Diet & Nutrition

[quote=“mickee321, post: 788379, member: 367”]burekas(sp depending on location) is a pastry type arrangement usually filled with potatoe, feta cheese or spinach.
its a fatty enough yoke and is usually heated before consumption, very popular in the balkans / middle east[/quote]

I’ve had them, lovely. Fairly low rating on the diet and nutrition thread for them though.

[quote=“mickee321, post: 788379, member: 367”]burekas(sp depending on location) is a pastry type arrangement usually filled with potatoe, feta cheese or spinach.
its a fatty enough yoke and is usually heated before consumption, very popular in the balkans / middle east[/quote]

sounds delic…

I tell you what folks- having returned to eating a breakfast again in the last 6 weeks or so I have certainly noticed that I am eating a lot more. When fasting you’d get hunger pangs after a couple of hours of being up, but they were easily fought off for another few hours with water or coffee/tea. If I had my last meal at 8pm the night previous I would not eat until 12pm the next day- which would be a medium sized meal- and I would be stuffed after it and not hungry again until that evening. With this breakfast lark i am starving within a couple of hours and again a few hours after that whereby I am eating 4/5 times a day. Once you go a few days of fasting you don’t even notice the hunger I find, but after eating breakfast you can’t ignore when the hunger comes on. Therefore, food leads to more food, and thus, more calories.

Eating is a habit

Where do you stand on the “breakfast is the most important meal of the day” view? I have porridge & a banana for breakfast, a traditional dinner at lunchtime and then ease off in the evening with some fruit and perhaps a yogurt. Should I change things up and eat fuck all early in the day and gorge in the evenings?

[quote=“ChocolateMice, post: 788408, member: 168”]I tell you what folks- having returned to eating a breakfast again in the last 6 weeks or so I have certainly noticed that I am eating a lot more. When fasting you’d get hunger pangs after a couple of hours of being up, but they were easily fought off for another few hours with water or coffee/tea. If I had my last meal at 8pm the night previous I would not eat until 12pm the next day- which would be a medium sized meal- and I would be stuffed after it and not hungry again until that evening. With this breakfast lark i am starving within a couple of hours and again a few hours after that whereby I am eating 4/5 times a day. Once you go a few days of fasting you don’t even notice the hunger I find, but after eating breakfast you can’t ignore when the hunger comes on. Therefore, food leads to more food, and thus, more calories.[/quote]I get your reasoning. Breakfast in the morning is supposed to kick start your metabolism for the day, leading to you being hungry earlier. Your fasting routine probably has you on a different setting altogether. I generally have a decent breakfast and would normally be hungry by 11.30. If I have to carry on through without eating anything I will be starving and grumpy by lunch.

That’s a great question, Bandage, and one I’m gonna struggle to answer. Like everything in relation to diet/exercise it is horses for courses, but if that is truely your diet it is solid enough. With the same routine you have conditioned yourself when and what to eat, I had done the same with my fasting and having gone and changed it I am out of sync and consuming loads more. As for breakfast being the most important meal of the day, I don’t think so. I’ve gone without it and have functioned perfectly and eaten less throughout my day by skipping it. But, if you are going to consume it or carbs, I guess the best way to do it is the way you are, and reduce carb intake as the day goes on.

That’s a neither here nor there answer, but when it comes to this field that’s generally the way it is. But if you can go one day a week of fasting 24hrs- lets say 4pm until 4pm you will have a weekly calorie deficit of 2000 cals on top of whatever else you workoff in training and first team action for TFK AFC.

Yeah, I would eat a substantial breakfast out of habit more than anything.

It would either be made up of a large bowl of porridge or 3 scrambles eggs.

If I didn’t have it I would be like a right cranky cnut by 11am.

Then again I am sure if I persisted with CMs plan I would built up a tolerance to this hunger after a few days.

Don’t do breakfast, never have. A coffee in the morning is about it.

Tend to use cereals as a late evening snack though.

This is it, when your blood sugar drops you get testy and tired and just about ready to snap the head off someone the longer you go without food. When staying in a fasted state it’s not the same and you can resist temptation far easier and it doesn’t have an effect on your mood or performance. In fact I have had some great workouts or jogs while fasted but could never go to the gym while hungry from food.

ChocolateMice can be very cutting at times.

He means well.

Thank you my dear friend.

[quote=“ChocolateMice, post: 788438, member: 168”]This is it, when your blood sugar drops you get testy and tired and just about ready to snap the head off someone the longer you go without food. When staying in a fasted state it’s not the same and you can resist temptation far easier and it doesn’t have an effect on your mood or performance. In fact I have had some great workouts or jogs while fasted but could never go to the gym while hungry from food.[/quote]Gym while hungry can be very good, it also motivates me to get through my session faster so I can get home and eat. I’m sure different things work for different people but I am very used to breakfast and don’t think I could start going without it at this stage, I generally get 3 portions of fruit or so in with breakfast too. Even if going to the gym early before work I would at least have a smoothie with juice fruit and oats or a banana and apple beforehand, and a second breakfast after.

For me, I eat as much as I want/can as long as 95% of what I’m eating is healthy. I’m sure people trying to lose weight would need to control portions a bit more but I’d often be the opposite trying to put on a few pounds.

He’d kill you as quick as look at you-you’d do well to remember that.

[quote=“ChocolateMice, post: 788432, member: 168”]That’s a great question, Bandage, and one I’m gonna struggle to answer. Like everything in relation to diet/exercise it is horses for courses, but if that is truely your diet it is solid enough. With the same routine you have conditioned yourself when and what to eat, I had done the same with my fasting and having gone and changed it I am out of sync and consuming loads more. As for breakfast being the most important meal of the day, I don’t think so. I’ve gone without it and have functioned perfectly and eaten less throughout my day by skipping it. But, if you are going to consume it or carbs, I guess the best way to do it is the way you are, and reduce carb intake as the day goes on.

That’s a neither here nor there answer, but when it comes to this field that’s generally the way it is. But if you can go one day a week of fasting 24hrs- lets say 4pm until 4pm you will have a weekly calorie deficit of 2000 cals on top of whatever else you workoff in training and first team action for TFK AFC.[/quote]

scumpot is hopping around the forum awarding dumb ratings. Is he trying to create a niche for himself as the forums dominant ‘dumb’ poster?

wrong thread pal.

He rated the post I quoted as ‘Dumb’ count of monte cristo, along with the one I highlighted in the Wexford thread.

My apologies @Macintosh, he is quite the tool.