Diet & Nutrition

well done buddy…you finally got a reaction after hours trying…you sad bastard…

Very strong, extremely strong even. I’m massive.

Yeah yeah. I’ve had harder and bigger shits I’d say.

Buddy? FFS :rolleyes: what kind of lepjack calls people ‘buddy’ - and I’m sad? I pity you.

You are a dreadful WUM in fairness. I hope you are better at other things in your life. I think you have some insecurities, but we all do fella, don’t worry about it you’ll work thru it. I’m happy to be an enabler for now mate.

Good luck

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 774801, member: 273”]You are a dreadful WUM in fairness. I hope you are better at other things in your life. I think you have some insecurities, but we all do fella, don’t worry about it you’ll work thru it. I’m happy to be an enabler for now mate.

Good luck[/quote]

I’m not the fella masquerading as a ‘s&c’ expert to score points on an interweb forum. Is your life that sad and devoid if any meaning?

I’m certainly not masquerading as an expert, maybe masquerading as someone who works in that area and enjoys discussing it and learning more about it.

Have you any great interests yourself?

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 774811, member: 273”]I’m certainly not masquerading as an expert, maybe masquerading as someone who works in that area and enjoys discussing it and learning more about it.

Have you any great interests yourself?[/quote]

Battering spoof merchants.

now where have I heard that before?..:rolleyes: what kind of sad bastard spends the day creating numerous user accounts to get attention? …even set up one to start a thread about the other…get a fookin life…

Getting so worked up about an interweb forum:D and I need to get a life ? :smiley:

yep…i’m seething…you’re scraping the barrel now buddy…:rolleyes:

ChocolateMice, I’m fed up of eating healthily. Please advise.

He no longer posts here buddy so you’ll have to get your advice elsewhere-I would suggest either myself or that new guy Bean would be ideal replacements.

Bean is the man for advice Bandage.

FAO of ChocolateMice[/USER] [USER=301]Bean[/USER] [USER=258]cluaindiuic - is wholegrain bread an acceptable solution or must all bread go?

Wholegrain is acceptable bandage, but not for eating. Simply rub it over your torso each evening. It exfoliates and tones all in one.

From a fitness guru blog thingy…

One of the things I’ve written a lot about over the last couple of decades is caffeine, including specifically about the beverages which contain it: coffee and tea.

Both have a wide variety of fascinating benefits but tea is often considered the “good guy” and coffee is often considered the “bad guy”.

Now to some extent, for gym-goers, this is justified. Tea has numerous health benefits and green tea also improves insulin function, burns fat and improves exercise performance. Coffee, on the other hand, impairs insulin function (“acutely” - in the short term), doesn’t burn fat (except arguably, green coffee) and as I’ve written many times before, coffee impairs the performance-enhancing effects of the caffeine it contains.

However, more and more research is making it quite clear that coffee is actually a very healthy beverage. I first wrote about the many healthy benefits of coffee almost ten years ago and now the evidence is overwhelming.

So despite the fact that it seemed to lose the head-to-head battle with green tea that I referred to above and you may not want to have it with a high-carb meal, there’s more to this story.

For instance, regarding insulin - coffee curbs insulin function for a few hours after you take it but long-term it decreases diabetes risk. So even though it throws a spanner (that’s a “monkey wrench” to Americans) in your insulin function in the short term, it protects it in the long term.

Even more impressive are the results of a huge study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine. It found that those who drank several cups of coffee a day had a significantly lower risk of all-cause mortality (dying) than those who didn’t drink coffee. So coffee can actually help keep the Grim Reaper from your door!!

But let’s get to the topic that originally inspired me to look at this subject - discussed in the Mirror Newspaper a couple of days ago…

Many people worry about their liver, either because they’re always being told to “detox” or because they drink alcohol or do drugs (in some bodybuilder’s cases, steroids) or because they eat too much (liver damage from over-eating has now become more common than liver disease from booze). Well guess what? Coffee protects your liver - big time!

A review in the journal Hepatology looked at several of the best studies on this topic and showed that coffee very significantly decreased liver cancer and a more recent study from the same journal confirms earlier studies showing that coffee protects against liver damage.

Here’s the question I always ask when talking about coffee’s amazing protective effects on the liver…what is the first thing these “diet detox” gurus usually tell you to cut out of your diet? Yep, coffee and caffeine - oooh the irony…because the liver IS the detox organ…without it, you can’t even “detox” a bowl of cheerios!!!

Just goes to show you how many respected diet “experts” there are out there who give people diet advice and don’t have a frikin clue!

[quote=“ChocolateMice, post: 775779, member: 168”]From a fitness guru blog thingy…

One of the things I’ve written a lot about over the last couple of decades is caffeine, including specifically about the beverages which contain it: coffee and tea.

Both have a wide variety of fascinating benefits but tea is often considered the “good guy” and coffee is often considered the “bad guy”.

Now to some extent, for gym-goers, this is justified. Tea has numerous health benefits and green tea also improves insulin function, burns fat and improves exercise performance. Coffee, on the other hand, impairs insulin function (“acutely” - in the short term), doesn’t burn fat (except arguably, green coffee) and as I’ve written many times before, coffee impairs the performance-enhancing effects of the caffeine it contains.

However, more and more research is making it quite clear that coffee is actually a very healthy beverage. I first wrote about the many healthy benefits of coffee almost ten years ago and now the evidence is overwhelming.

So despite the fact that it seemed to lose the head-to-head battle with green tea that I referred to above and you may not want to have it with a high-carb meal, there’s more to this story.

For instance, regarding insulin - coffee curbs insulin function for a few hours after you take it but long-term it decreases diabetes risk. So even though it throws a spanner (that’s a “monkey wrench” to Americans) in your insulin function in the short term, it protects it in the long term.

Even more impressive are the results of a huge study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine. It found that those who drank several cups of coffee a day had a significantly lower risk of all-cause mortality (dying) than those who didn’t drink coffee. So coffee can actually help keep the Grim Reaper from your door!!

But let’s get to the topic that originally inspired me to look at this subject - discussed in the Mirror Newspaper a couple of days ago…

Many people worry about their liver, either because they’re always being told to “detox” or because they drink alcohol or do drugs (in some bodybuilder’s cases, steroids) or because they eat too much (liver damage from over-eating has now become more common than liver disease from booze). Well guess what? Coffee protects your liver - big time!

A review in the journal Hepatology looked at several of the best studies on this topic and showed that coffee very significantly decreased liver cancer and a more recent study from the same journal confirms earlier studies showing that coffee protects against liver damage.

Here’s the question I always ask when talking about coffee’s amazing protective effects on the liver…what is the first thing these “diet detox” gurus usually tell you to cut out of your diet? Yep, coffee and caffeine - oooh the irony…because the liver IS the detox organ…without it, you can’t even “detox” a bowl of cheerios!!!

Just goes to show you how many respected diet “experts” there are out there who give people diet advice and don’t have a frikin clue![/quote]


Sorry, pal.

Coffee also contains a lot of soluble fibre, good for the digestive system and helps prevent bowel cancer. It also helps to improve long term memory. Importantly, coffee has also been proven to be lovely.