Diet & Nutrition

[quote=“caoimhaoin, post: 788506, member: 273”]For

With meats ( in reasonable amounts) I could eat them during a match. I have no problem digesting protein. .[/quote]

all i´ll say is your choice of foods is very unique…i´d have nothing more than a stong coffee within an hour of a training…best stimulant out there…the less work your stomach has to do digesting heavy food the more energy you will have to run…

She’s not in there a month, at this stage ye should be at it no less than 6 nights a week.

All this fasting then not fasting and watching Game of Thrones at 7 o’clock in the morning has you all over the shop mate-ye should be at it like rabbits for the first few months until ye eventually fall into a stale sexless rut like the rest of us.

That’s a very interesting take on things. I’ve certainly thought about making a move on a random Tuesday night but I didn’t think it was the done thing. I’d be worried all that sex would affect my wanking life tho?

No buddy, the wanking should only improve your sex life for now. At least wait until you’re a few months in to grow sexually and emotionally distant at which point your wanking life will have to be given full priority. As it’s a Tuesday let us know how things work out at some point tomorrow. Best of luck pal.


One, I’m not eating a meal.

Two, it was 2-3 hours before I was running, which is hardly unusual. Thousands of sports people eat meat before games. This carb loading stuff is a load of bollix and Most of the time people are loading with the wrong carbs.

you said during games you could eat meat…thats unheard of as far as I´m concerned and for good reason too…

Surprised you would say that being a Dublin fan.
Didn’t one of your lot recently try to eat a Donegal player during a game?

Runt wont answer that question as he tends to get a bit embarrassed about things like that when he is put on the spot , however ill field the question and say i rarely if ever perform such acts on weekday evenings and i know very few men that do

Lord Jesus…
This is outstanding posting from Kev lately

how long would you spend on the average wank CM?
feel free to include time taken to acquire sufficent imagery, locate housemate’s knickers, etc

Lord Jesus…
This is outstanding posting from Kev lately[/quote]

You can imagine him, one hand on the wheel of his Holden ute, tools in the back, elbow resting on the open window, the other hand clutching a fully cooked chicken while he tears chunks out of it while driving, spitting bones out the window, while hot Aussie girls walking down the street look on admiringly.

now, that’s fucking living the dream.

he’ll surely be donning a classic wifebeater vest as well.
great to hear he got the tools back, i presume the fuckers who stole them learned their lesson.
i think he owes the forum closure on this incident, ill never forget lapsed poster Fenwaypark efforts at counselling Kev when he turned to us for guidance.

No it’s not , I always have, or try to have beef jerky around. Admittedly that’s more a weight lifting/Powerlifting thing, but it works for me and plenty others as well.

As a young Irish lad said in the job the other day “Jesus these Aussies are fierce easy to impress”

For breakfast I had an OJ, carrot, raspberry and oats smoothie, a brown pitta with a slice of turkey, and a cup of green tea. I had some fruit and a cup of tea about 11. For lunch I had a salad, spinach, covered over with quinoa with some dressing I made, beetroot, carrot, pepper, tomato, feta and a chicken breast. I’ll have a banana before the gym later and a protein shake after, and about half 7 or 8 I’ll have my dinner which is a chicken stir fry with loads of veg and some brown rice. My healthiest day in a while I reckon.

Tell me how you made that smoothie

Handheld blender, you’ll get one for under 20, easiest thing in the world. Put your stuff in the container, blitz em with the blender, rinse blender under the tap, drink from container. No fuss. Use frozen berries, cheaper and makes it nice and cold.