Diet & Nutrition

Thanks pal. By and large it’s been a thread that’s really bonded the board together. Obviously there’s been a few regretful posts - none more so that HBV’s jibe about my weight after my polite enquiry about whether he’s still got a spotty face despite being in his 40s. Now he’s even transferred his ire over onto the Business Trips thread.

i didnt mean to hurt you, but sometimes fat people need a bit a humiliation to motivate themselves.

That’s the difference mate, whatever about your outward appearance you are a beautiful man on the inside, where it counts. HBV* is a horrible cunt to the core.

[quote=“HBV*, post: 699505”]i didnt mean to hurt you, but sometimes fat people need a bit a humiliation to motivate themselves.

Did pizza face jibes motivate you to buy the slow juicer pal?

yes, i often thought was ncc the man behind

I was in a rush this morning so i grabbed cornfalkes and a banana- I’m fooking starving already! Porridge usually keeps me going until 12.30, it really is the breakfast of winners.

I find 3 weetabix is the job, I’d have it at 7am and it’d keep me going until 12:30. Porridge is in a class of its own though.
I’d usually have an ommlette for lunch which fills me until 7ish for dinner.

the weetabix in Oz are about 66% of a normal size one- KIB doesnt really eat as much as he is portraying

An omelette is a fantastic meal
id often have one for dinner, well not cooked by me, it would contain yellow cheese , mushrooms and parsley usually, served with a salad of tomatoe , red peppers , cucumbers , mozzarella and also a load of pitta with hummus and hareef ( very very hot red spice)

my diet is all over the place lately, i actually have noticed that i dont eat breakfast any more, i think its from getting older.
In the morning now on the way to work id usually just get a cappucino if i havent already made something to drink on the way out the door,
Drinking a coffee totally takes the edge off any morning hunger
id eat a decent lunch around 12 in work and would then have a dinner around 9 to 9-30 , just drinking a coffee in between or if going to the gym or playing 5 a side id probably have a yogurt , muffin or few dates to keep me ticking over

i also find that im sleeping a lot less last 12 months, im fine on 5 hours sleep on the weeknights.
Im still excercising quite regularly, i did some good core work last night and some good dynamic stretching also on my glutes.

I’d have a 3 egg omlette with peppers, cherry tomatoes, red onion a small bit of cheese and some mixed herbs. No salt needed. Maybe a slice of homemade brown bread with it as well. I’d have that almost every day as I can head home for lunch. I wouldn’t eat anything at work. Just sip away at a few litres of water during the day.


Why would you do that? you must be pissing all day

[quote=“mickee321, post: 699514”]

Why would you do that? you must be pissing all day[/quote]
2L of water over the whole day wouldn’t be much.

Keep up the good work Bandage :clap:

I would drink around 2 lites of water at my desk each day, along with a couple of mugs of tea.

Would probably take around 4 pisses in an average working day

Chocolate Mice, my regime has took a pasting yesterday at the American Football and afterwards (lager, maltesers, tequila, wine gums, jaeger, taco fries, vodka / red bull). Is it alright to have blow outs like this? I don’t feel capable of cooking today so I may have to resort to a take-away later too.

Yes Bando.

If you are living by a low carb diet cheat days are encouraged, as in a day where you splurge on what you like.

Man can’t live on bread and water alone, so just write it off and begin again tomorrow. What’s important is that these days are now the exception rather than then norm.

FAO Chocolate Mice: Thank you for your help and support to date.

I bought a new suit the other day and my waist size has reduced by 2 inches since I started my programme 6 weeks ago.

My aim now is to get down to below a 40 inch waist by Halloween. Thanks again pal.

[quote=“Bandage, post: 699520”]FAO Chocolate Mice: Thank you for your help and support to date.

I bought a new suit the other day and my waist size has reduced by 2 inches since I started my programme 6 weeks ago.

My aim now is to get down to below a 40 inch waist by Halloween. Thanks again pal.[/quote]


40 waist or 40 jacket?

That’s fantastic news pal.

With each inch you’ll feel like a new man but the most important thing to remember here is that by reducing your waist you are also adding on years to your life, quality years at that. So keep going mate.

And yeah, there will be a few bumps along the way, but don’t let them throw you off course. We are all rooting for you.