Diet & Nutrition

You faggot.

low carb/no carb and sugar free is the only way lads, the only way, I was sitting in the sauna last night and nealry went mental, really had to bite my lip, two English roasters discussing the merits of low fat alternatives, one of them thought he was doing great by using low fat salad dressing, I nearly roared out “it still has the same amount of sugar you mug, no wonder you are still a fat cunt like mac”

You should have roared it out and clamped him badly.

I am very envious with the level of will-power and power of the mind you are exhibiting to keep this going. I’m going woeful bad myself at the moment. I haven’t exercised meaningfully in a few months and keep putting going back to it on the long finger. As a result of not exercising everything else goes out the window i.e. diet. I’m drinking too much but worse my eating isn’t great either. Only today i went to the chipper for my lunch, yes i was in a chip shop at 1pm at the top of the queue ordering greasy, non organic fish and chips. I had a dinner when i came home which wasn’t bad, some leftover stew from yesterday with spuds. And i was eating it thinking how repulsed i was by the spuds, i think i hate spuds at the moment. I’m after some lindt chocolate there now with a cup of coffee and i’m hungry to ate something again. The problem with ating this stuff is it doesn’t give your body what it needs and it’s constantly craving more shit, so i am there shovelling shit down my gob to satisfy my false hunger. Needless to say i haven’t used the nutri bullet in two weeks. Any day now i will kick these bad habits and sort myself out…

[QUOTE=“Tess Tickle, post: 1077479, member: 2269”]You should have roared it out and clamped him badly.

I am very envious with the level of will-power and power of the mind you are exhibiting to keep this going. I’m going woeful bad myself at the moment. I haven’t exercised meaningfully in a few months and keep putting going back to it on the long finger. As a result of not exercising everything else goes out the window i.e. diet. I’m drinking too much but worse my eating isn’t great either. Only today i went to the chipper for my lunch, yes i was in a chip shop at 1pm at the top of the queue ordering greasy, non organic fish and chips. I had a dinner when i came home which wasn’t bad, some leftover stew from yesterday with spuds. And i was eating it thinking how repulsed i was by the spuds, i think i hate spuds at the moment. I’m after some lindt chocolate there now with a cup of coffee and i’m hungry to ate something again. The problem with ating this stuff is it doesn’t give your body what it needs and it’s constantly craving more shit, so i am there shovelling shit down my gob to satisfy my false hunger. Needless to say i haven’t used the nutri bullet in two weeks. Any day now i will kick these bad habits and sort myself out…[/QUOTE]Its the sugar, I am telling you, its fucking deadly, it hot-wires your brain and messes it up into thinking it is still hungry, you need to get it out of your diet, even though it is savage hard, try to stop eating processed food, and cut out bread aswell and processed carbs, after a few days you will see the benefits, I used to eat like fuck aswell, it was all false appetite down to savage bad diet, all I had today was a salad and two eggs at lunchtime and just had my dinner which consisted of a piece of salmon and as much green veg as I could eat, that its now for the day (also a a bullet at 7am and a bullet proof coffee) my watch actually twisted around on my wrist today today, I am losing so much weight, its unreal, absolutely unbelievable, the clarity of though and energy I have, my life has changed in ways that I never thought possible, my six pack should starting showing after another two weeks of this

[QUOTE=“Tess Tickle, post: 1077479, member: 2269”]You should have roared it out and clamped him badly.

I am very envious with the level of will-power and power of the mind you are exhibiting to keep this going. I’m going woeful bad myself at the moment. I haven’t exercised meaningfully in a few months and keep putting going back to it on the long finger. As a result of not exercising everything else goes out the window i.e. diet. I’m drinking too much but worse my eating isn’t great either. Only today i went to the chipper for my lunch, yes i was in a chip shop at 1pm at the top of the queue ordering greasy, non organic fish and chips. I had a dinner when i came home which wasn’t bad, some leftover stew from yesterday with spuds. And i was eating it thinking how repulsed i was by the spuds, i think i hate spuds at the moment. I’m after some lindt chocolate there now with a cup of coffee and i’m hungry to ate something again. The problem with ating this stuff is it doesn’t give your body what it needs and it’s constantly craving more shit, so i am there shovelling shit down my gob to satisfy my false hunger. Needless to say i haven’t used the nutri bullet in two weeks. Any day now i will kick these bad habits and sort myself out…[/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=“The Dunph, post: 287858, member: 116”]In the past hour i’ve had a ham and cheese sandwich, a cup of tea, a full pizza, a mars bar and i’m now in the process of eating a kit-kat with my second cup of tea.

And i’d quite a large helping of Shepard’s pie for my dinner this evening.

Is this normal? :confused:[/QUOTE]


Was @The Dunph a roaster?

no way mate, he was the finest poster seen around these parts. I doubt we will ever see the likes of him again, he gave us a 387/1 darts double before

He was and very proud of it.

He was king of the roasters long before macs ascension.

I’m only babysitting it until @Tess Tickle[/USER] finally admits that he is actually [USER=116]@The Dunph so I can hand the crown back over

You’re still beating this drum, mate.

Indeed I am pal, indeed I am

stop it please.It does Tess and the dunph a massive disservice to continually compare them, they are top notch posters in their own right


[QUOTE=“The Selfish Giant, post: 1078025, member: 80”]stop it please.It does Tess and the dunph a massive disservice to continually compare them, they are top notch posters in their own right


I’ll take your request under consideration mate

Mac is like Scrunchies uncle with the stack of unsolved cases. “I always suspected he was the Dunph but there was just no evidence to prove it.” He too will bring out a book some day. “Also I think Willie who we met in Coppers was actually the poster @Bisto but again, there wasn’t a shred of evidence but i kept banging that drum anyway. When i get an idea into my head i just won’t led it go as i’m very pig-headed.”


Yep, looks like I’ve touched a nerve here alright. A very defensive response.

“I spent every Saturday night for two years standing outside the male toilets in Coppers looking for Willie but he was never to be seen from or heard from again. I even went to Limerick looking for the Dunph and to pubs he was known to frequent, i asked random guys in pubs if they were the Dunph but was met with bemused looks. It was like they just vanished into thin air. These cases will more than likely never be solved, well at least not by me. Coincidentally, it was around this time i was persuaded, by my boss in the investigating firm, that i might be better suited to another industry. And so, after my bad experience in the craft beer sector, i turned to the Christmas jumper industry.”

Very good mate.

had 45 grammes of spelt pasta there for my post HIIT meal, its unreal and a superb low carb alternative to normal pasta