Diet & Nutrition


Maybe so pal, but persons who ate x amount of low fat dairy over 20 days excreted a far higher concentration of fat than those that had full fat dairy. What ever your suits you!

Trying to lose a stone or two before the brothers wedding at the end of October. Started on the fitness side of things about a month, ago and now I’m going to work on the diet for the next few weeks. Is the ‘All Bran’ any use at all lads? I know it’s like 'ating calf nuts, but it’s a bit handier than cooking porridge in the mornings. Also, I prefer brown bread in the toasted form, will this have any detrimental effect on my diet? Thanks in advance lads.

I don’t think all bran is the worst but all those cereals are full of sugar or salt. Bran Flakes is one of the worst you can est. You’d be better off going into a good health shop and picking up a bag of natural muesli if you really want to be a lazy fucker and not want to go down the porridge route. Add banana and honey and you’ll be kept going for a good few hours. If you are too lazy to hit a health store original shredded wheat is probably the best of what’s in a supermarket.

I’ve taken the advice on this thread and now start my day with a bowl of porridge accompanied by a chopped up banana and with a big table spoon of honey mixed into it. It’s quite nice indeed and I’d find it tastier than All Bran, jimmy.

I know we have the newly formed ‘Ask Runt About Cooking’ thread but I’m disappointed he hasn’t already provided some healthy meal recipes on this thread already.

Fair play CM, you really seem to know your stuff on this :clap:

Mix raspberries, blueberries and a glenisk low fat yougurt into the porridge. Good alternative to CM’s worthy suggestion.

I think I’ll follow suit Bandage, that All Bran is tough going alright.

I generally put blueberries in my porridge, full of antioxidants. But yeah, lump on the fruit!

I throw a spoon of chia seeds in aswell CM, great source of omega3.

Thanks. Will try that.

I have a fine crop of blueberries from my garden. I’ll bring in a few for Bandage tomorrow.

I’m going to the pub after work so I don’t want to be carrying them around with me all evening. You can drive over to my place on Saturday afternoon with a punnet for me.

You can have any pasta, noodle or rice dish but the key is to only have a small amount of which ever one you choose and load up on veg. So If you are having pasta either blend tomatos or buy tinned chopped tomatoes as all those jar sauces are full off shite. So you could stir fry chicken, add a good whack of veg, plenty of garlic, hint of chilly, add your tomatoes and a little spoon of pesto if you wish. Serve with pasta. Very simple, but the idea is as I said to load on on the veggies.

TFK really is one big loving family. What a beautiful gesture.

No fans of Weetabix or Weet-Bix here?

I hate porridge but 3 weetabix, low fat milk, blueberries and raspberries is surely the breakfast of champions?

CM has given more good food advice on one page than three years of the runt going on about his vegetable garden.

Interesting. My dinner today (without really knowing any of the above) was spaghetti bolognese with a huge slab of mixed veg (peas, carrot, cabbage) on the side.

Please continue your helpful tips - Clarkey is very keen for me to lose enough weight to be able to wear my grey stripy t-shirt again. He loves that one.

Making the switch to wholewheat pasta is a good idea. Unless it’s straight after exercise, white carbs should be avoided if at all possible.

Good work Bandage! Just make sure you are not having a shit load of spaghetti, and like I said make your own sauce, which is simple, rather than the jar stuff.

Clarkey, please provide Bandage with the moral support he needs here by using positive reinforcement and encouragement.