Diet & Nutrition

He’ll be cogitating all over the place.


:rolleyes: FFS

scoff all you want, I am in such an enlightened state, I see only solutions, not problems. That granola stuff is full of sugar

5 tips on improving your skin

a trick I have in the morning is to wipe the spoon I serve out the coconut oil into my hands, and then I rub my hands all over my hair and face, you do not want to waste one micro gramme of that natural goodness

nothing I could not have told ye already

12 foods to avoid if you are serious about fitness

[QUOTE=“Tassotti, post: 1082686, member: 361”]nothing I could not have told ye already

12 foods to avoid if you are serious about fitness[/QUOTE]

:rolleyes: ground breaking stuff there alright

[QUOTE=“TreatyStones, post: 1082691, member: 1786”]:rolleyes: ground breaking stuff there alright[/QUOTE]and only one page ago you were making granola by the bucket load you mug :smiley:

You mug. That article is about shop bought granola. Homemade granola is as good as you can get. Oats, nuts, seeds and a small bit of honey.

Mrs Mac just suggested we buy a nutri-bullet :eek:

I’ve been ateing granola (flapjacks that fell apart :oops:) with Greek yogurt for breakfast all week. My energy levels are through the roof and cogitative performance is unreal.

HIIT session there, what a way to start the day

NASCAR mug off the gluten free brigade

good and proper

gluten is for mugs, with big swollen belly’s

white roll with butter, swiss cheese, ham. shredded lettuce and peppers
bag of wedges
machine coffee

fit to explode and feel like falling asleep

81.5 kilos, this is the stuff of legends. hadn’t weighed myself since last sunday at 84 kilos, if I was on one of those weight loss programmes I’d be off the fucking charts and winning all sorts, putting fat cunts to shame, except I am not fat, I liken myself to boxer getting down to fighting weight, the mental strength and willpower I have to eat just a salad at lunch and a strictly measured dinner is absolutely unbelievable, unreal, I have to admit I go to bed hungry every night, but its worth it. I must be, mentally, the strongest willed person on here.

You’re an inspiration to me, mate. I did a 45-minute work-out from 7.15pm to 8pm and then took my first post-injury tentative running steps at 8.15pm. I’m very much easing my way back in so I ran for 1 minute and then walked for 1 minute 30 and then repeated this 8 times. I finished it in 20 minutes, which was a great time. I’ve just had a bowl of vegetable soup for my dinner having had a banana and coffee before my work-out.

I’m proud of you, mate. I really am.

When will you be able to return to active service, pal?

[QUOTE=“Bandage, post: 1083414, member: 9”]You’re an inspiration to me, mate. I did a 45-minute work-out from 7.15pm to 8pm and then took my first post-injury tentative running steps at 8.15pm. I’m very much easing my way back in so I ran for 1 minute and then walked for 1 minute 30 and then repeated this 8 times. I finished it in 20 minutes, which was a great time. I’ve just had a bowl of vegetable soup for my dinner having had a banana and coffee before my work-out.[/QUOTE]Bandage you inspire me aswell, that is what it is about, support, love and friendship

4th January: 91 kilos
31st January 7am: a touch under 81 kilos

take your operation transformation and shove it up your arse, weight loss is simple, cut out alcohol, sugar and starch and eat proper, go low carb. Any mug can do it. I look at fat slobs now and they disgust me, its lack of will power, simple as that, I find myself in Tesco now looking at everyone’s baskets and feel repulsed