Diet & Nutrition


Thank you for the nice words CM. However, only a cunt thinks breakfast is for losers.

Who has established that theory?

CM, would you not agree that your lunch is actually your BREAK FAST?

So technically your having breakfast just a little later in the day than those of us who are not doing IF.

Youre being pedantic now. Technically you are correct, but what Phil and I were talking about is eating within the first hour or so of waking, not 3-4 hrs later like winners do.

its clear you have fuck all to do with yourself everyday if you do indeed eat like that.

then again, your ethnic background would mean breakfast before noon would have been a rarity growing up

Are Freddo bars good for the diet??


Being a winner is not specific to any one ethnic group, pal. Anyway, eating breakfast did little for your complexion- Maybe if you skipped scoffing from the troff you were fed from once and a while you would not have ended up being riddled with acne.

Go back to fingering your arse and examining your prostate.

just as i thought, a fucking waster
how old are you now? have you ever worked a day in your life?

I worked a day in '05 and another in '08. It’s not really for me.

How about youreslf? Blow the board away there with your manliness… Or is it too hard to conceive in your little pea brain that somone can go a few hours without food and still do a bit of work? You really are a simple muldoon -’ I ate hard, I work hard and I drink hard’-

[quote=“ChocolateMice, post: 699553”]

I worked a day in '05 and another in '08. It’s not really for me.

How about youreslf? Blow the board away there with your manliness… Or is it too hard to conceive in your little pea brain that somone can go a few hours without food and still do a bit of work? You really are a simple muldoon -’ I ate hard, I work hard and I drink hard’-[/quote]

The janitor in Mary I is getting tetchy

FAO ChocolateMice: can I get your opinion on wraps please? Obviously they’re gay but are they healthy? How about a plain wrap with a tiny bit of mayo, chicken, grated cheese, lettuce and mixed peppers?

There’s not much difference calorie wise between bread and a lot of wraps. Give the mayo and the cheese a miss maybe. Plus I suspect from all the ribbing you get from your mates on here about your weight that the chicken is probably of the disgusting breaded crap variety and therefore not really chicken at all. If you work near a Superquinn why not try some of their delicious salads.

Thanks for the reply, Horsebox. Mouse, can you please confirm the accuracy of his response?

One simple switch will make an impact Bandage, cut out all white bread. Wholewheat rolls, wraps, baps, whatever, there’s pretty much always a wholewheat alternative. Cut mayo is you can, it’s more or less the same as butter, and definitely cut things like coleslaw that are full of it. Mustard is a good alternative for a sauce.

I read a very interesting piece at the weekend which basically stated that the whole “white bread is bad” mantra is a load of bollix. It said:[list]
[]White bread is one of the main contributors of fibre, iron and calcium and can in fact make a positive contribution to Irish peoples diet
]White bread is not fattening
[]It does not cause bloathing
]White bread is naturally low in fat
I would like to thank the good guys at Brennans Bread for finally debunking this myth.


Brown will still in general have a lower GI index, more fibre and more nutrients as far as I’m aware though. It’s a rule of thumb not gospel.

Thanks for the further comments lads but I’d still like ChocolateMice to add his tuppence worth.

Just hope he’s not put out because I ignored a PM from him the other day.

Hey I don’t think the No 1 sellers of white bread in Ireland would lie mate.

What benefits does Brown Rice have over White Rice? From looking at the boxes it seems Brown Rice is more fattening :strokechin: