Diet & Nutrition

I’d probably go to a dietitian myself as they are properly qualified, any cunt can be a nutritionist.

I met a nutritionist on a night out once, I got stuck talking to her as my mate was with her friend. She was an arrogant bitch and a vegetarian and talked absolute bollox about nutrition all night before going to Eddie Rockets for a chicken burger with extra sauce and and bacon and cheese fries. Fuck nutritionists, talk to CM.

I’m setting myself up for a big fitness and weightloss drive from this weekend. Been putting it on the long finger for a long time now and really feeling the effects of a very bad diet and lifestyle. I’ll be looking for good advice from those in the know around here.

[quote=“ChocolateMice, post: 786037, member: 168”]It’s all relative to what you are burning off, but Bananas are loaded with sugar. Now, it’s natural sugar, but still, too much fruit can have adverse affects too. As always, Bandage, the key word is moderation! A banana a day is fine, some days even two, but if you are consuming other members of the fruit family also, i’d keep it to one.Maybe work in more berries and nuts.

I’m glad you are keeping the good fight up tho, pal. Some people talk about changing their life, others just do it :clap:[/quote]

Thanks, bro. My brother-in-law says the potassium content in bananas is dangerous but I told him he was bananas. I’ll need to monitor things following on from your advice though - I usually have a banana in the morning with my porridge and I tend to eat another one when I get in from work. Later on (after Home and Away and my work-out), I’d usually have a bowl of fruit - lately I’ve just been having a chopped up orange and a punnet of Wexford strawberries (sometimes with a Curly Wurly on top). However, this may be fruit overkill based on the above.

Combining lean protein with fruit keeps your metabolic rate high and your blood sugar levels steady, preventing insulin spikes which can lead to craving.

Throw in a few Almonds or Brazil nuts with your fruit mate.

[quote=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 786084, member: 686”]Combining lean protein with fruit keeps your metabolic rate high and your blood sugar levels steady, preventing insulin spikes which can lead to craving.

Throw in a few Almonds or Brazil nuts with your fruit mate.[/quote]Or at the very least swap the curly wurly for a hazelnut crunch. Baby steps.

The potassium in a banana is dangerous? Seriously bandage, did somebody actually say that?

Is your sister mentally challenged as well?

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 786090, member: 273”]

Is your sister mentally challenged as well?[/quote]
Poor tiger :frowning:

[FONT=Calibri]caoimhaoin, all of the family are a little bit crazy in our own individual way.[/FONT]

[FONT=Calibri]myboyblue, nobody believed this but Tiger is/was a friend of my younger sister. She (Tiger) is an excellent golfer and is currently completing the process to become a professional – this apparently involves actual exams and shooting par or better on various championship courses around Ireland.[/FONT]

[FONT=Calibri]So I take it from this that there is no potassium danger in bananas.[/FONT]

[quote=“Bandage, post: 786098, member: 9”][FONT=Calibri]caoimhaoin, all of the family are a little bit crazy in our own individual way.[/FONT]

[FONT=Calibri]myboyblue, nobody believed this but Tiger is/was a friend of my younger sister. She (Tiger) is an excellent golfer and is currently completing the process to become a professional – this apparently involves actual exams and shooting par or better on various championship courses around Ireland.[/FONT]

[FONT=Calibri]So I take it from this that there is no potassium danger in bananas.[/FONT][/quote]


I was proven that tiger was an alias you were posting under

A - Is there much coin to be made out of that Bandage?

B - Does she drink from the furry chalice?

C - Best of luck to her.

[quote=“Bandage, post: 786098, member: 9”][FONT=Calibri]caoimhaoin, all of the family are a little bit crazy in our own individual way.[/FONT]

[FONT=Calibri]myboyblue, nobody believed this but Tiger is/was a friend of my younger sister. She (Tiger) is an excellent golfer and is currently completing the process to become a professional – this apparently involves actual exams and shooting par or better on various championship courses around Ireland.[/FONT]

[FONT=Calibri]So I take it from this that there is no potassium danger in bananas.[/FONT][/quote]

Ah come on. We all know Tiger was actually TippTops.

manuka honey is a racket. no proper evidence that it is any different to normal honey

Can’t be sure about this one but I was under the impression that one banana a day was plenty due to the levels of potassium.
Probably not a major issue with a fit young lad like yourself, Bandage, but high potassium levels can be troublesome with older folk.
I reckon you should leave out the second banana and replace it with something. I don’t really agree that you can overkill on other fruit though.

There’s a myth, or maybe an urban legend, that if you eat 9 bananas (or some random number like that) in a day you will die of potassium poisoning. It could also be medically correct but I don’t know of anyone that tried it.

I think you have to be looking at yourself in the mirror whilst eating the bananas and say BananaMan 3 times while having a banana stuck up your hole but you’ve got the gist alright.

There is another rumour that you can toast banana skins and then use them to get high somehow. My mate tried it after coming home from a night out in college one time but fell asleep and merely burnt the shit out the banana skins in the grill and set off the fire alarm.

[FONT=Arial][SIZE=12px]Let’s start with the basics. According to the [B][SIZE=12px]Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)[/SIZE][/B], “Banana and plantain do not contain significant levels of any toxic principles.” So it is not like there are any toxic surprises in bananas (unlike, say, the cassava plant, listed on the same page, which contains cyanide).[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=12px]Therefore, the place that people might get the idea that bananas could be toxic probably comes from the potassium that bananas contain. Despite the fact that potassium is an essential mineral, potassium can be toxic in large doses. It is so toxic, in fact, that potassium chloride is one of the substances used to kill people by[B][SIZE=12px]lethal injection[/SIZE][/B][/URL]. Too much potassium in the bloodstream causes problems with the nervous system and eventually [URL=‘’][B][SIZE=12px]cardiac arrest[/SIZE][/B][/URL] if the dose is high enough. An overdose of potassium like this is called [URL=‘’][B][SIZE=12px]Hyperkalemia[/SIZE][/B][/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=12px]So the question then becomes, would it be possible to eat enough bananas to cause potassium poisoning? Since the U.S. RDA for potassium is 4,000 mg or so, and since one banana contains about 400 mg, you would have to eat 10 bananas just to hit the RDA. Obviously that is not toxic – that’s the recommendation.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=12px]So to get a toxic dose of potassium from bananas, you would have to eat far more than 10 bananas.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=12px]If you look up the lethal dose for potassium chloride on a page [B][SIZE=12px]like this[/SIZE][/B], the oral value is 2,600 mg per kilogram. If you weigh 75 kilograms (165 pounds), you would need to consume 75 * 2,600 = 195,000 mg of potassium to reach fatal levels. That’s 487 bananas worth. Potassium chloride is only about half potassium, so you might need to eat fewer bananas (containing K rather than KCl) than that to achieve toxicity, say by half. But the result is the same – It is hard to imagine that people who are healthy are going to be killing themselves with bananas. It’s hard to imagine someone eating 25 bananas in a day, much less 250.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=12px]The one thing that might change the equation would be a situation where the banana-eater’s body is not processing potassium properly. For example, people with [B][SIZE=12px]kidney[/SIZE][/B][/URL] failure who are on [URL=‘’][B][SIZE=12px]dialysis[/SIZE][/B][/URL] are told to avoid bananas because of the potassium. [URL=‘’][B][SIZE=12px]This dialysis page[/SIZE][/B] says, “The mineral potassium is found in many foods, especially fruits and vegetables. Potassium affects how steadily your heart beats, so eating foods with too much of it can be very dangerous to your heart. To control potassium levels in your blood, avoid foods like oranges, bananas, tomatoes, potatoes, and dried fruits.” The kidney is the organ that normally regulates potassium in the bloodstream, so once the kidneys fail there can be a problem.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=12px]Some medicines (e.g. [B][SIZE=12px]Diovan[/SIZE][/B] for blood pressure) change the way that potassium is processed, and might also lower the number of bananas needed to reach toxicity.[/SIZE][/FONT]


John Bonham had eaten 20 bananas when he died. Though it may also have something to do with the curries pizzas and 40 units of alcohol he also consumed. Still, I’d be wary.