better after a feed of beer/boxed wine the night before.

Probably still a bit cheaper outside WA to be fair. This place is a farce now, most expensive city in the world I believe.

once again wrong, have you ever posted anything factually correct?

Perth isnt even the most expensive city in australia

they are still on average $4

[quote=“FingalRaven, post: 774298, member: 80”]once again wrong, have you ever posted anything factually correct?

Perth isnt even the most expensive city in australia[/quote]

Ha ha ha.

Even your links are contradictory.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 774308, member: 273”]Ha ha ha.

Even your links are contradictory.[/quote]


flesh that out

Cost of living in Perth exceeds Sydney.

This is the diet and nutrition thread, take your boring shite elsewhere.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 774320, member: 273”]Cost of living in Perth exceeds Sydney.

This is the diet and nutrition thread, take your boring shite elsewhere.[/quote]


read the links and apologise

once again caught out

read the links and apologise

once again caught out[/quote]

Read my post again.

read the links and apologise

once again caught out[/quote]
No one wants to be reading your links. Pillock.

something about chinamen making pies

Ya most expensive pies in the world. Lets keep it to diet and nutrition.

What about them 4 and 20 pies kev

Rotten shite altogether.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 774257, member: 273”]I have taken on a Power Caveman type diet, just to knock off 2-3 % of Bodyfat. I’m going back to football in next 2 weeks and my diet had gone to shit due to time constraints and busy schedule

For first 2 weeks you eat nothing but nuts and fruit all day, graving on them. Then at night, all in one go you have a feast, eat as much of absolutely anything. Pizza, bread, burgers, ice cream etc.

I was dubious enough. As much as cutting down to my fighting weight again it is to eat healthier and the theory behind this is you make your stomach gradually smaller thru the days and eventually all you crave is good food as you start to realize how little you really need or want the shit.

Well 3 weeks in and it’s working, very well. Cravings are extremely limited and I even went 3 weeks in the graving thru the day. Will add in eating eggs and meat this week. Another week and I’ll be down4-5% Bodyfat and in better shape than ever. Also I have got stronger. Now this may have nothing to do with the diet as my training is designe that way, but I’m pretty sure it helped.

Not for everyone, discipline is huge, but good for me so far.[/quote]

How strong are you now? Are you really strong? Christ, you’re one insecure bore. You’re probably one of these body conscious cross dressing types!

You’re probably one of those fat cunts who sits around all day scratching their hole and who has never had any semblance of contact with a member of the opposite sex.

Did I offend you there, kev? Or are you two banging each other? Is the whiplash lash from being pummeled by such a strong guy?