Diet & Nutrition

[QUOTE=“ChocolateMice, post: 1078444, member: 168”]@Mac.
Home made granola- princess style- porridge oats 400g, mixed seeds 120g, mixed nuts 80kg, flaked almonds 1/2 packet, 4 tablespoons coconut oil, 4 table spoons of honey (melted in microwave for 15 seconds) mix it up and whack it on grease proof paper in a dish and into the oven for 25 mins at 140 degrees. Unreal.[/QUOTE]

I haven’t got 25 mins in the morning mate. I’ll give that a try sometime though.

You cock. Try making it at night- that portion will do you for the week.

What am I making mate? Some kind of flapjack? What should the end result look like?

It will be granola mate. The heat is low and bakes/makes it crunchy. No sugar and you get your porridge and coconut oil.

It’s easy carry fruit, nuts and protein bars around instead of reaching for fizzy drinks.

I’ve given up on my short stint with protein bars. I find them physically difficult to eat and they taste horrible.

I found the quest bars nice but in general I agree. They’re pricey to buy and I don’t really need to have them. They’d be handy if you genuinely had no time for food for long stretches though.

Buy a set of glass tupperware. Cook once a day or every other day, make however many meals you want and work from that. Im not talking about bbq chicken and roasted sweet potato 6 times a day but you will eat whatever you cook once its prepped. After a week it will be automatic.

nearly down to 83 kilos, unreal, I’ll have to buy a few pair of 30 waist trousers tomorrow, on the 4th of January I was 91 kilos

4 mackerel fillets on there now for a post weights session meal, going to have it with a green bean and broccoli salad

Had 2 slices if pizza from Fast Al’s tonight. Cheat days are great. Having a Castaway IPA now watching spiral. That’s even better.

Is that the extent of the cheating you did? How strict are you with diet the rest of the week?

cheat days, that is so backward and 1990’s, if you had a healthy balanced diet you would not need to pig out on processed carbs and sugar every second week


Sounds like a weak, weak person having cheat days.

Had French bread rolls (generally very bad for me), sausages and a bag of discos throughout the day as well.

Generally good , Meat and veg 3-4 times. Home made Indian or Mexican some nights.
During the day I eat little. Porridge in mornings sometimes if I have a particularly big day but not always, but usually it’s banana, nuts & tinned tuna/mackerel to get me thru the day.

I do eat a chocolate bar about every other day and have the odd break out with fizzy jellies of some sort. Usually when very tired.

Not perfect, but I don’t think you have to be.

[QUOTE=“Il Bomber Destro, post: 1080369, member: 2533”]+1

Sounds like a weak, weak person having cheat days.[/QUOTE]its a sign of a very badly designed eating plan and diet, he obviously must have savage cravings that can only be satisfied by carbs and sugar, he must not be serious about health and fitness at all

French bread, sausage rolls, bars of chocolate every day? Mexican and Indian food with loads of salt, rice and processed carbs :smiley: is this lad for real giving dietary and nutritional advice?

You should have stayed in school longer. You’re not very good at the reading.

[QUOTE=“caoimhaoin, post: 1080372, member: 273”]Had French bread rolls (generally very bad for me), sausages and a bag of discos throughout the day as well.

Generally good , Meat and veg 3-4 times. Home made Indian or Mexican some nights.
During the day I eat little. Porridge in mornings sometimes if I have a particularly big day but not always, but usually it’s banana, nuts & tinned tuna/mackerel to get me thru the day.

I do eat a chocolate bar about every other day and have the odd break out with fizzy jellies of some sort. Usually when very tired.

Not perfect, but I don’t think you have to be.[/QUOTE]
Is that how you like to eat, or is it a lot of effort? Sounds miserable to me but everyone has different habits. I would take in a lot more than that but eat well mostly. Agree on the last point.

What would a normal days eating look like?