Diet & Nutrition

One is made from sunflowers and …


Fuck off you gimp.

Fuck off you gimp.[/quote]

Why does it annoy you so much that I’m knowledgable on S-C and general health. It’s typical of alot of “new” S&C people, even though I’m not sure if you are in that industry or are you some gobshite who did the NSCA qualification and thinks they know it all. I’m not sure really, but you should calm down and realize nobody knows it all, and it’s all about continual learning.

Your dreadfully awful attempt at wumming thru “Bean” makes you look like a complete and utter insecure retard as well btw.

But take care.

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 776367, member: 273”]Why does it annoy you so much that I’m knowledgable on S-C and general health. It’s typical of alot of “new” S&C people, even though I’m not sure if you are in that industry or are you some gobshite who did the NSCA qualification and thinks they know it all. I’m not sure really, but you should calm down and realize nobody knows it all, and it’s all about continual learning.

Your dreadfully awful attempt at wumming thru “Bean” makes you look like a complete and utter insecure retard as well btw.

But take care.[/quote]

Would you ever get a hold of yourself, Kevin. I have nothing against you, youre supposed knowledge or lack of said knowledge. It was a gentle little ribbing is all. You’re the one with your back up here, pal. And who was wumming?? Everyone here knows Bean and that he pops on now and again when giddy. I’d say he hit a nerve only for we all know you are flawless. I’m glad to see however, that you’re not one bit judgemental tho and embrace continued learning. If only the gobshites who did the NSCA were as open to continual learning, the world would be a better palce.

Thanks for caring.

Are oranges and strawberries good for you? Most fruits generally are, aren’t they? But are there any in particular that aren’t? My brother-in-law told me my habit of eating a banana in the morning and another in the evening was bad for my health. I didn’t believe him.

I’ve recently been informed that you shouldn’t eat more than 3 or 4 bananas a week-news to me as I have one every afternoon as part of my afternoon snack along with a fistful of almonds. Seems everyone will tell you different things but seen as ChocolateMice has gotten you down from a 50 to a 34 inch waist, you really should be directing all of your diet & nutrition questions directly to him mate.

Is honey bad for you? Ive been taking a spoon of manuka the last few months but is it not all sugar

where did you hear this?

I know a man who once ate SIX bananas in a week.
He was ok afterwards.

Bananas and honey are high in sugar/carbs and just plain sugar respectively. Unless you want to follow a low GI diet or are trying to lose weight on a calorie controlled diet though they aren’t bad for you and you are getting plenty of nutrients from them. A banana is only going to be maybe 100 calories, one a day might be better than two but can’t see it doing much harm. Especially when eaten with nuts lowering the overall GI of your snack.

[quote=“The Runt, post: 786032, member: 181”]I know a man who once ate SIX bananas in a week.
He was ok afterwards.[/quote]

It’s all relative to what you are burning off, but Bananas are loaded with sugar. Now, it’s natural sugar, but still, too much fruit can have adverse affects too. As always, Bandage, the key word is moderation! A banana a day is fine, some days even two, but if you are consuming other members of the fruit family also, i’d keep it to one.Maybe work in more berries and nuts.

I’m glad you are keeping the good fight up tho, pal. Some people talk about changing their life, others just do it :clap:

A medical professional-second hand mind you. Every cunt has a different opinion on bananas it seems.

I once ate 5 bags of these one after the other one evening, i can’t remember why.

My mate’s a doctor. Unhealthiest man I ever met. Fuck them it’s all a racket.

[quote=“carryharry, post: 786039, member: 1517”]I once ate 5 bags of these one after the other one evening, i can’t remember why.[/quote]

I could take a guess.

[quote=“carryharry, post: 786039, member: 1517”]I once ate 5 bags of these one after the other one evening, i can’t remember why.[/quote]

The clue is in your avatar

This is it, Doctors barely cover nutrition during their training and know as much as you or me. They always throw out the staple, watch your fat intake, go handy on the alcohol etc but for actual weight loss or proper nutritional advice I wouldn’t go near a doctor.

For nutritional advice I’d recommend going to a nutritionist

Judge a book by its cover why don’t ya!