Diet & Nutrition

Same here today…

Junk food quickly elevates blood glucose levels, giving us a short-lived burst of energy and temporary satisfaction; insulin is secreted in response… and doing the job it was intended to do, insulin drives excess blood glucose into the cells of the body, to be used either immediately or later for storage, and the resulting drop in blood glucose signals to the brain and the body that we are again hungry.

Research would suggest that this effect can be felt anywhere from 1 hours to 36 hours after junk food has been eaten depending on metabolism levels.

[quote=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 788024, member: 686”]Same here today…

Junk food quickly elevates blood glucose levels, giving us a short-lived burst of energy and temporary satisfaction; insulin is secreted in response… and doing the job it was intended to do, insulin drives excess blood glucose into the cells of the body, to be used either immediately or later for storage, and the resulting drop in blood glucose signals to the brain and the body that we are again hungry.

Research would suggest that this effect can be felt anywhere from 1 hours to 36 hours after junk food has been eaten depending on metabolism levels.[/quote]

Shite leads to more shite - fat people get fatter! I hear ya…

trying to keep the fitness up over the summer so did the following training tonight

bench press 2x10 - 50%, 2x5 - 75%
then myslef and the fella im training with embarked on the most bizarre and excruciating work out

  • push ups for 20s, 10s rest - repeat x 8

  • sit ups for 20s, 10s rest - repeat x 8

-squat ( sit with your back aligned to the wall) for 20s, 10s - repeat x 8

-using a 12kg kettle bell weight yoke lift it with both hands from waist to the chin, for 20s, 10s rest - repeat x 8

-again using the 12kg kettle bell weight yoke, bend over and pick it up, then using your waist/hips as the source of momentum, swing the thing above your head keeping the arms straight taking care that the weight dosent slip out of your hand and fly accross the room, your body ideally should be in an almost state of perpetual motion ( well the only energy should be coming from the thrusting motion of the hips, so its not classically perpatual motion in an isolated system like Robert Fludd would have you believe, but u get my drift) its a killer on the lower back, this excercise can be called the “Jerusalem lower back thrust”, so not to confuse it with the Russian Squat, the Romanian lunge or the Ballinora heave - again do this for 20s, 10s rest, repeat x8

then i came home, its after 10pm now and herself made the following grub
-chicken fillets in breadcrumbs
-roasted sweet and normal spuds chopped into a parallelogram type shape

  • glass of coke

i feel wrecked

[quote=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 788024, member: 686”]Same here today…

Junk food quickly elevates blood glucose levels, giving us a short-lived burst of energy and temporary satisfaction; insulin is secreted in response… and doing the job it was intended to do, insulin drives excess blood glucose into the cells of the body, to be used either immediately or latfer for storage, and the resulting drop in blood glucose signals to the brain and the body that we are again hungry.

Research would suggest that this effect can be felt anywhere from 1 hours to 36 hours after junk food has been eaten depending on metabolism levels.[/quote]

how are the sinuses pal?
i had my fourth and most extensive sinus surgury in december 2010 and am doing ok, not sure how long itll last for tho

[quote=“mickee321, post: 788075, member: 367”]how are the sinuses pal?
i had my fourth and most extensive sinus surgury in december 2010 and am doing ok, not sure how long itll last for tho[/quote]

Jesus you have a bad dose.

I’d rinse them every morning which keeps them pretty stable to be honest.

Family member is going for surgery on them next week actually. Has suffered pretty bad with them and needs the op badly.

Are you suggesting that the operation may only give a temporary solution? Has the drier climate had any positive effect on them?

[quote=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 788081, member: 686”]Jesus you have a bad dose.

I’d rinse them every morning which keeps them pretty stable to be honest.

Family member is going for surgery on them next week actually. Has suffered pretty bad with them and needs the op badly.

Are you suggesting that the operation may only give a temporary solution? Has the drier climate had any positive effect on them?[/quote]

ah jesus i dunno
i use Neilmed twice a day and find it great
if its polyps he has then they will come back, there is no cure
problem i had was that they started getting around my eyes and caused a few issues up there (serious ones) , ill send you a PM when i get a chance as i remember you put up a post on it before

[quote=“mickee321, post: 788070, member: 367”]trying to keep the fitness up over the summer so did the following training tonight

bench press 2x10 - 50%, 2x5 - 75%
then myslef and the fella im training with embarked on the most bizarre and excruciating work out

  • push ups for 20s, 10s rest - repeat x 8

  • sit ups for 20s, 10s rest - repeat x 8

-squat ( sit with your back aligned to the wall) for 20s, 10s - repeat x 8

-using a 12kg kettle bell weight yoke lift it with both hands from waist to the chin, for 20s, 10s rest - repeat x 8

-again using the 12kg kettle bell weight yoke, bend over and pick it up, then using your waist/hips as the source of momentum, swing the thing above your head keeping the arms straight taking care that the weight dosent slip out of your hand and fly accross the room, your body ideally should be in an almost state of perpetual motion ( well the only energy should be coming from the thrusting motion of the hips, so its not classically perpatual motion in an isolated system like Robert Fludd would have you believe, but u get my drift) its a killer on the lower back, this excercise can be called the “Jerusalem lower back thrust”, so not to confuse it with the Russian Squat, the Romanian lunge or the Ballinora heave - again do this for 20s, 10s rest, repeat x8

then i came home, its after 10pm now and herself made the following grub
-chicken fillets in breadcrumbs
-roasted sweet and normal spuds chopped into a parallelogram type shape

  • glass of coke

i feel wrecked[/quote]

having a cup of tea now

[quote=“mickee321, post: 788089, member: 367”]ah jesus i dunno
i use Neilmed twice a day and find it great
if its polyps he has then they will come back, there is no cure
problem i had was that they started getting around my eyes and caused a few issues up there (serious ones) , ill send you a PM when i get a chance as i remember you put up a post on it before[/quote]

Yeah, no pollops in our family thankfully just a fcuking mucus issue which I suspect is diet related but can never nail it down fully. Pollen plays fcuk too.

[quote=“mickee321, post: 788070, member: 367”]trying to keep the fitness up over the summer so did the following training tonight

bench press 2x10 - 50%, 2x5 - 75%
then myslef and the fella im training with embarked on the most bizarre and excruciating work out

  • push ups for 20s, 10s rest - repeat x 8

  • sit ups for 20s, 10s rest - repeat x 8

-squat ( sit with your back aligned to the wall) for 20s, 10s - repeat x 8

-using a 12kg kettle bell weight yoke lift it with both hands from waist to the chin, for 20s, 10s rest - repeat x 8

-again using the 12kg kettle bell weight yoke, bend over and pick it up, then using your waist/hips as the source of momentum, swing the thing above your head keeping the arms straight taking care that the weight dosent slip out of your hand and fly accross the room, your body ideally should be in an almost state of perpetual motion ( well the only energy should be coming from the thrusting motion of the hips, so its not classically perpatual motion in an isolated system like Robert Fludd would have you believe, but u get my drift) its a killer on the lower back, this excercise can be called the “Jerusalem lower back thrust”, so not to confuse it with the Russian Squat, the Romanian lunge or the Ballinora heave - again do this for 20s, 10s rest, repeat x8

then i came home, its after 10pm now and herself made the following grub
-chicken fillets in breadcrumbs
-roasted sweet and normal spuds chopped into a parallelogram type shape

  • glass of coke

i feel wrecked[/quote]

That’s a serious workout mickee but rice and spuds and breaded chicken and coke wouldn’t be the best dinner to eat mate. You should drop either the rice or spuds and replace with veg.

thanks pal
im clueless about nutrition TBH
im in no position tho to argue with the grub that’s provided in the house here

Serious work out alright Mickee… You cant beat pairing off with a lad and raising the stakes.

[quote=“mickee321, post: 788070, member: 367”]trying to keep the fitness up over the summer so did the following training tonight

bench press 2x10 - 50%, 2x5 - 75%
then myslef and the fella im training with embarked on the most bizarre and excruciating work out

- push ups for 20s, 10s rest - repeat x 8

- sit ups for 20s, 10s rest - repeat x 8

-squat ( sit with your back aligned to the wall) for 20s, 10s - repeat x 8

-using a 12kg kettle bell weight yoke lift it with both hands from waist to the chin, for 20s, 10s rest - repeat x 8

-again using the 12kg kettle bell weight yoke, bend over and pick it up, then using your waist/hips as the source of momentum, swing the thing above your head keeping the arms straight taking care that the weight dosent slip out of your hand and fly accross the room, your body ideally should be in an almost state of perpetual motion ( well the only energy should be coming from the thrusting motion of the hips, so its not classically perpatual motion in an isolated system like Robert Fludd would have you believe, but u get my drift) its a killer on the lower back, this excercise can be called the “Jerusalem lower back thrust”, so not to confuse it with the Russian Squat, the Romanian lunge or the Ballinora heave - again do this for 20s, 10s rest, repeat x8

then i came home, its after 10pm now and herself made the following grub
-chicken fillets in breadcrumbs
-roasted sweet and normal spuds chopped into a parallelogram type shape

  • glass of coke

i feel wrecked[/quote]

ah boy mickee, that’s what is known as the “tababata protocol” fitness fad at the moment but meant to be far better than going for a run or anything…

yeah i was bolluxed after it
the key was to keep the pulse rate up so that was why the breaks were only 10s between sets,
here is another one we did last week, was outdoors now so even tho 9pm it was very hot, the fella I train with plays 7s rugby for israel and is probably how i imagine kev would be (that is if kev is actually real and not just a deity who we all strive to be)

12kg kettle bell yoke
20m rope ( the type of rope they use in Foynes port to tie a ship down when in port

1 - loop the rope around a pole or preferably find a pillar type structure like a statue or something so it is divided into 2 x 10m and about 1m from the ground , take one end of the rope in each hand and walk back until it is tight against the pillar, stand staright and quickly clatter the rope off the ground 20 times

2 - 20 push ups

3- using a 12kg kettle bell weight yoke lift it with both hands from waist to the chin 20 times

4- " Jerusalem lower back thrust" as outlined previously - 20 times

5- back to the rope. instead of clattering it off the ground, crosse it left/right 20 times

6- sprint 50 m

20s between each excercise

plan was to do 5 sets of this , we managed 4.5 ish

its 1pm, ive been up since 6-30
so far ive eaten

  • 1 treble espresso
    -1 burekas
    -a few slugs of water

im aware this is shocking, ill go for lunch there in a minute, educate me someone

You can purchase a relatively light lunch in Tesco for the pricely sum of 3 euro! They have a deal where you can purchase a sandwich of choice, low fat options too, a bag of sliced up fruit and a bottle of water. Not substantial by any means but not bad for 3euro. You can substitute the sambo for a salad but most of them are covered in a mayo type sauce.

[quote=“mickee321, post: 788285, member: 367”]its 1pm, ive been up since 6-30
so far ive eaten

  • 1 treble espresso
    -1 burekas
    -a few slugs of water

im aware this is shocking, ill go for lunch there in a minute, educate me someone[/quote]

With the workout you did last night mate you could go to McDonalds and feel no real ill effects…

That said your cells are repairing themselves as I type and the more lean protein you can get into you today the quicker you’ll be back doing the JLBT.

[quote=“mickee321, post: 788285, member: 367”]its 1pm, ive been up since 6-30
so far ive eaten

  • 1 treble espresso
    -1 burekas
    -a few slugs of water

im aware this is shocking, ill go for lunch there in a minute, educate me someone[/quote]

Whats a bureka?


[quote=“mickee321, post: 788285, member: 367”]its 1pm, ive been up since 6-30
so far ive eaten

  • 1 treble espresso
    -1 burekas
    -a few slugs of water

im aware this is shocking, ill go for lunch there in a minute, educate me someone[/quote]

Can’t bate a bureka in the morning

burekas(sp depending on location) is a pastry type arrangement usually filled with potatoe, feta cheese or spinach.
its a fatty enough yoke and is usually heated before consumption, very popular in the balkans / middle east