Diet & Nutrition

I believe there isn’t anything better than mackerel it’s a superfood but would you eat a couple after a good workout?? Like I said I don’t care for white fish that much but a couple of poached fillets of white fish with green beans and spuds.

Is there a place in Kinvara for fishing mackerel KP ??

Not anywhere that I am aware of really TC. The local German fisherman would goes off shore to get them. I assume if you went to Parkmore pier in Doorus you would probably catch a few.

Most lads would head for Blackhead, Glenina direction.

I know fcuk all about it to be honest. We have a lad renting a bit of land beside us from over that direction. He uses our Massey the odd time and we are never short of fresh fish or new spuds!

I’d kill for fresh mackerel you can keep the lobster, the sole or the salmon

A nice bit of mackerel that you plucked from the sea yourself around half an hour previously is the nicest thing I have ever tasted.

Lads, I’ve a question on cooking methods and nutrition. Do things like vegetables lose some of their goodness depending on how you cook them? As in, if I stir-fry a load of veg is it all that good for you? Or even boiling? I remember my auntie saying my granduncle Johnny, an inter-county stalwart but no cook, would leave the cabbage boiling so long it would lose any goodness it had in it. Is this true?

johnny callinan ???

steamed veg is the best and nicest IMO

That’s true. Over-boiling can take alot of the nutrients out the veg.

What about frying?

bought one a few weeks ago myself

its deadly

have you cooked a roast in it yet?

With a slow cooker, are you saying you’d put on something to cook before going to work and leave it going all day? Is it not a bit dangerous having it going all day, unattended?? Does it use much electricity?


yeah its really dangerous- there is a 50/50 chance that the house might be burnt down when you come home from work but its worth the risk for the succulent meat that it makes

50/50 is grand.
I’d take the risk for the nice grub, thanks TASE.

My yoke is a 150w… So at 20c a KWh it proba costs about 30c to cook the dinner. The oven would cost more.

No TASE, just a Beef curry, a lamb curry and a Hungarian Goulash is brewing away as we speak.

I am gonna try a few lamb shanks in it at the weekend.

A roast wouldn’t technically be a roast in one of these? or would it?

[quote=“Kinvara, post: 699495”]

im not sure- the instructions with the ones i got said to cook roasts

lamb shanks would be sublime- you wouldnt need a knife,

Cooked vegetables contain less of the nutriants and vitamens than raw ones do.
Boiling is worst unless you drink the water its boilt in.
Dont know but stir fry wouldnt be too bad assuming you just flash fry them.

try to eat as much raw food as possible they say.
Personally id juice a carrot, some celery, cucumber,ginger, and some green leaves(cabbage or spinach) every morning a few hopurs before id have breakfast in a proper slow juicer, not one of those cheap spinning juicers.
doing this over a year now, best thing i evr took up

Any recommendations on where to get one of these or what type to get? i think, one we have i think its a Samson.

cost about €250, a great investment

Has this routine resulted in any skin improvements pal?

acne is totally gone.

these juicers would be a great idea for fat fucks like you.

Thanks pal. Will keep it in mind.

I’d just like to take a moment to congratulate Bandage on the success of this thread. There were some who sneered and scoffed at its inception, but it really has united the board. :clap: