Diet & Nutrition

Obviously when we talk about coffee here, we mean black coffee I assume rather than a full fat latte.

A little dropeen of milkeen is fine, Phil. But yes, do try and stay away from all these tall mocha frappa things.

There was a consultant interviewed by Matt Cooper recently who is convinced there is a link between the higher rates of cancer and coffee drinking…

I only caught the end of the discussion… but his argument seemed to be that coffee is a stimulant, if you keep stimulating your cells regularly eventually they tell you to fcuk off an threaten malignant behavior.

I cant find any research to back it up??? anyone???

Ah sure what’s good for you one week is bad for you the next. Scientists trying to justify their grant money by producing meaningless reports.
Just enjoy anything you want within reason and in moderation.

[quote=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 775837, member: 686”]There was a consultant interviewed by Matt Cooper recently who is convinced there is a link between the higher rate son cancer and coffee drinking…

I only caught the end of the discussion… but his argument seemed to be that coffee is a stimulant, if you keep stimulating your cells regularly eventually they tell you to fcuk off an threaten malignant behavior.

I cant find any research to back it up??? anyone???[/quote]

I can confirm his theory is correct

[quote=“The Runt, post: 775838, member: 181”]Ah sure what’s good for you one week is bad for you the next. Scientists trying to justify their grant money by producing meaningless reports.
Just enjoy anything you want within reason and in moderation.[/quote]

crack cocaine?

Of course, you boring cunt!

It’s fine in moderation-it’s the addicts who give it a bad name.

Anyone ever read bad science? A lot of things we take as given aren’t actually true at all, vitamin supplements for example have no positive long term effects and may infact have the opposite effect. Also a diet with increased Anti oxidants may cause cancer

It’s all bullshit for example An increase in anti oxidants in your diet has been shown to have no affect on cancer and may actually increase your chances of getting it.

[quote=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 775837, member: 686”]There was a consultant interviewed by Matt Cooper recently who is convinced there is a link between the higher rates of cancer and coffee drinking…

I only caught the end of the discussion… but his argument seemed to be that coffee is a stimulant, if you keep stimulating your cells regularly eventually they tell you to fcuk off an threaten malignant behavior.

I cant find any research to back it up??? anyone???[/quote]

Caffeine is a natural stimulant tho, that humans having being enjoying for thousands of years- You’d want to be having ridiculous amounts of a very high dosage to have a severe affect on your body. A couple of cups a day will not harm you.

Yeah there are some risks to high amounts, but the there are plenty of positives too - Liver protection, alzheimers and parkinsons are both reduced and it seems to aid in protection against some cancers will being possibly the cause of another.


[quote=“ChocolateMice, post: 775853, member: 168”]Caffeine is a natural stimulant tho, that humans having being enjoying for thousands of years- You’d want to be having ridiculous amounts of a very high dosage to have a severe affect on your body. A couple of cups a day will not harm you.

Yeah there are some risks to high amounts, but the there are plenty of positives too - Liver protection, alzheimers and parkinsons are both reduced and it seems to aid in protection against some cancers will being possibly the cause of another.


Something is going to kill us someday I suppose and it wont be coffee.

I could be completely wrong but I don’t think we can get away with firing data around the place through wireless whether it be bluetooth, gsm, ip or whatever without some repercussion to our bodies.

[quote=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 775857, member: 686”]Something is going to kill us someday I suppose and it wont be coffee.

I could be completely wrong but I don’t think we can get away with firing data around the place through wireless whether it be bluetooth, gsm, ip or whatever without some repercussion to our bodies.[/quote]
Something needs to counteract the shitstorm of a global crisis that is coming if we keep increasing life expectancy. Therefore I hope this post passes through numerous people’s brains on its way from my phone to the Internet.

Anybody get the feeling their phone is going to ring just before it does?

That happens me a bit, or thinking about someone then a text from them.

Do you think maybe your brain has subconsciously deciphered the signal before your phone has?


Salt isn’t half as bad for you as they make out

[quote=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 775875, member: 686”]Do you think maybe your brain has subconsciously deciphered the signal before your phone has?


It’s a glitch in the matrix!

Ye might want to turn the vibrate off on yer phones lads.

Correct, my doctor told me most of us don’t get enough salt, especially if you lead what is considered a healthy diet these days.