Diet & Nutrition

I was just reading there, that if you were to have a medium to large latte everyday for a year, or one of these type of coffees, it can add up to ten lbs on a person.

Bando, get on the green tea mate.

Given your healthbuzz of recent times, I’m very surprised that you only realised this now CM.

Chai lattes are considered the healthier alternative.

Thanks for the heads up, CM. I actually used to have a coffee, cappuccino or latte on my weekday lunch breaks but I gave it up when I started my regime 6 weeks and 4 days ago. Ahead of the curve pal.

[quote=“ChocolateMice, post: 699524”]I was just reading there, that if you were to have a medium to large latte everyday for a year, or one of these type of coffees, it can add up to ten lbs on a person.

Bando, get on the green tea mate.[/quote]

Where were you reading this CM?

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Rod Liddle.

In the jacks kid, where I do most of my reading.

Coffee is grand just drink it black or with a tiny drop of milk. Prefer a double espresso myself as most coffee here is far too weak.

Its good to thin the blood in the same way as a glass of red wine, no calories except what you add with milk or cream, and its full of soluble fibre to keep thing moving. Cut sugar out of coffee and you’re grand!

Not interested


Next tip is switch that beer to a guinness. Fewer calories and nicer cause most beer in Ireland is piss.

Are you sure Guinness has less calories than beer / lager pal?

It has less fat, not less calories.

Paulaner is a fantastic beer, and a very low cal one at that compared to others.

Dont be listenin to no one else but me, kid!

According to something I read before it was significantly less… just did a google on it there and the values put on it are varying hugely! Still saves a few on heineken or budweiser though.

CM, what’s your policy on the consumption of fat in and around workouts? I tend to avoid it for an hour beforehand and an hour afterwards.

I dont have one really- I’d eat more protein based food -meat/fish, which generally comes with fat, after weights, but after a severe cardio workout out I would have a more protein/carb balanced meal to replenish glycogen… All that has kinda gone out the window with this intermittent fasting and I have a balance of all 3 in my meals. Advice on what to eat post workout seems to differ according to the next person though, so whatever works for you I guess.

I only stated back training monday since June (weights) so i’ll see how this goes with the fasting- I must put up my programme actually for Kev to critique

FAO ChocolateMice, I need a pep talk pal. I’m in danger of flagging. Feeling a bit low about the imminent end of the strawberry season and not really taken with other types of fruit so much. Also hankering after cappuccino and hamburgers lately.

Coffee should always be drank black - its why most of Modern America avoids liver disease.

Check this guy out , most sensible of “gurus” and you dont have to buy anything!!!

I’ve found a fellow American for you and he will break it down in your own lingo, pal.

Anyone else here a consumer of Manuka honey? A jar of it in a health shop can retail at €30 plus however I picked a jar up in Lidl for about €5. I’m assuming the Lidl stuff is just as good?? There was a Kiwi lad on the radio this morning explaining it’s unrivalled therapeutic and antibacterial benefits over other types of honey.

I was brought up to believe that breakfast is the most importmant meal of the day. These days I always make time for my big bowl of porridge with a decent mix of either fresh blueberries, strawberries, banana, walnuts, linseeds with Lidl’s Manuka honey drizzled over it. I’ll also have 2 slices of McCambridges Wholewheat bread or a boiled egg. Sometimes both if I want a ‘clear run of the day’ till around 2 or 3ish.

You were brought up incorrectly.* It has long been established that breakfast is for losers. Honey, however, is fantastic and I would advise anyone to add it to their diet.

*[size=2]Strictly in reagards your dietary habits- Having met your people they are a wonderful bunch who I won’t have a bad word said against.[/size]

you get what you pay for, the one in lidl probably has a 5+ rating and is basically usless id say and no better than a jar of standard blended honey.
the expensive jar was probably a 50+ or higher and is expensive for a reason. what you want is the one with a high number and its not cheap.

another thing, you dont want to be putting your manuka into porridge or take it with any type of food. it is to be taken before food, about half an hour or more if you want any benefit from it.
i think it was fagan who was saying recently how he puts it in porridge also and i had a good chuckle to myself at the old buzzard