Diet & Nutrition

I don’t like to stop too long for lunch or at work. Start early, finish early. So that an the fact that I love tuna makes it easy. It’s just important I stay away from starchy stuff. Fasting thru the night and maybe up to 12/1 and just having a tuna or something works for me, many people stay healthier that way. Everyone is different though.

We eat too much in general.

I still hit the 2-3000 calories a day generally.

It’s no effort by the way.

warm mackerel salad again there for breakfast, fantastic, it is really is a super food

Guacamole, scrambled eggs and smoked salmon for lunch

Over to the folks and a big fry was served up. Polished it off. Feel ill now.

Steak n Kidney pie. Hand a chicken one yesterday. The lady down the market gave me a rake of em. I loves a good pie I does.

Did shamrock win

Few pints last night. Eating a bit of walking around ham today

Lovely fish, stinks the house out though.

[QUOTE=“ChocolateMice, post: 1078444, member: 168”]@Mac.
Home made granola- princess style- porridge oats 400g, mixed seeds 120g, mixed nuts 80kg, flaked almonds 1/2 packet, 4 tablespoons coconut oil, 4 table spoons of honey (melted in microwave for 15 seconds) mix it up and whack it on grease proof paper in a dish and into the oven for 25 mins at 140 degrees. Unreal.[/QUOTE]
Just made this. Delish.

It’s unreal.


I must make that tomorrow evening. Porridge is getting a bit boring.

You can add in more fruit if you like… On that topic, the loose raisins we sell are unreal. Figs and apricots also… A combination of those would liven up your porridge, pal.

How big was the dish?

I used two baking trays to make sure all the oats were nice and toasty

Made something similar at the weekend, with rakes of peanut butter. To be honest I was aiming for flapjacks but it crumbled to bits so granola it was. Had a bowl at 8 this morning topped with Greek yogurt and hot raspberries and a smoothie(/nutri blast :oops:). Wasn’t even hungry at half 1 today. Unreal.

Princess is winning :clap::clap::clap:

I made this last night as well. Very nice.


We also had a fresh batch made up last night- the board has found its unifying moment.

@Tassotti needs to get on this asap.

[QUOTE=“ChocolateMice, post: 1081324, member: 168”]Unreal.

We also had a fresh batch made up last night- the board has found its unifying moment.

@Tassotti needs to get on this asap.[/QUOTE]

If Tassotti gets any greater clarity he will become transparent.