Diet & Nutrition

Chinese some nights, traditional chipper other nights and even pizza on the odd occasion too.

Cat food is full of sugar too, that whiskas and the likes. Same with pedigree chum. It’s worth paying the extra few bob to feed our pets well.

I only eat food I prepare myself at this stage, I can’t see myself ever eating a restaurant again, you just can’t trust them and what they are putting into their food

[QUOTE=“Tassotti, post: 1075522, member: 361”]Lads, I watched this last weekend, it has changed my life in ways that I did not think was possible, it exposes the savage truth about sugar and the amount of it in food, food you never even thought possible


Lucky those pulverised fruits in the nutri bullet have fuck all sugar.

[QUOTE=“Spidey, post: 1075597, member: 289”]Lucky those pulverised fruits in the nutri bullet have fuck all sugar.[/QUOTE]processed sugar I’m on about you mug, when you eat natural sugar in fruit, you get the fibre with the fruit and your body can handle it

I just discovered the joys of dry frying, my life has changed in positive ways beyond my wildest imagination. All I ate today was a bowl of porridge with blueberries in it, and two small pieces of salmon dry fried in a pan with cajun spices all over them and a bit of salad, and of course 4 or 5 bullets, absolutely unreal, I am so light on my feet and full of energy, done a hard HIIT session around 7 and I am still ready to go

Christ you must have been very bad before if what i saw Friday is an improvement. Shoveling carvery mash into your mouth as gravy ran down your chin.

I had the chicken curry on Friday, mate.

Chicken curry with mash! What a roaster!

You should have seen the cut of him.
His tie sitting into the bowl of curry

[QUOTE=“TreatyStones, post: 1075706, member: 1786”]You should have seen the cut of him.
His tie sitting into the bowl of curry[/QUOTE]
The sweat will be pouring out of him trying to shit that out tomorrow.

My daily intake is now:

[]4 chicken fillets
]3 eggs (1 yolk)
[]2 fist fulls of spinach
]Porridge with goats milk
[]Half bag of rice
]Stalk of broccoli
[]Tin of tuna
]Half a big tub of Greek yogurt
[]Half an advocado
]1 banana
[]3x fish oil capsules
]1x Whey protein and creatine shake
[]1x Glutamine shake
]1 iron tablet
[]1 zinc tablet
]3x random nutri blasts
[*]3 litres of water
I have being sticking to this religiously for the last week now.

[QUOTE=“Il Bomber Destro, post: 1075811, member: 2533”]My daily intake is now:

[]4 chicken fillets
]3 eggs (1 yolk)
[]2 fist fulls of spinach
]Porridge with goats milk
[]Half bag of rice
]Stalk of broccoli
[]Tin of tuna
]Half a big tub of Greek yogurt
[]Half an advocado
]1 banana
[]3x fish oil capsules
]1x Whey protein and creatine shake
[]1x Glutamine shake
]1 iron tablet
[]1 zinc tablet
]3x random nutri blasts
[*]3 litres of water
I have being sticking to this religiously for the last week now.[/QUOTE]

Have you noticed any changes to your physique, mood etc yet, mate?

Yes, I have a zen like presence about me in my everyday life. I have always had a high metabolism and kept a good figure all my life but I have already seen more signs of toning and definition during the week. I would consider my natural physique similar to that of Giorgio Chiellini in that I have a very lean build but am really broad at the shoulders. My aim is to get a slight bit more toned and add about one stone of muscle while maintaining a body fat of <5%.

[QUOTE=“Il Bomber Destro, post: 1075819, member: 2533”]Yes, I have a zen like presence about me in my everyday life. I have always had a high metabolism and kept a good figure all my life but I have already seen more signs of toning and definition during the week. I would consider my natural physique similar to that of Giorgio Chiellini in that I have a very lean build but am really broad at the shoulders. My aim is to get a slight bit more toned and add about one stone of muscle while maintaining a body fat of <5%.[/QUOTE]you must have a savage 6 pack bomber?

Unreal, the obliques are showing up really good now as well.

[QUOTE=“Il Bomber Destro, post: 1075811, member: 2533”]My daily intake is now:

[]4 chicken fillets
]3 eggs (1 yolk)
[]2 fist fulls of spinach
]Porridge with goats milk
[]Half bag of rice
]Stalk of broccoli
[]Tin of tuna
]Half a big tub of Greek yogurt
[]Half an advocado
]1 banana
[]3x fish oil capsules
]1x Whey protein and creatine shake
[]1x Glutamine shake
]1 iron tablet
[]1 zinc tablet
]3x random nutri blasts
[*]3 litres of water
I have being sticking to this religiously for the last week now.[/QUOTE]

Your body needs variety. You’ll stop to feel the benefits of the above fairly soon.


His oestrogen levels will be through the roof with that many chicken breasts a day. Bye bye fertility. Might explain why he’s been such a fanny.

I’m being genuine for a change pal.