Diet & Nutrition

Rents, where does Granada rate in the world university league table? Can we rely on this study?

During this rather pleasant, but sack drenching, run of weather, I think it ranks as No.1- However, expect rankings to drop somewhere closer to 200 as the temperatures drop.

FAO Mark Renton - Rents, I had takeaway/chipper food two days in succession (Saturday & Sunday) for the first time in about a year. I feel awful about it. I’m hoping it was a one off lapse caused in part due to circumstance (being out and about at matches/events and not having a regular structure to the day) but I was dying for pizza this evening. I managed to hold off but I’m teetering. How can I stay strong, pal?

Concerned in Dublin.

starve yourself bandage

the joy of being in the hungry state will overcome you

you will detest fatty food and appreciate healthy food even more

[quote=“The Wild Colonial Bhoy, post: 802114, member: 80”]starve yourself bandage

the joy of being in the hungry state will overcome you

you will detest fatty food and appreciate healthy food even more[/quote]
Do you not get the dole on a weekly basis? You bludgers need to learn to budget.

salary sacrifice mate

the greatest idea the aussies ever came up with

[quote=“Bandage, post: 802068, member: 9”]FAO Mark Renton - Rents, I had takeaway/chipper food two days in succession (Saturday & Sunday) for the first time in about a year. I feel awful about it. I’m hoping it was a one off lapse caused in part due to circumstance (being out and about at matches/events and not having a regular structure to the day) but I was dying for pizza this evening. I managed to hold off but I’m teetering. How can I stay strong, pal?

Concerned in Dublin.[/quote]

I’m in no place to comment really, concerned in Dublin, as I’ve had pretty much had the same weekend as yourself. But what’s done is done, forget it and get back on track. Plenty of water should help fight off cravings and to flush out the badness.

I believe in you!

[quote=“Mark Renton, post: 802131, member: 1796”]I’m in no place to comment really, concerned in Dublin, as I’ve had pretty much had the same weekend as yourself. But what’s done is done, forget it and get back on track. Plenty of water should help fight off cravings and to flush out the badness.

I believe in you![/quote]
Like Bishop Casey did in that big mouthed bitch in America?

Two toasted breakfast sandwiches with cheese for breakfast (sausage, rasher, black pudding). With a smoothie and coffee. The breakfast of champions.

toblerone and coffee…

is it a bad thing not being a big breakfast eater?

[quote=“count of monte cristo, post: 802188, member: 348”]toblerone and coffee…

is it a bad thing not being a big breakfast eater?[/quote]

Toblerone wouldn’t be ideal for breakfast count but if you go back a couple of pages the merits of eating/not eating breakfasts was discussed at length.

only one triangle Horsebox simply as it was there, find myself eating less and less these days…

might go abck to the Mark Renton fasting method, seems to be waht i generally do anyway…

[quote=“count of monte cristo, post: 802192, member: 348”]only one triangle Horsebox simply as it was there, find myself eating less and less these days…

might go abck to the Mark Renton fasting method, seems to be waht i generally do anyway…[/quote]

I’ve slipped a bit recently because the place where I get my coffee in the morning give free croissants with their coffee-I’ve being trying to stop buying my coffee in the mornings but I loathe instant coffee so it is a constant battle.

Fuck my life.

[quote=“count of monte cristo, post: 802188, member: 348”]toblerone and coffee…

is it a bad thing not being a big breakfast eater?[/quote]Dunno how bad it is for you. Breakfast is supposed to kickstart the metabolism for the day and people that eat it will burn more calories than people who don’t as with the longer break without food their bodies have gone into energy storing mode, or so I’ve read (no doubt someone will be on to debunk that). In my own head if I’m sore from training the day before I’d feel I need to get a meal in to fuel the repairing. I’d want to be getting some protein in anyway to keep me ticking over and I’d usually have at least 3 of my 5+ a day gotten into me with breakfast too.

[quote=“Horsebox, post: 802196, member: 1537”]I’ve slipped a bit recently because the place where I get my coffee in the morning give free croissants with their coffee-I’ve being trying to stop buying my coffee in the mornings but I loathe instant coffee so it is a constant battle.

Fuck my life.[/quote]Make coffee? Get a stove top coffee maker, they’re class yokes.

Ya and he can just pop it on the stove beside his till. Ideal.

[quote=“Horsebox, post: 802196, member: 1537”]I’ve slipped a bit recently because the place where I get my coffee in the morning give free croissants with their coffee-I’ve being trying to stop buying my coffee in the mornings but I loathe instant coffee so it is a constant battle.

Fuck my life.[/quote]

I concur.

I think everyone is different, if i have a hard training session, ill eat a lot of protein direclty after and rest.

fisrt thing in the morning i dinrk about a litre of water maybe a small glass of milk to get some small amount of protein and then head to work and have a cup of joe there…sometimes i will a banana of biscuits but more often than not my first food of the day would be a low gi bread sandwich consisiting of turkey ham lettuce and a slice of swiss #athlete

We have a filter here in work but whatever coffee they get is rank-I must buy some proper stuff myself and bring it in.

Or, you know, make it before he leaves the house. Either or.

A glass of water is enough to kick start your metabolism.